Greene County, Arkansas

Famous Meteorite Is Now On A Cash Bid of $2,200

April 25, 1930

By The Associated Press

The Famous meteorite that came crashing from the skies on the farm of Joe H. Fletcher of the Finch - Lorado community, destined to become internationally famed by reason of its unusal composition and enormous size, continues on display at the office of the Daily Press and The Tri-Weekly Soliphone in Paragould, where it continues to be veiwed by hundreds of people daily. Bidding for possession of the curious object continues and the price proposed today was $2,200.

Until the object is finally disposed of it will continue on display at this office where vistors may be privileged to view and inspect it. It is believed a conservative estimate of the number of people who have called to see the mysterious heavenly object would be around fifteen thousand persons.

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