City Council Votes to Purchase $3,000
Worth of War Bonds at Meeting
Nath Coln, 48, assistant chief
of police, was named chief of
police, succeeding Arthur Dees,
who resigned to enter some other work, at Monday's meeting of the City
Council, which was attended by all members.
Mr. Coln has been assistant chief on the force about two years. He
served as deputy sheriff under Sheriffs John B. Farrel, Len Waldrum, W. T.
Crowley, and Paul Bratton, being jailer under the latter two years. He
was city marshal at Marmaduke from 1934 to 1940, inclusive.
The City Council voted to purchase $3,000 worth of war bonds from the
city's general fund.
The Council rejected the beer license application of Gus Beavers, Wall
Street pool room operator.
First of the month bills and claims were allowed and officers' reports
were read
and approved. |