Greene County, Arkansas

Grooms K

page 4

055 0173 1984 Kemmett Donald E. . Johns Alesia L.
059 0788 1992 Kemmett Donald E. . Eaton Kathy D.
020 0176 1926 Kemmett John . . Tidwell Maudie .
047 0235 1971 Kemp Donnie . . Kilburn Freda .
046 0215 1970 Kemp Lonnie E. . Lands June .
60 0455 1993 Kemp Steven D. . Mitchem Lynda A.D.
034 0351 1948 Kemp Travis E. . Lenderman Javene .
036 0143 1950 Kemp Verlon . . Fox Grace .
044 0285 1966 Kemp William F. . Speaks Allean F.
018 0249 1922 Kemper A. E. . Cupp Corrintha .
020 0357 1927 Kemper A. E. . Crumb Francis .
018 0300 1923 Kemper Fielden . . Gaulf Bonnie .
062 0666 1996 Kemper Matthew B. . Farmer Pamela S.
032 0196 1946 Kempf George M. . Hursey Pearl L.
025 0308 1936 Kendall Burrell M. . Adams Roxie .
013 0027 1913 Kendall J. M. . Gill Minnie .
015 0357 1918 Kendall Lawrence . . Gray Annie .
055 0289 1984 Kendall Robin D. . Long Vicci D.
053 0069 1980 Kendall Rodney R. . Bradley Melody .
057 0160 1987 Kendall Rodney R. . Miles Elisa C.
046 0035 1969 Kender Bobby . . Camppell Pamela .
051 0460 1978 Kender Bobby . . Richardson Sue
054 0317 1982 Kendrick Jerry . . Fox Lisa .
032 0330 1946 Kendrick Robert E. . Dobbs Wilma E.
031 0028 1944 Keniston Raphael W. . Brown Gerlene .
017 0446 1922 Kenley Graves R. . Thompson Vestalle .
033 0506 1947 Kennard Manion M. . Harris Estelle .
004 0165 1892 Kenneday Walter . . Cameron Maude .
002 0415 1880 Kennedy Ashley H. . King Sarah F.
026 0498 1938 Kennedy Avery I. . Clark Billy J.
003 0559 1890 Kennedy B. . . Allensworth L. J.
058 0590 1990 Kennedy Caz E. III Schneider Brenda E.
063 0605 1998 Kennedy David J. . Ward Annetta C.
055 0756 1985 Kennedy E. L. Jr. Kuczynski Cynthia L.
005 0326 1896 Kennedy E. T. . Fletcher Mattie B.
028 0575 1942 Kennedy Earl J. . Newton Lenora .
020 0104 1926 Kennedy Edward B. . Rose Francis .
029 0309 1943 Kennedy Henry F. . Kennedy Charlene .
036 0235 1950 Kennedy Hiram L. . Klingerman Dorothy .
008 0042 1903 Kennedy I. C. . Owens Cynda .
04 0172 1892 Kennedy I. C. . Branch Della .
007 0120 1901 Kennedy J. C. . Motsenbocker Nellie .
012 0478 1913 Kennedy J. D. . Anderson Audrey .
008 0536 1904 Kennedy J. I. . Brasher Daley .
009 0171 1905 Kennedy J. I. . Wright Mary .
018 0241 1922 Kennedy J. I. . Jones Cornelius .
03 0285 1886 Kennedy J. I. . Bradsher Lillie A.
004 0173 1892 Kennedy J. N. . Brannon Louisa .
005 0415 1896 Kennedy J. N. . Overall Emily .
010 0148 1908 Kennedy James C. . Merideth Eva .
002 0308 1879 Kennedy James N. . King Harriett J.
063 0377 1997 Kennedy Jay A. . Miles Allison L.
048 0260 1973 Kennedy Joe . . Skates Linda .
005 0381 1896 Kennedy John L. . Hester Ida .
046 0277 1970 Kennedy Larry . . Caldwell Jan .
047 0038 1971 Kennedy Larry D. . Bryant Dora A.
017 0282 1921 Kennedy Lester . . Adams Ada .
020 0437 1927 Kennedy Lowell . . Thompson Ilene .
03 0228 1886 Kennedy Lucian . . Burns Mellissie .
014 0300 1916 Kennedy Mather . . Braswell Reba A.
039 0285 1954 Kennedy Max E. . Kostka Adele .
033 0600 1947 Kennedy Nolen . . Tyson Helen F.
023 0225 1932 Kennedy Ovid A. . Thomas Irene .
019 0243 1924 Kennedy Price . . Hargroves Lula M.
046 0008 1969 Kennedy Roger . . Bellers Kathy J.
009 0379 1906 Kennedy S. C. . Biggs Alice .
024 0585 1935 Kennedy S. C. . Horne Ollie .
008 0518 1904 Kennedy T. A. . Cooper Lura .
022 0228 1930 Kennedy T. O. . Fielder Artie .
007 0446 1902 Kennedy W. L. . Hunt Victoria .


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