

In the early days of Greene County the livelihood of practically every individual depended upon some type of farming for at least a portion of the year .

The two most cultivated crops in the entire history of the county have been cotton an corn. Cotton was the sole cash crop of almost every family until the coming of the railroads. Corn has maintained and important place in the life of the county. It was used in the early days mainly for food., bread and hominy a major item in the daily life , and as feed for horses, mules , chickens an occasionally pigs.

In 1900 Roller mills at Lafe , Marmaduke , and Paragould received wheat that was grown and threshed over much of the county.

With the coming of the railroads a quick method of transportation to St. Louis markets was furnished . The growing of cattle an hogs began to occupy a prominent place in agriculture.

Since 1920 , farmers have turned much attention on nearly every farm there is now grown cotton, corn , hay , sorghum, soybeans, truck gardens, dairy or beef cattle, hogs an poultry.

Notes found in: "History of Greene County " author Vivian Hansbrough.


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