Greene County, Arkansas
Classification of Trades
General Hardware, House Furnishing, Tin, Stoves, Agricultural Implements, Pumps, Windmills, Guns and Sporting Goods | [-] |
Flour Grist Mills, Hay, Grain, Flour and Feed Dealers | II |
Foundries, Steam Forges, Machinery, Engines, Boilers, Car Wheels, Metals, Telephones, Machinists' and Railroad and Electrical Supplies | V |
Cigars and Tobacco | / |
Plumbers, Plumbers' Supplies, Lead Pipe, Steam and Gas Fittes, and Gas Fixtures | O |
Books, Paper, Stationers, Printers, Publishers, Lithographers, Paper Boxes and Bookbinders | = |
Carriages, Wagonmakers, Wheelwrights, Blacksmiths and Livery | S |
Nurserymen, Florists, Fertilizers and Seeds | U |
Cloths, Clothing, Tailors, Men's Furnishing, Hats and Caps | + |
Wine and Liquor Dealers, Hotels and Saloons | w |
Dry Goods, Carpets, Smallwares, Notions and Millinery | ^ |
Crockery, China and Glassware | C |
Furniture, Undertaking and Upholstering | ]*[ |
Pianos, Organs, Music and Musical Instruments | > |
Lumber Dealers and Saw Mills | L |
Fancy Goods, Varieties and Toys | F |
Coal, Wood, Ice and Refrigerating | I |
Painters, Paint and Oil Deaalers, Varnishes and Paperhanging | X |
Boots and Shoes, Tanners, Hides, Leather and Findings | B |
General Stores and Department Stores | * |
Saddlery Hardware, Harness and Trunks | {+} |
Carpenters, Contractors, Roofers, Builders, Masons, Planing Mills, and Sash & Blinds | < |
Groceries, Provisions, Ship Chandlers, Teas, Coffees and Spices | T |
Automobile Manufacturers, Dealers, Supplies, Garages, and Repairs; also Bicycles and Motorcycles | A |
Jewelers, Watchmakers and Opticians | <> |
Bakers and Confectioners | % |
Brewers, Maltsters and Distillers | (x) |
Wholesale and Retail Produce, Butter, Eggs, Cheese, Creameries, Fruit and Vegetables | P |
Drugs and Patent Medicines | Z |
Ag'l Implts | [-] | Fancy Goods | F | Livery | S | Refrigerating | I |
Automobiles | A | Feed Dealers | II | Lumber Dealaers | L | Roofers | < |
Auto Supp., etc | A | Fertilizers | U | Machinery | V | Saddlery H'ware | {+} |
Bakers | % | Florists | U | Machinists' Supp. | V | Saloons | W |
Bicycles | A | Flour Dealers | II | Malsters | (x) | Sash and Blinds | < |
Blacksmiths | S | Flour Mills | II | Masons | < | Saw Mills | L |
Boilers | V | Foundries | V | Men's Furn'g | + | Seeds | U |
Books | = | Fruit | P | Metals | V | Ship Chandlers | T |
Bookbinders | = | Furniture | ]*[ | Millinery | ^ | Smallwares | ^ |
Boots and Shoes | B | Garages | A | Mortorcycles | A | Spices | T |
Brewers | (x) | Gasfitters | O | Music | > | Sporting Goods | [-] |
Builders | < | Gasfixtures | O | Musical Insts | > | Stationers | = |
Butter | P | General H'ware | [-] | Notions | ^ | Steamfitters | O |
Carpenters | < | General Stores | * | Nurserymen | U | Steam Forges | V |
Carpets | ^ | Glassware | C | Oil Dealers | X | Stoves | [-] |
Carriages | S | Grain | II | Opticians | <> | Tailors | + |
Car Wheels | V | Grist Mills | II | Organs | > | Tanners | B |
Cheese | P | Groceries | T | Paint Dealers | X | Teas and Coffees | T |
China | C | Guns | [-] | Painters | X | Telephones | V |
Cigars & Tobacco | / | Hardware | [-] | Paper | = | Tin | [-] |
Clothing | + | Harness | {+} | Paper Boxes | = | Toys | F |
Cloths | + | Hats and Caps | + | Paperhanging | X | Trunks | {+} |
Coal | I | Hay | II | Patent Meds | Z | Undertaking | I |
Confectioners | % | Hides | B | Pianos | > | Upholstering | I |
Contractors | < | Hotels | W | Planing Mills | < | Varieties | F |
Creameries | P | House Furn'g | [-] | Plumbers | O | Varnishes | X |
Crockery | C | Ice | I | Plumber's Supp | O | Vegetables | P |
Dept. Stores | * | Jewelers | <> | Printers | = | Wagonmankers | S |
Distillers | (x) | Lead Pipe | O | Produce | P | Watchmakers | <> |
Drugs | Z | Leather | B | Provisions | T | Wheelwrights | S |
Dry Goods | ^ | Lea. Findings | B | Publishers | = | Windmills | [-] |
Eggs | P | Liquor Dealers | W | Pumps | [-] | Wine Dealers | W |
Electrical Supp | V | Lithographers | = | Railroad Supp | V | Wood | I |
Engines | V |