New Liberty Missionary Baptist Church
New Liberty Missionary Baptist Church meet on Saturday before the third Sunday in September 1907.Pastor present after a good sermon with church was called into conference and businessman questions taken. Meeting as follows:
1. Reading the minutes of last meeting .
2. Extending the privileges of the church.
3. A motion was made and reasoned to ordain Bro Gaskill the full work of the ministry on the fifth Sunday meeting at this place. For which the following Brethren were invited to the export. Ed Cooper, L. D. Crow, T. T. Thompson, J.D.J. Faulkner, Jim Stars.
4. Then the following Brethren and sisters come forward for membership. J.S. Noel , Ruthie Noel , Alwild Gaskill, Ollie Brewer (Dead), Rosy Gaskill (dead), J.W. Noel, Wesley Brewer, Osker Gaskill, C.C. Gaskill, L.R. Megrow , Will Porker, Betty Porker, Sadia Porker, Carl Prestene, Ulysious Kirby, Al Greal, M.Y. Walker, Wesley Thedges , Maggie Thedges , Louis Megrow, Morey Ruse, Morstho Megrow, Ollie Megowin, Annie Porker, Tom Porker, R.E. Megowin (dead), Bob Riley , Sister Riley , Mealy Megrow, Jim Preson, Ellip Preson , Bob Elpms, Bettie Nesbit , Jimmie Noel, Bulb Noel, Beyor Moline, Bertha Noel, Mommie Megrow, Tom Menser, Amer Menser, Murdell Fullom , Ruthie Brown (dead) , Anill Cormack, Onnie Riley, Luther Johnson, Truly Johnson, Mrs. Ester Fohr.
(Note : The members that had died were marked.)
On May the 4th 1907
The following Brethern met at Jim Noels residence for the purpose of organizing a missionairy Baptist Church. Bro. J.D. J. Faulkner M.D. of Union Grove Dist. F.M. Thaygood Clark Dist. Membership Friendship. Elder R.E. McGowin of Unity . Bro G.W. Pullum of Friendship , Bro.S.H. Weatherly of Friendship Counselman after Bro. Faulkner. Read the article of faith and the church covinant of agreed that it was right and said they would live accordince to it.
On May 7th 1907
T.J. McBride and wife come before J.J. Burtton and signed all their right and title to one acre of land to the Trustees of New Liberty Church. C.C. Gaskill , Wesley Brewer, W.L. Walker, Trustees and to their successiar. J.S. Noel , Clerk.