Greene County Arkansas

1880 Federal Census "Index"


Schedule I--Free Inhabitants in Clark Township

In the County of Greene, State of Arkansas

Enumerated by: Jno.B. Boykin, 14 June ~ 28 June  1880




Page 1  Page 2  Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 


Name Page Name Page Name Page Name Page
Anderson 3-4 Ferrell 7 Martin 2 Runnells 3
Arnold 5 Fisher 6 Mayberry 6 Sanders 5
Bandy 6 Fitzgerald 2 McAlison 6 Scott 8
Barham 7 Fraley 7 McCulloch 4 Shelby 5
Barr 1 Friar 2-3 McElwee 6 Skiles 5
Bazzel 6-7 Gates 8 McGown 4 Smith 3-5-8
Bell 7 Gentry 6-9 McIntosh 5 Sollis 7
Biggs 9 Goodrich 4-6 McMacken 3 Songer 8
Bowles 7 Gradey ? 7 Meriwether 8 Spain 7
Bowling 4 Greene 9 Miller 4-8 Spear 3
Boyd 3 Groom 8 Mills 5 Spence 1-8
Bramlet 3-4 Grooms 8 Morgan 7 Steele 3
Brannon 5-6 Haggard 8 Moss 7 Steepp 6
Brasher 8 Hampton 5-6 Neddles 6 Stevenson 4
Bray 1 Harper 5 Nutt 5 Steward 3
Bright 2 Hays 7 Oslen 6 Stimson 5
Brown 5 Hicks 5 Otts 3 Strickland 2
Browning 6 Higgin 3 Owen ? 9 Swindle 1-2
Bunkerville ? 8 Hinsley 6 Patton 4 Taylor 2-3-7-9
Burnet 4 Hollowman 6 Permenter 8 Thomas 6
Burnett 2 Hoskins 4 Perry 8 Thomason 1-2-8
Cannon 8 Howard 7 Peterson 6 Thompson 3-7
Childers 5 Hunt 6-7 Phillips 1-6 Thurman 2
Clark 3-5 Jackson 6-7 Pierce 3 Tiner 1
Cole 2 Johnson 8-9 Poindexter 5 Warren 7
Comstock 7 Jones 4-6-9 Pool 5 Weaks 8
Cox 2-7 Kenamur ? 8 Pruett 6-9 Weatherly 4
Cravens 7 Kent 5 Purcell 6 Weddington 3
Cupp 2-3 Key 5 Ragsdale 5-6 Wheeler 8
Davis 8 King 9 Rainwater 3 White 4-9
Dickens 9 Lambert 7 Ratledge 4 White 9
Dickson 3-9 Landram ? 4 Riddick 6 Williams 3-4-6-8
Dorch 4 Landrum 8 Riley 5 Winn 3
Dover ? 6-7 Lewis 3 Rossberry 2 Wright 6
Draffen/Drafton ? 5 Little 8 Rosswell 2 Wyse 4-5
Drafton 2 Lumpkins 9 Roswell 2 Yates 4-7-8
Duncan 1-4 Major 7 Rowland 5-6 . .
Edwards 2 Marr 8 Rudisell ? 8 . .


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Transcribed and Linked and Posted by: PR  Massey


© 2007 by PR Massey All Rights Reserved. This information may be used by direct descendants, libraries, and genealogical societies, however, commercial use of this information is strictly prohibited without prior permission. If copied, this copyright notice must appear  with the information.

Sandy (Matheny) Hardin Greene Co., Arkansas ARgenweb County Coordinator