Family, ca. 1918
Row One Left To Right:
Phinas Valentine, s/o John and PrudieWhite Valentine- Phinas m. Pauline Jamison Prov
Mamie Valentine, d /o John and PrudieWhite Valentine- Mamie m. Calvin Brown
Isaac Chalma Valentine, s/o Lonnie C.and LilaClark Valentine- Chalma m. Reba Gist
Melvin Letane Valentine, s/o Allie Martin and Emma Sims Valentine- Melvin m. Lettie
Hatcher (NF)
Row Two Left to
Lila Clark Valentine w/son Murl Clark, w/o~s/o Lonnie Carter Valentine (NF)
Prudie White Valentine,w/o John H. Valentine Prov
Isaac C. Valentine,Father of those on back row) 1852/1921 b. MS (NF)
Nancy J.Thorne Valentine, (Mother of those on back row) 1862/1930 b. TN. (NF)
Mary Emma Sims Valentine, w/o Allie Martin Valentine (NF)
LelaWeatherly Valentine w/do: Girtie Mae, w/o~d/o Walter Thomas Valentine
LillieHenderson Valentine, w/o Calvin M. Valentine (NF)
Row Three Left
to Right:
Garland Valentine, m.Lillie Earp Prov s/o John and PrudieWhite Valentine
Opal Juanita Valentine, m. Arvil Graves d/o Lonnie and Lila Clark Valentine
Leveda Valentine, m. unknown d/o Calvin M. and Lillie Henderson Valentine
Sadie Valentine,d/o Allie and Mary Emma Sims Valentine- Sadie m.Otto Gossett ((NF))
Row Four Left
to Right:
Children of
Isaac C. Valentine and Nancy J. ThorneValentine:
Lonnie Carter Valentine 1885/1978 b. TN (NF)
John H. Valentine 1883/1975 b. TN (Prov)
Isaac Henry Valentine 1895/1920 b. AR(NF)
Leona Ethel Valentine 1888/1940 b. AR (NF)
Samuel Edgar Valentine 1893/1955 b.AR (NF)
Allie Martin Valentine 1881/1968 b. TN (NF)
Walter Thomas Valentine 1890/1969 b. AR (CA)
Calvin M. Valentine 1887/1940 b. TN (NF)
Emma Valentine 1901/1919 b. AR not picutred (NF)
1Robert C. Valentine 1903/1903 b. AR not pictured (NF)
Friendship Cemetery,Greene County Arkansas
(Prov)~Providence Cemetery,Greene County Arkansas
(CA)~Interred: State of California
These dates have been gathered from Federal census records and cemetery records..
All information has been researched and provided by: Bill Brewington, and his mother,
Juanita Valentine Brewington.
Bill is a grandson of Allie Martin Valentine and a great grandson of Isaac C.Valentine
Referring to the 1920 census records , Isaac & Nancy had 10 Children.
The exact date of this photograph is unknown. I have estimated bye date by the birth year
of Murl Clark Valentine b.December 9,1917
In all probability this photograph was taken when the family gathered after the
death of Emma Valentine 1901/1919
Emma was the daughater of Isaac and Nancy Valentine
Bill Brewington
1007 Fairview
Paragould, AR. 72450