When we arrived in Arkansas, my Uncle took us in and rented us a small farm so he could help me make a crop after we moved into our new place. We soon found that this place was haunted. The place was full of ghosts! We could hear people crying, talking in low voices and praying. After dark we could hear all kinds of noises. It got so bad we had to move away. We moved in with another Uncle. Ma believed in ghosts and so did all of us children. After I grew up and had a family of my own, I found out who this ghost was. There was an old man that lived close by that wanted our place for a hired hand, so he played ghost to scare us away. We were only too glad to give the place up.


     Well, as time moved on, I got old enough to take care of myself and Ma. In 1907 I fell in love with a pretty little blonde, and in 1908 we got married!


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