The dream of the wanderer, the hope of the unsettled, the ambition of the prudent man "settle down" and make their permanent home. And he who is wise, in selecting a location, will ask twin questions: "Is this a good place in which to make a living? And is this a good place in which to live?" The fact that Paragould can answer both of these questions with an emphatic affirmative and prove the "Yes" by evidence, is the reason so many people are coming here every year to reside, and why every native of Paragould is thankful that through accident or design his lot was cast here. It is naturally one of the attractive cities of Arkansas and upon it is stamped the signet of enterprise and public spirit. To the attractiveness of nature are added the grace of architectural design, and the solidity and substantial character of municipal improvement. Paragould is one of the cleanest, best governed, most modern and up-to-date of it's size in the state. With commercial, railroad, industrial, agricultural, social, educational, governmental, and political interests centered here, and with yearly enhancement of valuation and greatly increased expansion of trade, Paragould offers superior advantages to those seeking investment where it will yield sure returns.

Paragould is a beautiful and very rapidly developing little city of approximately 8,000 inhabitants. It has more miles of paved streets and sidewalks than any other city of it's size in Arkansas. It is a city built up by it's trade with the surrounding territory, but to some extent by it's manufacturing and railroad interests. It's geographical situation is such a that more desirable location for mercantile and manufacturing pursuits could not with reason be asked.

Paragould is located on the Cotton Belt and Missouri Pacific Railways, 223 miles south of St. Louis and 78 miles northwest of Memphis. It is the county seat of Greene County and the second largest city in Northeast Arkansas. The surrounding country comprises rolling and level lands, teeming with well cultivated farms and peopled by thousands whose multifarious wants must be available for their need through the most convenient channels and the most profitable medium, and that medium is Paragould.

Paragould has four strong banks, three wholesale grocery houses, 4 stave mills, 2 heading factories, 3 handle factories, 1 wagon single tree and 2 spoke factories, 3 cotton gins, 1 flour mill and 2 grain houses, 2 lumber yards, 2 large creameries and ice cream factories, 1 bottling plant, 1 ice plant, 1 laundry and dry cleaning plant, 2 sheet metal working establishments, 1 concrete products factory, 1 marble works, 2 bakeries, several first class auto garages and machine shops, 5 hotels, 1 brick plant, railroad shops, 1 sawmill, planing mills, many retail houses of the highest order, an electric light plant, municipal water works, first class sewerage system, paved streets and sidewalks, "White Way," motorized fire department, local and long distance telephone exchange, union passenger station, new government building, 1 sanitarium, one daily and one weekly newspaper and one exclusive job printing plant. There are also other lines of business here too numerous to mention.

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