1895 Map of Grant County
Here are some of the towns and communities of Grant County, Arkansas. This is an work in progress, if you have any additional information on these areas, please use the contact me page.
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Belfast was created around 1850, when the area was still apart of Saline County. It was created as a stopping place along the stagecoach line between Little Rock and Camden.
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Brush Creek
Brush Creek is an old settlement still located northwest of Leola in Tennessee Township about a mile east of the Hot Spring County line. It is also called Lucian and Cooper.
Buie is located about 3.5 miles north of Prattsville in the vicinity of the Buie Church in River Township. It’s sometimes referred to as Tightwad.
Calvert Township
Calvert Township is located near Millerville. Shiloh is an early community established during the 1840s in Calvert Township. The Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church has served as the center of the area.
Cane Creek
Cane Creek is located roughly just east of Ico on Hwy 167 around Bethel Methodist Church; it includes the area previously named Bethel. Cane Creek was built around a school and church and occupies a roughly defined area east of Ico on Hwy. 167 and west of Orion. …
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Center Grove
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Clear Lake
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Cross Roads
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Darysaw Township
Darysaw Township is located in the City of Grapevine. Darysaw is located along Princeton Pike, east of the junctions of hwy 35 & 190. The area has also been called Bookman, Cedar Branch, Okay & Goolsby. It is said that the area was originally populated by ex-slaves and their descendants following the Civil War. …
Davis Township
Davis Township is located in Leola.
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Deer Creek
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Dekalb Township
Dekalb Township is located in Tull.
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Ebb was a post office established in the 1890s in the Oak Grove Community east of Sheridan. Early maps show Ebb at various points along the west end of Oak Grove Circle where this road meets Hwy. 270.
Fenter is located about 3 miles north of Poyen on Hwy. 229. This place was settled in the early 1800s and later competed with Poyen for economic survival on the Rock Island Railroad.
Fenter Township
Fenter Township is located in Poyen.
Franklin Township
Franklin Township is located in Belfast.
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Ico was called Wardsville prior to 1886 and occupied an area extending northward from Hurricane Creek at the Hwy. 167 crossing to the junction of Hwy. 167 and County Road 58. Ico was regarded by some to be in the Cane Creek Community and today is said to be at the highway 167 and 58 junction.
Junet start out as a Post Office, and was a established, and a small community developed around it by 1880. This place is north of Prague at the intersection of Hwy. 270 and County Road 75.
Lamont was a settlement about 2 miles east of Brooks.
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Madison Township
Madison Township is located in Grapevine.
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Merry Green Township
Merry Green Township is located Sheridan.
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The Millervile Community is located on Hwy 167 south of Sheridan. The area has also been called Bois D’Arc or Bodark & Erin.
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Nydia was settled by former slaves and their descendants after the Civil War. There was once a school, a church and as many as 30 dwellings. The only visible sign of the community today is the cemetery. Nydia was located between …
Orion was created around 1860 from an area previously called Henry’s that was created around 1844. The Orion community was built around a church as early as 1860. It is located in northeast Grant County. The Orion Community is about 7 miles east of …
Poyen started out as a post-office called Burrow. It was established around 1907 and renamed Poyen in 1908.
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River Township
River Township is located Prattsville.
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Sandy Springs
Sandy Springs started out as the community called New Prospect Community. It existed before the Civil War and was once located in the vicinity of the present town of Leola.
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Sheridan is the County seat of Grant County. The area was settled long before the county was created in 1869. One of the earliest settlers of the area was Franis Posey. Sheridan is named after a Civil War General, called Phillip Sheridan.
Simpson Township
Simpson Township is located in Cane Creek.
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Slab Town is located about 2 miles south of Sheridan on Hwy. 167 and was first known as Boar's Ridge. It was later renamed for the number of houses constructed of split poles called slabs. These houses were built during the 1930s and 1940s, using wood from a sawmill set up in that area. …
Tennessee Township
Tennessee Township is located in Leola.
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THIEL, also called Arthur, was a settlement on the Rock Island Railroad about 6 miles north of Leola during the early 1900s. It contained a sawmill, post office and two stores. Leon Mathews operated the post office and sawmill. …
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Washington Township
Washington Township is located in Prague.
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