Old Letters

Submitter Jacque at: jjschef@arkansas.net says that page numbers in circles are wrong, so the pages are displayed here in what we think is the correct order of their writing. It appears that the letter took several days to write.

Photographs occupy a lot of band width, but to many the aesthetic benefits of viewing a photocopy of an old document is worth the extra storage space. An edited text version of this letter will soon appear at the bottom of this page.

This is a faithful transcription of the images as written which are found below.

Page 1

Cousin Pearl, This is quite a Book.  it mentions the names of Several famleys that our famleys new, also I no Several of them.  I went to School to W.I. Agee, Angus Nicholes, and all of the James.

Thelma has a lot of kind folks.  the James, Jerry James was a brother to Wess James Thelmas Grandfather, also the Jefferies and maby others.  this Book just covers the North West part of Franklin County.  it did not cover the Part of the County we lived in.

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or the Part that uncle Marion came from.  he was from Logan County I think also the Southern Part of Franklin County.  Uncle and Aunt was married in Franklin County.

Grand father Lingo, owned a farm one time, near Sulphur Springs, some time about 1830. if you can remimber some of the things Aunt Loura and Uncle Marian would talk about, also Grand Ma Harp, you might can get Something out of the Book.  the house in the Picture, where Jessie James Stayed all night, is the old home Place of Thelmas Grand Father

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and Grand Mothers old home Place- that is where the James lived, when Uncle Ed and Aunt T??? was married. and the tobe hill Gold mine, in the picture, I have Ben there several times.  I was there 3 years ago, it is only about 7 miles from where we lived.  it is only about 5 miles from where my cousins live now--we was down there about one month ago. But did not go out to the Tob Hill Mine.  also there is a nother Gold mine, the Bill Dulin mine, I want  to take Georgenes children there some time.  our Great Grand Fathers is the man that home steaded

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land, where the famous Diamond mines are now, near Murferiesboro, Ark, and our Grand Father George Lingo Homesteaded in Franklyn County, and almost hit the Diamond mine in Franklyn Co.  of corse the Diamonds was discovered long after our people passed away. this is about all that I can think of now, hope you can get something from the Book.

I am not shure But I think the Anderson Famley- also the same of the others I heard Grand Ma Harp speak of and of corse you rimember seeing John Stepens on

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Art Linkletters show.  So let us no if you can remimber any thing. when you and Dan come to see us next spring, we will go down in that country.  Oh yes, when we was down there about a montth ago, we stoped at a Sorgum Mill, got 2 gal. Home made Sorgum.  we sent one gal out to Thelmas Bro Ray- this is all-

Thelma and Sam, Dec 10, 1965.

Page 6

I think I heard Grand Ma Harp Speak of the W. L. Haskews, also the H??? McLane, also Claude tolley,  any way I knew of them. and the Spanish gold.  they speak of the Spanish Ship, wrecked in the Arkansas River, about the mouth of Big Mulbery Creek, so they took the gold off the ship, and went up the Mulbery Creek Valley, as you can see on the map, and in the searching for the Spanish gold, they found the Bill Dulin,

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and the tobe hill Gold Mines.  I knew all that wen I was a small kid.  Grand Pa Lingo told Grandma something about that Before he dide, so Grand Ma and my father went where it was suposed to Be, looked for it for about 2 weeks, found nothing.

the Mclane Botoms is where Uncle Marian and Aunt Laura met, Uncle Ed was Born in Roseville, about 98 years ago.  my mother was Born in Altus Ark, and I think Aunt Loura, I am not shure.

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Grandpa Lingos first wife was a Indian, after she dide, he and Grandma got married.  She was an Aberthney, thes People is not mentioned in the Book.  But GrandPa Lingo has something to do with the lost Spanish Treasure.  as you no the Lingos come from Spain.

the Mclean Bottoms in the Southern Franklyn County, where it joins Logan County is Uncle Marions old stomping Grounds, Roseville is the town.



Edited Text Version of the above letter.

Don...this really needs to go before the letter, IF possible to explain why the letter is not in the order of the page numbers Daddy Sam put them in.  Also to explain there are some names not spelled correctly.  :) Spelling and punctuation is faithfully transcribed as written in the letter.

Letter From Samuel George Sanders to his cousin Pearl (Harp) Schafer.

Note: Do not compare the page number you see written on the letter to the page numbers in the typed text, rather go by the order that the pages appear in.  Also keep in mind that some of these names are spelled wrong. 

You can find some of these names, with a correct spelling, in the 1850 census.  If you have any questions about the content of this letter, please direct your e-mail to: jjschef@arkansas.net .