Fourth letter.

Co. D Arkansas Regiment

First Ark. Vol.

Camp George H Tomas

July 17, 1898

Mr and Mrs J. A. Church,

Dear Brother Sister in receipt of your welcome letter of the 10 inst which I received the 15. Was glad to hear you all was up, but sorrow to hear of Iderbills critical condition. I hop this letter will find her much better. I have been sick for the 2 past weeks havent been able to drill an do my work. I have the remitting fever but I think I am on the mend now. One of the boys went to Chattanoogia last Friday was accidently got shot in a shooting gallery inflicting a flesh wound in left side. There has been several deaths in our regiment from pneumonia since I wrote to you all last. Well it looks like we will never gett out of this old park. I think we will get to fight some yet. Germany keeps interferring and Uncle Sam is getting mad. John if you can sell my sow for anything like what she is worth say sell her. I dont think she will ever be any account for a brood sow. Dont forget to give in my taxes, dont give in any pole tax. My papers are in my trunk. I wish some of you would send me a Ozark paper once in a while. Well there is plenty rain here and the heat is very intense. Well Joicy I hope you all had a nice time last sunday. Tell the children howdy for me and I would like to see them and tell them I said they must be good. John I have inquireied about Will in the Ark. Regiments and the Mo. 4 Regiments cant hear of him anywhere. There were some more from the Cuntry and around Dunning came in Sunday there were Will Massie, Dick Peeks, Bud Goldsmith and Jim Sanderson and Frank Walls. John you will please find in closed $5.00 five dollars. You will please pay my account at McCray & Russell. By adding the (?) and of the three dollars you have and take receipt for same. Well as there isnt anything of any importance to wright about I will close hoping this will find you all well and doing well. Give my best Love and respects to all and wright soon I remain as ever your brother Jas R. barclift. Lytle GA First Ark Co D.