Third letter.

Chickamauga Park, Georgia

May the 28th, 1898.

Mrs Jocy Church, And family, Ozark Ark.

Dear Sister and brother it is with the greatest of pleasure that I wright you a few lines in reply to your most kind and welcome letter which I received some time ago. Was glad to hear from you all and glad to hear that you all was well. This leaves me much better than I have been but I was sick all the way out here from Little Rock. Just got out of the hospital Wed morning and started for Chickamauga at six o'clock that night got in Memphis for breakfast. Got dinner at Corinth, Miss. Have forgot the place where we got breakfast and on friday, but we taken dinner at Chattanoogia, Tenn and supper in Chickamaugua Park where we are now. This is a fine piece of woods pine and oak is the principle groth. Of corse there is large open fields in the park no fence. There is large monuments scattered all over the hole thing and lots of cannons standing right where they were planted and used in the rebelion. The old timber shows that it has bin shot all to pieces in time. Lead is easy to find. Well sister if you can find any one that can want those shots give them to who ever it may be. The cow can easily make her living out side till cold weather. She will give milk about the 3rd of February. Has my sow got any pigs yet. She runs about the Depot. I got a letter from papa just before I left Little Rock. He said he was well and that was about all he did say. William was at Dartnell when he wrote his part and mailed the letter. Well sister W.E. Littleton and wife called at the hospital and Mr Strang also to see me at little rock the day before we left. Charly MecKinie called on me quite often and made me aquainted with his wife she baked me a fine large marsh mellow cake and sent me a box of nice grub while I was in the hospital but the Doctors wouldnt let me eat any of the box of grub so I gave it to my friends keep it from spoiling. Well Jocy it looks like it is going to pour down rain now it is about half past three o'clock in the after noon. There is 45,000 soulgers here now and still more coming. I think we will soon be ordered to Cubia or to philipeans Islands. well I will close for this time. Kiss the chldren and tell them to bee good for me. Well write soon and as often as you can wather I reply at once or not. I have to wright when I can.

Chickamauga, Georgia

Mr J. A. Church, Ozark Ark.

Dear Brother received you kind letter was glad to here from you. Hope when this letter comes to hand it will find you all well and doing well. Well John I will excuse your short letter of corse and will have to ask you to excuse short letter and this paper also. I have wrote everything in Jocies letter that I know to wright. You said you would do the best you could with my property so I am satisfied and dont think you need any further instructions. So I will close wright soon. Jim Barclift. Addres to Chickamauga Park Georgia First Ark. Co D.

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