Second Letter.

Mrs. and Mr. J. A. Church, Ozark, Ark.

Dear Sister and brother in reply to your most kind and welcome letter received last night. I was more than delighted to hear from you all and to here you was well. this leaves me well my arm hurts a little from vaccinations. Was sorrow to hear of tomy Guildons horible death, and of the destruction of the over flow. I was on the little rock bridge sunday week ago and saw that the river was higher than ever known before. Jocy now seem to think if I cared for you all I would have came to see you all, but I thought if you all cared anything for me you would protest against me going and I had desided to go without sheding tears so I thought the best way to do that was to go without informing any one of my going away. My intention was when I left home was to go out on the Arkansaw Central and apply for a job if failed to enlist. I was mustered in last saturday. We are drawing government rashions now which is better then the stale furnished us. The ladies gave us a grand reception the day we left ther, they have presented us a fine silk flag, cash $49 dollars since we have been here. Well John I will try and sind my kees in this letter if I dont forget them like I did before. John when you collect that money off of Ed Warner keep it till you get further orders, it was due the third of March, if you could loan it out on interest and get a note well secured it would please me just as well. Try and get McCray and Russel to take wood for what I owe them. I expect the hive of bees with the super on needs robing and the one by its side needs a super an of course if the super that is on is filled it needs another. I could sell several cases of honey in the camp for a good price if I knew we would stay long enough to get it, but I dont think we will stay here more than 4 or 5 days at the most. Tell Ider Belle, Roy and Bennie howdy for me and that I would like to see them. Tell them to be good and obedient please excuse bad wrighting, spelling and wrighting on all sides of this paper. as I want to wright to you all and send them in the same letter. We are expecting the last company in at any time to finish both regiments. Well I will close for this time hoping to here from you all soon, so I will bid you all good by. May God bless and protect you all as long as life exists and direct you all to a better world when with death you depart. Respectfully your brother as ever, James R. Barclift, At Little Rock Ark

Camp Dodg First Regiment Company D, I got Capt Armistad.

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