Andersons Store Ledger
and other interesting information
Notice: While on vacation in Sweden in 2001 Anne Muffley took ill and suddenly passed away. Anne provided a lot of information to this website.
We hope a relative will see this and provide an obituary for this site. May Anne rest in peace. We who read your submissions love and miss you. webmaster
W. P. Anderson's Store Ledger
W. P. Anderson operated a store in Franklin County and here is part of his bookkeeping ledger: Click on ledger#1 ledger#2 ledger#3
Entries in W. P. Anderson's ledger:
PLYMALE: Mrs. Widow, 1767, George, E.V., Wilburn, E.M. James, Lesna (1903) JEFFERS: J.O., Emaline, L. H., William, Fred, R.S., Rob, Vestus, Ray, Pearl
WOOLSEY: Jeff, Frank (1902) CHILDERS, Hugh, Sam, George, Sile, Jesse WELTON: B.M., Welton mentioned on p. 83, 1903 Home Telephone Co.
KETCHAM: Will ANDERSON: Catherine (1903,p.41), Hulet, M.H., Jess, John (mentioned on p. 74, 1905 is Elkanah Jr's grandson, picking cotton , making rails, sorgham, turnip patch. also mentioned on p. 87, 1905 and on p. 96, 1917 and on p. 97 "amount paid to buy horse -$30 and lists contributors.), W. P.(these two pages of type-written notes are from his ledger, mention in 1918 he made a war donation of $27.80, p. 134 and later war contribution$1 and war stamps $8.34 and Red Cross 10 cents and $3. on p. 182 mentions company timber of Andersons sold to mill. Bonnie, Mittie, Belle (name appears several times and her name is written on the back page of the ledger), Anderson mentioned in Home Telephone Co. p. 73, 1903
BARHAM: Lind, Lucinda, Jess, Ed (1903), Will, Londa JAMES: Mary (died March 1900), Earl, Elbert, Bill, Will, W.R. (1904), Aunt Polly, Jeff, W.A. (1912, 1905) YEAGER: Ed (1902 Woolsey Mill account)
DONALD: James Arthur (p.117, 98, 104, 59, 60, 82, 106, Osker (Oscar) William (p. 118). "One day's work, 1918 $1.25, sorghum expenses, "cash to --". GILESPIE: Will, Clarence
ROGERS: Fate TURNER: Elias, Gilbert, H.H., George, Sam, Ely (1902 Woolsey Mill account), Herbert, E.S.(manager of G.G.-phone rent), Herbert, Turner mentioned in Home Telephone Co. p. 73 in 1903)
MILTON: Back (1902 Woolsey Mill account), Bob, Jesse, John, Bob, Bill, Jane (1903), Jim, Jasper,
KELLY: Odus, Idus (1902), Gard, John, Dr. Bean Kelly, Wilson Gardner Kelly (son of Sarah Jane Anderson)
ARRINGTON: Claude, J., Harlan (1914, p.97, 1907, p. 90) "John Anderson paid him cash).
HAMM DURNING: George (1902 Woolsey Mill account, Dr. George Louis Durning (1903, Woolsey Mill account).
CKEMIE: Bud p. 117, Bull account
WHITWELL, John - Yorkville, Tn. Woolsey Mill account: personal page each man p. 42 Sulphur Springs Literary Society 1909 p.73, 1903 Home Telephone Co. - Welton, Turner, Anderson p. 179 mentions Enon letter, July 1903. prepared by: Anne Donald Muffley, October 1998
PLYMALE: Mrs. Widow, 1767, George, E.V., Wilburn, E.M. James, Lesna (1903)
JEFFERS: J.O., Emaline, L. H., William, Fred, R.S., Rob, Vestus, Ray, Pearl
WOOLSEY: Jeff, Frank (1902)
CHILDERS, Hugh, Sam, George, Sile, Jesse
WELTON: B.M., Welton mentioned on p. 83, 1903 Home Telephone Co.
ANDERSON: Catherine (1903,p.41), Hulet, M.H., Jess, John (mentioned on p. 74, 1905 is Elkanah Jr's grandson, picking cotton , making rails, sorgham, turnip patch. also mentioned on p. 87, 1905 and on p. 96, 1917 and on p. 97 "amount paid to buy horse -$30 and lists contributors.), W. P.(these two pages of type-written notes are from his ledger, mention in 1918 he made a war donation of $27.80, p. 134 and later war contribution$1 and war stamps $8.34 and Red Cross 10 cents and $3. on p. 182 mentions company timber of Andersons sold to mill. Bonnie, Mittie, Belle (name appears several times and her name is written on the back page of the ledger), Anderson mentioned in Home Telephone Co. p. 73, 1903
BARHAM: Lind, Lucinda, Jess, Ed (1903), Will, Londa
JAMES: Mary (died March 1900), Earl, Elbert, Bill, Will, W.R. (1904), Aunt Polly, Jeff, W.A. (1912, 1905)
YEAGER: Ed (1902 Woolsey Mill account)
DONALD: James Arthur (p.117, 98, 104, 59, 60, 82, 106, Osker (Oscar) William (p 118). "One day's work, 1918 $1.25, sorghum expenses, "cash to --".
GILESPIE: Will, Clarence
TURNER: Elias, Gilbert, H.H., George, Sam, Ely (1902 Woolsey Mill account), Herbert, E.S.(manager of G.G.-phone rent), Herbert, Turner mentioned in Home Telephone Co. p. 73 in 1903)
MILTON: Back (1902 Woolsey Mill account), Bob, Jesse, John, Bob, Bill, Jane (1903), Jim, Jasper,
KELLY: Odus, Idus (1902), Gard, John, Dr. Bean Kelly, Wilson Gardner Kelly (son of Sarah Jane Anderson)
ARRINGTON: Claude, J., Harlan (1914, p.97, 1907, p. 90) "John Anderson paid him cash).
DURNING: George (1902 Woolsey Mill account, Dr. George Louis Durning (1903, Woolsey Mill account).
MCKEMIE: Bud p. 117, Bull account
WHITWELL, John - Yorkville, Tn. Woolsey Mill account: personal page each man p. 42 Sulphur Springs Literary Society 1909 p.73, 1903 Home Telephone Co. - Welton, Turner, Anderson p. 179 mentions Enon letter, July 1903 prepared by: Anne Donald Muffley October 1998
Mail< 7 Wagon Road, Asheville, NC 28805 May Anne rest in peace.
Another Anderson Store Ledger:
Dear Andy, Ed, and Don, I'd like to get your feedback about the beginning pages of William Pleasant Anderson's ledger and their format. I'm preparing this for Franklin Co. website and need to know how the format looks. Sometimes I cut and paste and the data becomes disorganized and like gibberish.
(he died in 1928)
This is a transposing of data entered into my great-grandfather’s ledger beginning in 1902 and ending in 1924. The entries are in pencil, different years were throughout the book and not on successive pages. Most contain many mispellings. This book is almost 100 years old and, since I do not want to compromise it further, I will not be able to look up any information in it beyond this. The ledger appears to be one run for the lumber company store. This is a comprehensive reporting of what I found and notes from my FTM in brackets:
A. T. West - This and next 3 references only written across back of ledger.
Box 883
Little Rock
( John M.West b 1851 Thomas Arrington and Ann West in Anson Co. NC. They had children including William Arthur and Rufus A. West. C.M. Arrington in 1916 married in Franklin Co. Ben W. West married Martha Arrington).
Thomas S. Watts - Ft. Smith
Maud Morgan
560 So. Stanford Ave.
Mansfield on line nearby: Los Angeles, Calif
Separate page found in ledger: Arthur’s amount (this is James Arthur Donald, my paternal grandfather and seems to reflect his sale of agricultural tools. It may have been a sale before he went to the Oklahoma oilfield area to start a gas station business in the 1930’s. The surnames seem to reflect who bought the goods:
C. Jessup
Jeff W.
Slaughter Miller (Tom Miller married Martha Ellen Milton)
Lewis Thomas (Sarah Catherine Thomas m. James Barham)
Tom Elders
Will Barham
Jeff Woolsey (Woolsey family married into Rosson, Plymale and Barham families)
Em Plymale (Plymales married into Glispie, Walker, Donald, Childers, Anderson, Kelly)
E.V. Plymale
Miggs (or Meggs)
Lu McCormic
Wilburn Plymale
Sam Childers (Childers married into Turner, Plymale, Anderson, Milton, Barham, Rogers
Clarence Gillespie (Gillespie married into Milton and Plymale)
Demus Rgers (Rogers married into Donald, James, Childers, Turner, Durning)
Page 2, William Pleasant Anderson’s Ledger
only names written down a page with no date:
John Anderson - (see Andersons mentioned by other surnames)
P. James (James family married into Anderson, Welton, Yeager, Rogers, Campbell)
Goldsmith and Buchanan - Van Buren phone 87
C. Rossons (Rosson married into Milton, Barham, Turner, Woolsey)
Tobe R. Perkins (Jesse Perkins m. Mary Louvin Milton Kelly)
Some dated Pages:
1906 amounts or just numbers besides the names
Jim McCalister
Welton (Welton married into Milton, Anderson, Barrham, Durning)
Boon Hall
Jeffers (Jeffers married into Anderson and Milton)
Hamm (Hamms married into Anderson and Milton)
Fayett Rogers
Ketcham (William Edward Ketcham married Sarah Sally Tennessee Anderson)
John Anderson
H. Arrington (Arringtons married into West, Cooley, Bounds)
James Plymale
Linda Barham (see name next to other surnames)
Catherine Anderson
Jim Bowman
__________ 1907 "Baskets" - (this appeared to be baskets of fire wood sold)
Back Milton (Miltons married into Donald, Anderson, Gillespie, Turner, Jeffers, Kelly)
George Plymale
Jasper R.
Dr. Hams B
Jess Barham (Barhams married into Anderson, Milton, Woolsey, Rosson, Morgan)
E. M. Ham
George Turner (Turners married into Anderson, Milton, Durning, Childers, Rogers)
Hughlet Anderson
Thanks To Anne Muffley
From abstract #534 of the 7th Arkansas census (1850) of Mulberry twp, Ozark, Franklin Co.
Pop Franklin Co. 1840 = 2,665
Pop Franklin Co. 1850 = 3,872
Pop Ozark = 84 (Cass and Jethro not mentioned)
1,850 people born outside AR = 1,957; born in a foriegn country = 43
196 were from England; 514 people from Ireland; 71 people from Scotland; 11 people from Wales.
617 families living in 617 dwellings
180 puples in schools
Thought these might be interesting to readers. Anne.