Ansel W. 5/26/1902 9/17/1922 | |
Anthony | Bertha G. 12/7/1892 5/12/1962 d.s.w. Ira B. |
Carroll 11/19/1919 3/3/1937 | |
Christine Shaw 5/26/1931 10/11/1994 d.s.w. Robert W. "Parents of Paula, Robert F. & Dana" | |
Estelle (Webb) 10/5/1917 t.s.w. Isaiah B. & Isaiah B. Jr. | |
Anthony | Ira B. 4/3/1889 2/1/1977 d.s.w. Bertha G. |
Isaiah B, Jr. 10/21/1945 t.s.w. Isaiah B. & Estelle (Webb) | |
Isaiah B. 8/24/1920 t.s.w. Isaiah B. Jr. & Estelle (Webb) | |
J. A. 10/23/1887 12/20/1946 d.s.w. Nettie | |
J. Will 7/30/1882 3/4/1979 d.s.w. Estella | |
Jesse P. 12/12/1892 1/26/1937 | |
Mattie P. 9/6/1864 4/17/1910 d.s.w. Robert F. | |
Nettie 08/24/1893 2/10/1964 d.s.w. J. A. | |
Otis V. 5/16/1890 11/10/1967 d.s.w. Ruby H. | |
Robert F. 11/27/1854 12/19/1930 d.s.w. Mattie P. | |
Robert W. 11/24/1918 d.s.w. Christine Shaw "Parents of Paula, Robert F. & Dana" | |
Ruby H. 10/10/1895 11/20/1979 d.s.w. Otis V. | |
| |
Autry | Garner S. Jr. 1/7/1923 d.s.w. Jo Ann Barkley "Married 12/26/1959" |
Autry | Jo Ann Barkley 12/14/1931 d.s.w. Garner S. Jr. "Married 12/26/1959" |
| |
Baker | Bertha 12/1/1888 9/7/1964 (single stone between Bessie/Arch & Lonnie E. Holeman) |
| |
Barkley | Evie 8/9/1858 1/15/1950 Mother |
| |
Bonnie J. Loveless 2/8/1926 d.s.w. Limuel S. Married 5/29/1942 | |
Jewel May (Heffington) 9/20/1915 d.s.w. Loy Thurman | |
Limuel S. 9/25/1920 d.s.w. Bonnie J. Loveless "Married 5/29/1942" | |
Loy Thurman 6/9/1918 7/10/1990 d.s.w. Jewel May (Heffington) | |
| |
Bell | Albert N. 10/4/1907 7/10/1961 d.s.w. Mary O. |
Atlanta 12/1/1889 5/12/1925 Wife of Charles C. | |
Barney E. 6/16/1886 4/14/1981 d.s.w. Oma E. | |
Bell | Blanche 6/21/1916 d.s.w. H. Vane |
Charles C. 7/19/1889 2/13/1965 (Husband of Atlanta) | |
Clarence Angel 5/29/1910 5/17/1911Â (Son of W.W. & Mag Bell) | |
Euel O. 1/27/1912 d.s.w. Ruth I. "Married 2/17/1930" | |
George R. 1876 1950 d.s.w. Lou I. | |
Bell | Goldie Agnes 7/25/1911 6/9/1925 Dau. of CC & AB |
Bell | Grady 9/22/1908 8/18/1909 |
Bell | H. Vane 3/27/1914 11/21/1993 d.s.w. Blanche |
Bell | Horace 3/15/1905 8/9/1905 |
Bell | Isabelle 9/2/1860 10/27/1925 Mother |
Lou I. 1881 1964 d.s.w. George R. | |
Bell | Mary O. 11/14/1905 8/16/984 d.s.w. Albert N. |
Bell | Mary Virgie 10/19/1916 5/3/1918 Dau. of CC & AB |
Oma E. 11/28/1886 12/14/1966 d.s.w. Barney E. | |
Bell | Richard Neil 2/9/1929 11/23/1951 |
Ruth I. 5/3/1914 6/1/1997 d.s.w. Euel O. | |
| |
Bradke | Allie A. 1/5/1880 9/29/1969 d.s.w. Garland S. |
Bradke | Berwell Lee 7/12/1899 9/5/1979 |
Bradke | Dee d.s.w. Noma D. |
Bradke | Dee E. 11/2/1908 7/9/1985 d.s.w. Gladys Matthews "U.S. Army WWII" |
Bradke | Garland S. 9/15/1877 3/27/1960 d.s.w. Allie A. |
Bradke | Gladys Matthews 3/8/1903 9/15/1982 d.s.w. Dee E. |
Bradke | Infant Daughter 7/26/1913 8/14/1913 Dau. of Mr & Mrs G. S |
Bradke | Johnny B. 3/16/1939 7/21/1939 |
Bradke | Loy L. 7/4/1920 2/10/1988 d.s.w. Rose K. |
Bradke | Maud A. Heffington 8/6/1906 11/5/1997 Beloved Mother |
Bradke | Noma D. 1/3/1921 d.s.w. Dee |
Bradke | Ray A. 12/10/1916 11/4/1936 |
Bradke | Rose K. 4/13/1928 d.s.w. Loy L. |
Bradke | Thomas R. 3/30/1906 9/30/1985 |
| |
Brown | Bobby M. 12/20/1919 3/2/1945 Son of J.M & Jessie) |
Brown | Cody 5/28/1903 6/6/1905 Son of J.W. & D. E. |
Brown | Dewey Henrey 6/26/1898 1/13/1917 Dau. of R. W. & Josie |
Brown | George C. 7/24/1831 7/27/1925 d.s.w. Mary J. |
Brown | Infant 12/3/1943 Dau. of B.M. & Robbie (Leach) Brown |
Brown | J. Montie 1895 1952 d.s.w. Jessie A. |
Brown | Jessie A. 1896 1982 d.s.w. J. Montie |
Brown | Jimmie Bee 1932 1934 Dau. of J.M. & Jessie |
Brown | Josie E. 2/19/1867 12/11/1949 d.s.w. Robert W. |
Brown | Mary J. 1/12/1842 9/25/1915 d.s.w. George C. |
Nancy A.  10/17/1880  10/16/1881 (Dau of G.C. & M.J. Brown) | |
Brown | Rachel 1817 1880 Dau. of J. & S. McNulty |
Brown | Robert W. 10/25/1868 11/6/1940 d.s.w. Josie E. |
Brown | Walter E. 10/5/1882 3/11/1936 |
| |
Caldwell | Elvis H. 7/9/1910 4/2/1982 Daddy  Married 7/26/1927 |
Caldwell | Verdie V. 8/2/1912 4/9/1997 Mother Married 7/26/1927 |
| |
Cardin | Arthur Sherrill 9/1917 2/1918 |
Carlos B. 9/2/1907 8/16/1991 d.s.w. Ruby S. | |
Cardin | George Ingle 4/24/1905 9/10/1923 |
Cardin | Jessie Orville "Ned" 9/27/1910 3/11/1999 |
Cardin | Mary Elizabeth 1/1/1887 10/15/1980 d.s.w. Willis Andrew "Mother" |
Cardin | Norma 2/21/1915 10/5/1940 |
Ruby S. 8/30/1916Â Â Â 6/10/1980 d.s.w. Carlos B. | |
Cardin | Willis Andrew 2/28/1880 3/5/1936 d.s.w. Mary Elizabeth "Father" |
| |
Caudle | Earl H. 3/19/1932 5/3/1978 In Memory Of |
Caudle | Emanuell 8/27/1853 |
| |
Chambers | A. L. 10/25/1861 8/15/1949 (Husband of M.E. Sanders) |
Chambers | H. C. 8/10/ 1898 8/8/1917 |
Chambers | Hettie 10/17/1896(?) 10/21/1896(?) Unable to be sure if this is '98 or '96) |
Chambers | M. E. Sanders 6/9/1868 11/20/1926 Wife of A. L. |
Chambers | Other 3/16/1894 7/30/1913 Son of E.G. & M.E. |
| |
Cheek | Myrtle Keathley  1913 1942 |
| |
Cook | Della E. 10/16/1873 7/30/1960 d.s.w. Jim M. |
Cook | Gladys L. 1911 1997 d.s.w. Robert R. |
Cook | Infant 1935 1935 Dau. of Robert R. & Gladys L. |
Cook | Jim M. 3/2/1876 3/26/1966 d.s.w. Della E. |
Cook | Robert R. 1907 1950 d.s.w. Gladys L. |
| |
George W. 5/17/1848 4/14/1940 d.s.w. S. Adaline "3rd Ark Cav. Civil War" | |
S. Adaline 1/10/1847 9/14/1941 d.s.w. George W. | |
| |
Daves | Alice 10/5/1863 7/24/1944 Wife of J.A. Daves" |
| |
Mary Catherine ca.1856 12/17/1919 d.s.w. William W. ( aka "Molly" Heffington) | |
William W. 9/27/1848 9/20/1900 d.s.w. Mary "Molly" Catherine Heffington | |
| |
Thomas J. 1914 12/4/1999 d.s.w. Valta M. | |
Valta M. 1919 1974 d.s.w. Thomas J. | |
| |
Alice Heffington 3/29/1881 10/26/1971 | |
Doyle | Jessie L. 11/1/1912 9/27/1991 PFC U.S. Army WWII" |
| |
Durham | Fannie 1890 1968 |
Durham | George 9/4/1910 1/26/1979 |
Durham | Mildred Z. 5/1/1918 12/13/1997 Momma" |
| |
Fabian | Lurline Spradling 2/18/1913 8/23/1992 Mamaw" |
| |
Fisher | Claud 2/23/1885 1/30/1936 Father |
Fisher | Willie 4/24/1888 12/7/1976 Mother" |
| |
Flowers | Joseph W. 8/31/1890 10/21/1941 d.s.w. Sarah L. |
R.E. "Cy" 10/15/1888 10/2/1971 d.s.w. Rittie O. | |
Flowers | Rayburn 11/10/1909 7/13/1911 |
Flowers | Rittie O. 2/27/1888 d.s.w. R.E. |
Flowers | Sarah L. 12/10/1896 7/20/1978 d.s.w. Joseph W. |
| |
Forrester | Bobby Joe 9/10/1932 4/27/1956 d.s.w. Rorie I. |
Forrester | Rorie I. 11/20/1926 d.s.w. Bobby Joe |
| |
Fowler | Hillary R. 2/2/1894 10/14/1947 d.s.w. Vera |
Fowler | Vera 11/1/1902 7/13/1955 d.s.w. Hillary R. |
| |
Alice Anthony 1/28/1886 4/11/1974 d.s.w. Jesse Frank | |
Brady Lorenzo 7/23/1907 6/10/1988 d.s.w. Lucille Hoggard | |
Infant Dau. 10/14/1916 10/14/1916 Dau. of J.F. & Alice" | |
Jesse Frank 5/30/1884 11/13/1950 d.s.w. Alice Anthony | |
Jesse Grady 10/20/1905 12/10/1975 d.s.w. Vauda Sanders | |
Lucille Hoggard 1/26/1918 d.s.w. Brady Lorenzo | |
Vauda Sanders 7/27/1906 1/26/1994 d.s.w. Jesse Grady | |
Wanda Lee 6/13/1927  6/13/1927 (Dau of Jesse Grady and Vauda Sanders) | |
| |
Gardner | Fred V. 1/13/1908 1/31/1969 |
Gardner | Patsy Ruth 2/8/1951 2/11/1951 |
| |
Garrrison | Bessie C. 11/1/1912 8/1/1995 |
| |
Griffith | Elsie C. 7/16/1913 5/25/1974 d.s.w. Emmett |
Griffith | Emmett 1/1/1908 d.s.w. Elsie C. |
| |
Danny R. 1/14/1895 6/3/1966 | |
Edna 9/12/1921 3/2/1922 | |
Grimes | Elmira Shock 1881 1918 |
Henry Lee 12/11/1890 2/23/1967 | |
R.C. 4/30/1937 3/15/1970 | |
Grimes | Richard 12/25/1854 1/31/1905 |
| |
Hamilton | Rachel (Bell) 5/31/1918 5/5/1963 (Wife of Amon Hamilton |
| |
Harris | Lily Sammons 3/7/1868 10/17/1932 (Next to M. A. Sammons Family) |
| |
Harrison | J. Columbus 9/12/1896 8/13/1977 d.s.w. Tennessee G.(Grimes) "Married 1/17/1913" |
Harrison | Robert C. 1/29/1924 3/12/1995 (Adopted son of J. C. & T. G.) |
Harrison | Tennessee G. 3/28/1895 11/27/1986 d.s.w. J.(Joseph) Columbus "Married 1/17/1913" (Maiden: Grimes Sis to Laura Smith) |
| |
Dee  5/6/1886 7/26/1963 | |
Alma LaJoyce 1/29/1924 1/21/1943 | |
Almon 7/22/1886 6/26/1967 d.s.w. Rena | |
Heffington | Barney 1/4/1884 6/22/1890 Son of E.J. & N.E." |
Barney W. 1/19/1864 6/27/1935 | |
Bearl M. 10/31/1895 3/28/1959 d.s.w. Iva M. | |
Heffington | Berwell 10/21/1878 4/15/1902 |
Bettie Marie Bass 10/22/1931 7/24/1992 d.s.w. William Edward, Sr. "Married 6/1/1955 | |
Bobby D. 1/24/1932 9/21/1937 | |
C.F. "Heff" 1/11/1911 9/30/1993 d.s.w. Ruby Bell "Married 6/28/1932" | |
Carl Otis 3/11/1913 4/17/1968 d.s.w. Opal Shock | |
Chrisley 1893 1893 | |
Cleo Elwood 2/8/1917 11/24/1988 d.s.w. Ruby Janes "Mama - Daddy" | |
Heffington | Earl E. 1/31/1897 6/26/1974 d.s.w. Lois Curtis "U.S. Army" |
Easther C. 7/2/1835 1/9/1899 Wife of William D." | |
Elbert 4/2/1903 12/18/1960 d.s.w. Thelma Henry | |
Heffington | Elbert L. 2/16/1875 4/20/1937 |
Elmer 1883 1900 | |
Heffington | Ester O. 7/1/1888 7/27/1888 Dau. of H. & M.A." |
Ethel M. 8/17/1901 6/26/1990 | |
Heffington | Georgia A. 7/22/1879 7/14/1881 Dau. of W.L. & N.A." |
Glen A. 12/20/1913 7/17/1996 d.s.w. Ruth V. | |
Gracie 4/24/1909Â 12/21/2000Â (Dau of Thomas & Mary) | |
H.T. "Buzz" 12/6/1918 d.s.w. Lora | |
Hazel Henry 1/22/1909 1/31/1996 d.s.w. Howard Taft "Married 9?23/1932" "Mother" | |
Heffington | Henry 11/15/1858 11/4/1936 |
Howard Taft 9/30/1908 11/6/1990 d.s.w. Hazel Henry " Married 9/23/1932" "Father" | |
Ira E. 7/12/1900 10/28/1918 Son of E.L.& M.C." | |
Iva M. 7/6/1906 4/22/1928 d.s.w. Bearl M. | |
Iver 5/7/1893 5/29/1928 (Buried alongside (?) and Mary Mildred) | |
Jerry Lynn 12/12/1946 8/30/1961 | |
Jesse Anthony 1901 1902 | |
Jewell B. 1/13/1895 10/21/1989 d.s.w. Tom D. | |
Juanita 1910 1911 | |
Lee 1888 1889 | |
Heffington | Lois Curtis 5/15/1903 5/1/1981 d.s.w. Earl E. |
Lora 10/31/1924 d.s.w. H.T. | |
Loy Elton 3/16/1920 d.s.w. May Nell Glover "Married 9/9/1949 "Parents of Janell" | |
Heffington | M.E. "Dollie" Davis 1877 1897 Mother of Bearl" |
Martha 7/29/1860 9/11/1930 | |
Mary A. 9/15/1841 2/24/1901 | |
Mary Alice 12/29/1866 10/12/1932 d.s.w. Barney W. | |
Mary C. 12/31/1879 2/6/1980 | |
Mary Mildred 1/6/1920 5/17/1956 (Buried alongside Iver and (?) | |
May 1881 1937 | |
May Nell Glover 11/21/1925 d.s.w. Loy Elton "Married 9/9/1949" Parents of Janell" | |
Heffington | Nancy Ellendar 1852 1941 |
Nola 1/31/1897 3/20/1988 d.s.w. Rass | |
Opal Shock 3/23/1914 5/15/1990Â d.s.w. Carl Otis | |
Rass 12/13/1890  9/1/1966 d.s.w. Nola | |
Rena 5/17/1893 d.s.w. Almon | |
Heffington | reserved" - 10 |
Ruby Bell 11/30/1911 2/23/1999 d.s.w. C. F. "Married 6/28/1932" | |
Ruby Janes 9/2/1916 d.s.w. Cleo Elwood "Mama - Daddy" | |
Ruth V. 10/19/1916 11/16/1995 d.s.w. Glen A. | |
Thelma Henry 5/12/1902 11/12/1994 d.s.w. Elbert | |
Thomas 1880 1943 | |
Heffington | Thomas Howell 6/6/1891 12/12/1970 |
Tom D. 1/26/1892 10/12/1973 d.s.w. Jewell B. | |
Heffington | unmarked - 1 |
William D. 4/15/1839 12/5/1881 | |
William Edward, Sr. 5/29/1931 d.s.w. Bettie Marie Bass "Married 6/1/1955 | |
William Oren 11/26/1912 4/11/1995 d.s.w. Zelma Pauline "Parents of Robbie Lynn, Bernadean,Gary Don | |
Zelma Pauline 2/28/1921 d.s.w. William Oren | |
Heffington | May 9/11/1902 11/22/1989 |
| |
Hill | Francis C. 1877 1927 d.s.w. Harmon H. "Mother" |
Hill | Harmon H. 1873 1938 d.s.w. Francis C. "Father" |
Hill | Otha B. 1912 1926 (Buried alongside Francis & Harmon) |
Hill | Little Sonny 1910 1910 (Buried alongside Francis & Harmon) |
| |
Hodge | Clarence C. 4/4/1907 12/19/1971 d.s.w. Lucy Lenora |
Hodge | Lucy Lenora 3/6/1906 7/11/1961 d.s.w. Clarence C. |
| |
Hogan | “reserved" |
| |
Alvin  5/28/1924  9/28/1926  t.s.w. Gene E. & Lonnie D. | |
Ana  1/12/1889  6/6/1976 | |
Benjamin C. Jr. 6/19/1924   d.s.w. Lucy C. | |
Bessie Brewer 1/18/1911   4/4/1999 d.s.w. Robert Russell | |
Billy Morris 12/6/1940  12/6/1940 | |
D.(?)L. (?)Â Â 1903Â 1905Â Badly damaged stone, but Keathley is readable. | |
Dewey  5/25/1899  5/13/1960 | |
Don Leo 12/17/1941 7/16/1944 | |
Elsie 4/20/1911Â 2/21/1922Â "Dau of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Keathley" | |
Emmet E. 6/6/1888  8/24/1958 d.s.w. Rebecca A. | |
Frank S. 1/15/1892 4/1/1979 d.s.w. Marinda P. | |
Fred O. 12/21/1916 6/19/1999 | |
Gene E. 12/31/1927 5/28/1929 t.s.w. Alvin and Lonnie D. | |
George E. 5/24/1887 7/23/1888 "Geo. O., son of G.A. & E.O. Keathley" | |
Gladys M. 8/26/1926 4/10/1928 | |
Henrietta S. 1/27/1862 2/19/1862 "Wife of S.H. Keathley" | |
J. A. 1/18/1941 1/21/1941 | |
James W. 4/14/1883 7/9/1884 "Son of G.A. & E.O. Keathley" | |
John H. 1/19/1884 7/25/1963 d.s.w. Margaret E. | |
Lawrence E. 3/31/1895 4/21/1979 Military Stone "PVT US ARMY WORLD WAR I" | |
Libby A. 12/15/1885 2/6/1886 "Dau of G.A. & E.O. Keathley" | |
Lonnie D. 8/22/1923 12/18/1938 t.s.w. Alvin & Gene E. | |
Lucy C. 5/26/1926   d.s.w. Benjamin C. Jr, Married 5/6/1951 | |
Lucy J. 8/21/1884 8/21/1884 "Dau of G.A. & E.O. Keathley" | |
Margaret E. 5/18/1888 7/15/1974 d.s.w. John H. | |
Marinda P. 8/16/1898 1/6/1963 d.s.w. Frank S. | |
Rachel 8/8/1915 5/31/2001 FHM | |
Rachel M. 1/5/1867 5/30/1954 d.s.w. S. Stanton "Mother-Father" | |
Rebecca A. Lay 10/18/1894Â 9/9/1957Â d.s.w. Emmet E. | |
Robert Russell 2/16/1906 2/20/1986 d.s.w. Bessie Brewer | |
S. Stanton 12/29/1861 1/8/1940 d.s.w. Rachel M. "Mother-Father" | |
Sallie E. 1872 1969 | |
Samuel H. Jr. 11/21/1925 5/16/1936 | |
Syble Juanita 2/28/1928Â 2/28/1928Â | |
W. Author  2/27/1885 11/13/1952 | |
| |
Dewey 1903 1978 Military Stone | |
John Spencer 4/2/1930 4/22/1952 Military Stone | |
Tony D. 3/26/1934  9/26/1951 Military Stone "Arkansas CPL SIG RADIO DET" | |
| |
Della Keathley 5/11/1919  d.s.w. Louis Lea "Mother-Son" | |
Louis E. 1/9/1939 d.s.w. Della Lea "Mother-Son" | |
| |
Martin | Jimmie O. 1940 d.s.w. Rebecca |
Martin | Rebecca H. 1939 d.s.w. Jimmie O. |
| |
Nancy Lynn Keathley 4/30/1953  10/29/1999 "Mother" | |
| |
Matthews | Byron Sewell 3/3/1886 8/28/1948 t.s.w. Curtis E. & Easter E. |
Matthews | Curtis E. 9/18/1928 1/30/1981 t.s.w. Byron S. & Easter E. |
Easter 1877 1964 d.s.w. Madison "Married 7/28/1895" | |
Matthews | Easter E. 8/3/1889 11/22/1976 t.s.w. Byron S. & Curtis E. |
Gladys 6/28/1902 8/20/1902 (Buried alongside Madison & Easter) | |
Matthews | Joe Chesnutt 9/30/1942 12/4/1945 |
Madison 1870 1957 d.s.w. Easter "Married 7/28/1895" | |
Matthews | William A. 1/12/1858 5/1881 1st Sunday in May,1881" |
| |
Hattie Lou  5/12/1873 11/25/1940 | |
John H. 9/6/1861 2/18/1913 | |
McNinch | Leaster J.H. 11/2/1910 10/20/1911 |
Lillie 7/19/1902 5/6/1920 | |
| |
Miller | Matthew August 12/10/1911 8/21/1990 WOJG U.S. Army WWII" |
| |
Milton | Cora Ann 12/18/1888 4/26/1973 d.s.w. George W. |
Milton | George W. 10/1/1882 12/8/1959 d.s.w. Cora Ann |
Milton | Hobert S. 4/16/1913 7/16/1945 Son of Geo. & Cora" |
| |
Mitchell | Andrew C. 7/23/1906 1/11/1979 d.s.w. Iva E. |
Mitchell | Iva E. 8/16/1903 7/2/1988 d.s.w. Andrew C. |
| |
Geneva 11/16/1892 1/29/1934 | |
Larkin C. 11/3/1893 10/22/1956 | |
Mobbs | Ottie Heffington 11/6/1896 6/18/1983 |
| |
Moss | Mary E. 6/12/1866 5/27/1946 d.s.w. Napolean |
Moss | Napolean B. 6/13/1864 10/22/1914 d.s.w. Mary E. |
| |
Mounger | Farrell 5/20/1960 10/6/1962 |
| |
Nix | Robert 3/28/1875 4/24/1930 |
| |
Pearson | Eli 8/10/1874 11/14/1964 |
Pearson | Sarah Emma 1/20/1874 2/17/1918 |
| |
Poe | Benjamin Harvey 6/30/1892 12/20/1937 |
Byron E. 8/26/1899 2/28/1944 | |
Poe | Child 2/28/1899 9/7/1900 |
John A. 9/10/1867 1/25/1944 d.s.w. Nancy A. | |
Nancy A. 11/20/1868 4/26/1951 d.s.w. John A. | |
Poe | W. Pennington 5/29/18?? 2/6/189? (Broken stone-pieces missing) |
| |
Barbara d. 1/11/1911 d.s.w. James | |
Polk | Barbara R. Bell 1/20/1886 11/8/1896 |
Polk | Becia J. 3/7/1856 * 9/31/1913 Wife of J.O. *(That's what is on the tombstone!!!) |
Bradis 2/14/1910 3/5/1940 | |
Charley 12/28/1907 6/21/1918 | |
Polk | Child 3/??/???? 3/28/1884 Dau. of J.O. & B.J." (Broken stone) |
Easter 6/16/1908 8/18/1908 | |
George 8/13/1905 2/10/1906 | |
Polk | Horace Waldo 9/12/18?? 5/19/1903 Son of S.W. & V.A." (Broken stone) |
Polk | Idar Ales 1/23/1881 10/28/1896 |
Ira M. 12/5/1867 10/16/1935 d.s.w. Oma M. | |
James d. 1890 d.s.w. Barbara | |
James E. 11/9/1880 11/29/1921 d.s.w. Nancy E. | |
Jessie 6/25/1900 9/2/1900 | |
Jimmie 5/1/1902 5/1/1902 | |
Polk | John H. V. 3/9/1891 9/9/1891 * "Dau. of J.O. & B.J." (*That's what is on the tombstone) |
Judy 11/8/1915 1/24/1918 | |
Polk | Laura Farris 11/3/1892 3/8/1922 Wife of John Chester Polk" |
Polk | Mattie J. 7/31/1879 11/9/1886 Dau of J.O. & B.J." |
Mattie Lois 4/6/1915 4/25/1917 (Buried alongside Nancy E. & James E.) | |
Polk | Minnie 4/8/1890 11/19/1892 Dau. of S.W. & V.A." (Broken stone) |
Polk | Mollie Josephine 9/12/1892 7/7/2001 Dau. of John & Rebeca Jane" |
Nancy E. 1/11/1884 3/29/1959 d.s.w. James E. | |
Nancy Rebecka 11/20/1913 6/19/1914 (Buried alongside Nancy E.& James E.) | |
Oma M. 7/20/1874 5/10/1952 | |
Opie 3/23/1908 4/22/1928 | |
| |
Pool | Juanita Heffington 11/1/1932 7/24/1979 |
| |
Reynolds | ???cy Pearl 10/18/1888 6/14/1889 Dau of J.H. & M.T." |
Reynolds | E. J. 12/27/1845 10/27/1903 Wife of J.M." |
Reynolds | Elijah M. 7/24/1854 12/2/1878 |
Reynolds | Eliza J. 12/27/1845 10/27/1893 (Second stone for E.J.- different death date.) |
Reynolds | Infant Son 1891 1891 Son of J.H. & M.T." |
Reynolds | Infant Son 5/22/1892 5/22/1892 Son of J.H. & M.T." |
Reynolds | J. Edwin 1/16/1870 8/23/1876 t.s.w. Margaret & Pressley "Son of J.A. & M.J." |
Reynolds | J. H. 1/20/1855 1/16/1938 Father" d.s.w. Mary E. |
Reynolds | James H. 11/30/1826 6/16/1914 (Buried alongside Polly) |
Reynolds | Jesse A. 3/20/1846 12/18/1925 |
Reynolds | Jesse Michael 7/15/1848 6/20/1926 |
Reynolds | Lou Stevens 11/1866 10/1901 Wife of J.H." |
Reynolds | Margaret 4/1827 11/8/1858 |
Reynolds | Margaret J.Chamness 8/1841 8/13/1897 t.s.w. Pressley & J. Edwin "Wife of J.A. Reynolds" |
Reynolds | Martha J. 10/10/1845 10/14/1900 Wife of D.M." |
Reynolds | Mary E. 8/28/1856 Mother d.s.w. J.H. |
Reynolds | Mattie 8/16/1882 8/16/1882 Dau of J.H.& M.T." |
Reynolds | Nathan T. 6/14/1879 8/7/1913 (Woodmen of America stone) |
Reynolds | Pare Z. 2/27/1852 2/7/1867 |
Reynolds | Polly 12/15/1820 5/2/1907 (Buried alongside James H.) |
Reynolds | Pressley W. 12/20/1872 8/24/1873 t.s.w. J.Edwin & Margaret "Son of J.A & M.J." |
Reynolds | Robert J. 1874 1934 |
Sarah 11/15/1826 11/24/1855 (Oldest grave--first person buried in Heff. Cem.) | |
Reynolds | Talona Bryant 1861 1892 |
Reynolds | William A. 10/21/1866 7/19/1872 Son of J.M. & Eliza" |
| |
Ridgeway | William C. 1/26/1894 2/22/1894 Son of S.W. & V.A." (or W.A.- Broken Stone) |
| |
Ross | Estella O. 11/23/1888 7/16/1979 |
Ross | Fred E. 1/6/1890 5/26/1979 |
Ross | Thirlston 3/7/1914 10/3/1977 |
Ross | Vernon E. 11/29/1925 2/29/1936 |
| |
Roundtree | George 12/27/1889 9/12/1959 Ark. Cpl. Army WWI" |
| |
Sammons | A.L. 11/22/1887 3/2/1888 Son of G.W.& M.R." |
Sammons | George W. 7/27/1864 11/1/1939 d.s.w. Margaret R. |
Sammons | H. G. 9/13/1828 7/16/1908 (Husband of M.A.) |
Sammons | M. A. 1/27/1834 11/15/1910 Wife of H.G." |
Sammons | Margaret Rachel 6/13/1868 1/18/1946 d.s.w. Geo. W. |
Sammons | Robert E. 8/24/1874 2/13/1972 |
| |
Shipley | Beverly J. 8/13/1932 1/10/1985 d.s.w. Dewey D. |
Shipley | Dewey D. 1/4/1925 d.s.w. Beverly J. |
Shipley | Infant 11/23/1926 11/23/1926 Dau. of Myrtle & J.S." |
Shipley | John Samual 1/23/1887 5/22/1934 d.s.w. Myrtle Etter |
Shipley | Myrtle Etter 11/7/1888 3/1/1959 d.s.w. John Samual |
| |
A. J. 7/24/1861 5/5/1938 d.s.w. Ellen | |
Arvy Pearl 11/1916 1/1918 Dau.of R.A. & Myrtle" (Twin of Infant Son) | |
Bessie Evans 9/22/1896 7/28/1930 | |
G. W. 3/10/1829 5/25/1896 | |
Earl 4/10/1907 5/20/1908 Son of E.D. & Minnie" | |
Ellen 11/15/1861 5/29/1946 d.s.w. A.J. | |
G. D. "Bud" 3/4/1899 2/21/1972 d.s.w. Leona E. "George Dewey, PVT. USMC WWI" | |
George C. 3/16/1930 11/10/1991 CS2, U.S.Navy" | |
Grady 10/15/1914 7/2/1944 t.s.w. Olzie & Noah Son" | |
Helen Tucker 8/31/1883 3/7/1959 | |
Henry S. "Babe" 2/15/1901 1/12/1969 | |
Hulda A. R. 2/17/1861 2/6/1928 Wife of W.A." "Mother" | |
Infant Daughter 9/1913 9/1913 Dau. of R.A. & Myrtle" | |
Infant Son 11/1916 11/1916 Twin of Arvy Pearl" Son of R.A. & Myrtle" | |
Infant Son 8/31/1910 8/31/1910 Son of R.A. & Myrtle" | |
J.C. "Buck" 1901 1932 | |
John 9/19/1854 1/31/1918 | |
John T. 6/3/1877 8/14/1914 Son of Wm & Huldia Shock | |
Joseph Benton 11/27/1892 9/10/1944 | |
Shock | Joseph H. 10/14/1879 10/25/1884 Son of G.W. & N.A." |
Shock | L. B. 7/12/1999 Age 84" (FH Marker) |
Leona E. 9/22/1908 10/2/1988 d.s.w. G.D. | |
Lionel Javan 6/19/1919 d.s.w. Radine Gadberry Married 6/3/1944" | |
Lois Setzler 11/15/1894 1/9/1924Â d.s.w. Joseph Benton Shock | |
Lydia D. A. 11/26/1877 12/5/1901 Dau. of G.W. & N.A. Shock | |
Mary Ellen 7/20/1923 11/19/1926 | |
Shock | Millie Pearl 3/25/1891 1/26/1902 Dau. of A.J. & T.L." |
Minnie 3/3/1890 11/19/1892 Dau. of S.W. & V.A. Shock " | |
Myrtle 11/12/1890 12/31/1964 d.s.w. Rufus A. | |
Shock | Noah 5/10/1893 11/30/1982 t.s.w. Olzie & Grady Father" |
Olzie 8/29/1894 10/25/1982 t.s.w. Noah & Grady Mother" | |
Polly 1/1/1913 1/1/1913 Dau. of E.D. & Minnie" | |
Radine Gadberry 5/13/1922 d.s.w. Lionel Javan "Married 6/3/1944" | |
Ruby 1/25/1921 8/13/1941 Dau.of R.A.& Myrtle Shock" | |
Rufus A. 2/11/1889 10/21/1966 d.s.w. Myrtle | |
Samuel Hobart 9/11/1896 6/28/1905 | |
Samuel Willis 12/27/1865 5/14/1937 | |
Setzler 10/12/1921 4/30/1923 | |
Thomas D. 1/18/ 1872 (Son of G.W. & N.A. Shock, Broken stone, pieces missing) | |
Shock? | Unmarked (bet. Ruby Shock & James Williams-I believe it to be Shock) |
Shock | Verna 7/21/1904 1/15/1906Â Dau.of E.D. 7 Minnie" |
Virginia A. 6/26/1870  5/31/1917 (Wife of S.W. Shock) | |
Walter M. 4/14/1891 2/21/1941 SGT. Inf." | |
William A. 4/27/1856 8/22/1912 | |
| |
Smith | Easter P. 5/20/1893 2/24/1944 |
Smith | George W. 10/14/1893 3/30/1972 |
Smith | Herman Morris 4/1/1905 6/29/1973 d.s.w. Laura Agnes |
Smith | Hubert. L. 10/22/1924 9/15/1937 (Next to Herman & Laura) |
Smith | J. D. "Smokey" 5/21/1915 4/18/1986 |
Smith | Laura Agnes 10/3/1906 10/31/1991 d.s.w. Herman Morris (Maiden: Grimes, Sis of Tennessee Harrison) |
| |
Soos | Pauline M 12/17/1911 4/20/2000 |
| |
Spradlin | Joyce Onita 1917 1921 Daughter" |
Spradlin | Pearl Anthony 1891 1918 Mother" |
| |
Ella 1/13/1887 4/26/1944 Wife of J. N." | |
J. N. 1875 1956 | |
Starr | Jesse A. 4/23/1905 6/10/1905 Son of J.N & S.J." |
Sarah J. 5/11/1877 9/15/1939 Wife of J.N." | |
| |
Story | Lorence 3/5/1905 5/11/1996 |
| |
Tabor | ?????? 1917 1942 Our Loving Mother" (Next to Byron Poe & Easter P. Smith, probably a "Poe")) |
| |
Tharp | Syble Bradke 10/1927 3/1952 |
| |
Artie Shock 12/26/1894 8/3/1990 | |
Thompson | William Paul 3/24/1920 2/17/1992 |
| |
Ussery | Joy (Bradke) 7/4/1920 d.s.w. Samuel R. |
Ussery | Samuel R. 4/21/1911 10/22/1997 d.s.w. Joy |
| |
Voss | John Allen 1/11/1945 d.s.w. Phyllis |
Voss | Phyllis * 11/17/1940 10/25/1984 d.s.w. John Allen (*Stone reads, "Phyllis Heffington Padgett Voss" |
| |
Walker | Charles F. 1/27/1998 Age 72" (FH marker) |
Walker | Minnie L. 4/10/1910 8/26/1992 |
| |
Allen J. 1/8/1896 10/24/1966 d.s.w. Eula V. | |
White | Benedick 1/3/1901 |
Bessie 4/6/1900 4/20/1900 | |
White | Carlos 1914 d.s.w. Edith |
White | Edith 1916 d.s.w. Carlos |
Elsie Marie 12/22/1914 2/22/1915 | |
Eula V. 2/10/1898 2/8/1986 d.s.w. Allen J. | |
White | Fay 2/9/1918 11/2/1918Â d.s.w. Ruth White |
White | Gene T. 1/10/1930 d.s.w. Una Reedy |
White | Georgie Ann 1/4/1877 10/20/1945 d.s.w. James H. |
White | Icy C. 1/16/1911 5/16/1948 |
White | Infant 8/12/1921Â 8/12/1921Â (Buried nest to Otha V. & Johnie H. |
White | James H. 4/26/1878 9/3/1956 d.s.w. Georgie Ann |
White | James Jr. 10/17/1922 8/20/1937 |
White | Joann 12/27/1933 7/7/1935 Dau of Carlos & Edith" |
White | John B. 10/27/1865 12/2/1945 d.s.w. Malinda J. |
White | Johnie H. 3/21/1899 11/13/1989 d.s.w. Otha V. |
White | Mahaley C. 7/9/1858 8/1877 Dau. of B. & M.M." |
White | Malinda J. 6/8/1868 1/22/1973 d.s.w. John B. |
Margret 10/14/1834 10/7/1923 | |
White | Mary H. 1/27/1882 3/23/1915 |
Mona Heffington 7/22/1899 11/2/1989 | |
Ned Evert 8/27/1911 3/31/1934 | |
Ola A. 3/20/1900 12/7/1926 | |
White | Otha V. 9/7/1901 8/22/1981 d.s.w. Johnie H. |
Robert 8/30/1904 9/21/1904 | |
White | Ruth 12/24/1914 11/2/1918 |
Ruth 8/21/1902 11/21/1915Â d.s.w. Fay White | |
White | Una Reedy 3/21/1931 d.s.w. Gene T. |
| |
Effie 1868 1936 d.s.w. Jake | |
Jake 1870 1948 d.s.w. Effie | |
| |
Whittington | Mary Inez 8/14/1955 8/16/1955 Dau. of Dorothy & Luther G." |
| |
Williams | Charles M. 1869 1933 d.s.w. Susan E. |
Williams | Claudia J. 1913 1968 d.s.w. James P. |
Williams | James Anderson 6/22/1899 3/22/1930 (FH marker) |
Williams | James P. 1895 d.s.w. Claudia J. |
Williams | Susan E. 1874 1956 d.s.w. Charles M. |
| |
Woodward | Charles Davis 2/29/1888 9/21/1936 d.s.w. Maude Ida |
Woodward | Clara M. 8/14/1925 d.s.w. Samual A. |
Woodward | Maude Ida Poe 11/15/1889 3/7/1971 d.s.w. Charles Davis |
Woodward | Samual Andrew 1/3/1923 7/16/1999 d.s.w. Clara M. "US Navy WWII" |
Woodworth | Annie M. 12/11/1889 3/19/1960 d.s.w. Walter L. |
Woodworth | Harold 1/15/1932 2/18/1933 |
Woodworth | Orvel D. 12/4/1914 11/10/1915 |
Woodworth | Walter L. 1/11/1890 3/21/1986 d.s.w. Annie M. |
| |
Yancey | Fay Junior 1/1923 2/1923 |
| |
| ? James O. ?/16/1887 8/?/???? Son of ??" |
| TWO HOME-MADE SANDSTONE MARKERS, under a large cedar at the northwest corner of the cemetery. (We were unable to determine dates or names, but could be Keathley.)Â |