Arkansas Baptist Orphan's Home
Monticello, Arkansas

Photo from 1907 edition of Advance newspaper, sent in by John Dennis

1900 Census

June 15, 1900

Household 142-146

Hannah Gardiner matron & head wf Mar 1857 43 m3 AR SC SC
Stewart Gardiner husband wm Aug 1869 30 m3 TN TN KY
Jessie Cockrill inmate wf June 1886 13 s AR UN UN
Effie Norsey inmate wf Feb 1885 15 s AR UN UN
Henry Norsey inmate wm June 1887 12 s AR UN UN
Annie Berry inmate wf May 1885 15 s AR UN UN
Sallie Berry inmate wf Dec 1889 10 s AR UN UN
Mattie Berry inmate wf Sept 1887 12 s AR UN UN
Sara Sumner inmate wf Aug 1885 14 s AR UN UN
Carl Little inmate wm Oct 1886 13 s AR UN UN
Eddie Shelton inmate wm Feb 1887 13 s AR UN UN
Nellie Clark inmate wf Apr 1887 13 s AR UN UN
Ruth Moseley inmate wf Feb 1889 11 s AR UN UN
Minnie Moseley inmate wf Aug 1890 10 s AR UN UN
Tom Moseley inmate mw Feb 1892 7 s AR UN UN
Linnie Jones inmate wf Jan 1887 13 s AR UN UN
Lydia Jones inmate wf Aug 1890 9 s AR UN UN
Dora Miller inmate wf Apr 1893 7 s AR UN UN
Louis Miller inmate wf Nov 1894 5 s AR UN UN
Ethel Miller inmate wf Mar ?? ?? s AR UN UN
Francis Nesmith inmate wf Dec 18?? ?? s AR UN UN
Etta Nesmith inmate wf Jan 189? ?? s AR UN UN
May Nesmith inmate wf Oct 1899 ?? s AR UN UN
Charley Rowe inmate wm Dec 1889 ?? s AR UN UN
John Brinkley inmate wm Mar 1898 ?? s AR UN UN
Dan Brinkley inmate wm Jan 1893 7 s AR UN UN
Lillie Johns inmate wf Mar 1898 2? s AR UN UN
Leota Johns inmate wf Sept 1896 3 s AR UN UN
Elsa Fletch inmate wf Aug 1891 8 s AR UN UN
Rose Fletch inmate wf July 1894 5 s AR UN UN
Unice Davis? inmate wf Oct 1890 9 s AR UN UN
Gertrude Welsh inmate wf Jan 1892 8 s AR UN UN
Maud Welsh inmate wf UN 18?? 6? s AR UN UN
Leonard Welsh inmate wm UN 1896 4 s AR UN UN

1910 Census

April 26, 1910

Household 83-83

James N Williams head& Superintendent wm 37 m1 6y TN TN TN
Dana Williams wife fw 32 m1 6y 2b 2l AR AR AR
James N Williams son wm 4 s AR TN AR
Leah L Williams dau fw 2 s AR TN AR
Emma Akins? fw 19 s AR US US
Dora Miller fw 16 s AR US US
Ethel Miller fw 14 s AR US US
Louis G Miller mw 15 s AR US US
Etta E Nesmith fw 14 s AR US US
Della May Nesmith fw 12 s AR US US
Daniel Brinkley wm 16 s AR US US
Leota Johns fw 15 s AR US US
Ella May Sumners fw 18 s AR US US
Addie can't read fw 15 s AR US US
Carl H. Emmons? mw 16 s AR US US
Malvinia Brown? fw 13 s AR US US
Ida Belle Fitzgerald fw 14 s AR US US
Myrtis Fitzgerald fw 11 s AR US US
Marie Fitzgerald fw 11 s AR US US
George W. Rut? mw 8 s AR US US
Thomas A. Sharp mw 13 s AR US US
Ollie Bell Sharp fw 15 s AR US US
Eugene Reed mw 15 s AR US US
John A. Reed mw 12 s AR US US
Anna Alford fw 15 s AR US US
Pearl Alford fw 13 s AR US US
Elizabeth Hawkins fw 13 s AR US US
Fannie Hatcher fw 15 s AR US US
Willie Hatcher fw 12 s AR US US
Virginia Hatcher fw 11 s AR US US
Jefferson Hatcher mw 10 s AR US US
Sophronia Holt fw 21? s AR US US
John C. Holt mw 10 s AR US US
Amanda Yondles? fw 14 s AR US US
Charles Grady mw 12 s AR US US
Sallie Williams? fw 17 s AR US US
Sidney Foster mw 11 s AR US US
Alvin Foster mw 7 s AR US US
Richard Rankins mw 10? 15? s AR US US
Lois Rankins fw 8 s AR US US
Lelia Duvill? fw 15 s AR US US
Beney? Duvill? fw 13 s AR US US
Davis Lanstrom? mw 11 s AR US US
Louis Foster mw 12 s AR US US
Jeff Lanstrom? mw 8 s AR US US
Lelia Tozey? fw 11 s AR US US
Verdie Vorglers? mw 11 s AR US US
Charlie McCarty mw 12 s AR US US
Harvey Marvell? mw 11 s AR US US
Russell Thompson mw 7 s AR US US
Thompson Thompson mw 5 s AR US US
Rosa L Freeman fw 15 s no record kept
Sidney Crawford mw 13 s no record kept
Thomas Crawford mw 10 s no record kept
Wayne Crawford mw 8 s no record kept
Rosa Lee Crawford fw 6 s no record kept
Anna Bell Sanders fw 9 s no record kept
Sybil Edmunson fw 15 s no record kept
Luellen M Welsh fw 12 s no record kept
Vivian Campbell fw 3 s no record kept
Mollie A Williams fw 12 s no record kept
Wm. M. Williams mw 10 s no record kept
Ollie E. Williams fw 8 s no record kept
Chester Williams mw 6 s no record kept
Cordelia B Williams fw 4 s no record kept
Elizabeth Williams fw 2 s no record kept
Myrtle J Short fw 14 s no record kept
Charles S Short mw 8 s no record kept
Gertie Lee Short fw 4 s no record kept
Sallie Caple fw 10 s no record kept
Mary B Caple fw 8 s no record kept
William H. Caple mw 6 s no record kept
Trudie L Caple fw 4 s no record kept
Joseph Burrough mw 9 s no record kept
Chas. H. Sater mw 6 s no record kept
Iva Jane Sater fw 4 s no record kept
Lyla Sater fw 9 s no record kept
Patrick H. Anglan mw 12 s no record kept
Rosetta Anglan fw 8 s no record kept
Jennetta Anglan fw 8 s no record kept
May Anglan fw 7 s no record kept
William W. Evans mw 12 s no record kept
Ann E. Evans fw 11 s no record kept
Mattie L Evans fw 8 s no record kept
Minnie Evans fw 4 s no record kept
Norma M Evans fw 2 s no record kept
Albert Wallace mw 7 s no record kept
Willie Oplenn? Renford fw 15 s MS
Bissie L Renford fw 13 s MS
Hettis M. Renford fw 10 s MS
Roger Bell Renford fw 8 s MS
Hildard E. Downs mw 5 s AR
Reginold V. Downs mw 3 s AR
Harry J Downs mw 1 s AR
Edgar Arnns? mw 11 s ?
Carl D. Coleman mw 8 s ?
Cecil L. Coleman mw 5 s ?
Riley Vernell mw 11 s ?
Eathel J. Jones fw 14 s ?
Varlite Jones fw 16 s no record
Martha Wonder? fw 14 s no record
Chester C. Davis mw 12 s no record
Mary C Murry fw 15 s no record
McCullough J. Murry mw 12 s no record
Gladys M Boyd fw 12 s no record
Harry D. Boyd mw 8 s no record
Charles A Boyd mw 5? s no record
Edford? E. Boyd mw 2 s no record
Louis W. Annis? Davis? mw 9 s no record
John M Annis? Daivs? mw 7 s no record
Euldis Stennet? mw 3/12 s no record
Mary Risley fw 14 s no record
James Risley mw 12 s no record
Lara Douglas fw 9 s no record

1920 Census

February 9, 1920

M.C. Horton  head  mw  46  married AL  US  AL  Manager Orphans Home

Bertha  wife  fw  39  married  Ger GER GER Matron Orphan's Home

Hazel  dau 18 fw  single  TN AL GER

Marvin  son  16  mw  single  TN AL GER

Grace  dau 11 fw  single  AR AL GER

Malvin  son  7  mw single  LA AL GER

T.C. Bauer  head  36 mw  married  TN SWITZ SWITZ ASST MAN Orphan's Home

Minnie  wife 34  fw  married AR AR AR ASST MATRON Orphan's Home 

Clara  dau  8  fw  single  AR TN AR

Sula Willis  teacher  39 fw  single AR AR AR teacher Orphan's Home 

Wayne Evans  inmate  23  mw  single   AR AL AL

Glen mcIntre inmate  5  mw  single  AR  US  US 

Grace Eva McIntyre  inmate  8  fw  single  AR  US  US 

May MacIntyre  inmate  10  mw  single  AR  US  US 

Francis Peters  inmate  8  fw  single  IL  US  US 

Cletes Peters  inmate  10  fw  single  IL  US  US 

Viola Taylor  inmate  9  mw  single  AR  US  US 

Edward Collins  inmate  12  mw  single  US US US 

Clara Collins  inmate  10  fw  single  US US US

Delia Wise  inmate  fw  15  single  AR US US 

T.J. Wise  inmate  mw  10  single  AR US US 

May Selena Wise  inmate  10  fw  single  AR US US 

Willie Joe Wise  inmate  7 mw  single  AR US US

Lottie Caple  inmate  10  fw  AR US US 

Harrison Saiter  inmate  15  mw  single  AR US US 

Ray Kerrinett?  inmate  12  mw  single  AR US US 

Joseph Barber  inmate   9  mw  single  MS US US  

Austin Barber  inmate   6  mw  single  MS US US   

Wesley Soloman  inmate  12  mw  single  US US US 

Louise Soloman  inmate  8  fw  single  US US US

Helen Knox  inmate  13  fw  single   AR US US 

Henry Knox  inmate  11  mw  single  AR US US 

Frank Knox  inmate  5  mw  single  AR US US 

Hugh Knox  inmate  3  mw  single  AR US US 

Lottie Collins  inmate  11  fw  single AR US US 

Buson? Collins  inmate  9  mw  single  AR US US

Jesse Leadbetter  inmate  13  mw  single  AR US AR

Charley Williams  inmate   11 mw  single  AR US US 

Gladys Green  inmate  18  fw  single  AR US US 

Lula Andrews  inmate 12  fw  single  AR US US 

Lois Andrews  inmate  12  fw  single  AR US US 

Thomas Crawford  inmate  12  mw  single  AR US US 

Lee Rosa Crawford  inmate  16  fw  single  AR US US 

Emma Crow  inmate  11  fw  single  AR US US 

Eunice Tullos?  inmate  15  fw  single  AR US US 

Margery Tullos?  inmate  11  fw  single  AR US US 

Mary Tullos?  inmate  9  fw  single  AR US US 

May Lillie Graves  inmate   16  fw  single  AR US US 


Paul Hite  inmate   18  mw  single  AR US US 


Vesta Bateman  inmate   9  fw  single  AR US US 

John Hunt  inmate   11  mw  single  AR  US US 

Ina Henry  inmate  15  fw  single  SC  US US

Earnes Baker  inmate  10  mw  single  MO  US US

Rosa Angle  inmate  18  fw  single  AR US US 

Marie Angle  inmate  17  fw  single  AR US US 

Russell Thompson  inmate  16  mw  single  AR US US 

Charley Page  inmate  15  mw  single  AR US US 

Elbert Page  inmate  11  mw  single  AR US US 

Dee Ruby Jones  inmate  19  fw single  AR US US 

Edith Jones  inmate  14  fw  single  AR US US 

Marvin Talley  inmate  18  mw  single  AR  US US 

Lizzie Russell  inmate  16  fw  single  AR US US 

Sylvia Mars    inmate  15  fw  single  AR US US 

Dwight Lashbrook  inmate  11  mw  single  AR US US 

Robert Moore  inmate   13  mw  single  AR US US 

Herman Carter  inmate  13  mw  single  AR US US 

Myrtle Blackwell   inmate  16  fw  single  AR  US US

1930 Arkansas Baptist Orphanage Census

Note from Bert Mullins (
(1910 Census) Mary B, William H, Trudie L and Sallie Caple are siblings. They were born in Ferguson Township, Yell County, Arkansas. Their parents were William H. and Sadie Caple. He was born in Mississippi in 1868 and she in Tennessee in 1882. Mary B. Caple married my great uncle, Claud Mullins. I believe they were likely married in Monticello in the 1921-1924 time frame. They had no children. Mary died in 1976 and Claud in 1987. Both are buried in the Adams-Singer Cemetery in Warren. I have not researched Mary's siblings or parents and do not know what became of her parents or the reason the children came to be orphans. Any information on this family appreciated.

Note from Melissa Emerson (

I don't know if this will help or not but I have information on the

following people that were on the 1910 Census for Arkansas Baptist Orphans Home, Monticello AR.

Patrick H. Anglan  mw  12  no record kept

Rosetta Anglan  fw  8  no record kept

Jennetta Anglan  fw  8  no record kept

May Anglan  fw  7  no record kept

All four individuals were born in Alma AR. Sebastian County.  The name

should have been Anglen. Sometime between 1910 and 1920 the name was

shortened to Angle. We're still not sure if that was something done

intentionally or if it was a clerical error.

Articles below were submitted to Drew County Mailing List by Jann Woodard

Ark. Gazette Oct. 6, 1896:

It is often said that a prophet is without honor in

his own country.  It is equally true that our home

people do not fully appreciate the significance of one

of their grandest institutions, an institution which

will give us a state reputation for benevolence and

enterprise.  Such an institution we have in the

Orphans Home, under the control of the State Baptist

Association of Arkansas.

Situated on an elevation gently sloping in all

directions, with a park of magnificent oaks to the

south "far from the madding crowds ignoble strife," it

presents to the observer an air of calm repose.  Here

the homeless and the orphan, weary of the buffeting of

a cruel world may find rest and support near to

nature's heart.

Although the present building is not commensurate with

the plans of its founders, it is yet a good beginning.

 It is a two-story brick, 20X60 feet, with six large

rooms.  This building is now completed and there is an

amount of only $40 due on the same, which ought to be

raised right away.  This building the board intends to

be an "L" of the main building, which they hope to

build later.

Eighty acres of land were donated to the home by Miss

Hannah Hyatt, of this city.  Not content with this

display of liberality, Miss Hyatt has traveled over

this state from one end to the other in the interest

of the home.  Besides giving her time and property to

this enterprise, Miss Hyatt is now installed as matron

of the home, not at a lucrative salary, but without

money and without price.  She receives no pay, save

the orphans prayer and the gratitude of thankful

hearts.  Such devotion to the homeless waif should put

to blush the man with a soul so dead as to discourage

an enterprise of this kind, and should inspire to

renewed exertions those responsive to the ills and

calamities to which humanity falls heir.

There are two orphans in the home at present and more

are expected soon.  Just as soon as the rooms are

furnished the home will doubtless be full.

The board wishes it to be distinctly understood that

while the home is under the control of the Arkansas

Baptist Association, yet its doors are open to all

orphans in the state.  No questions are asked as to

whether they are Methodists, Presbyterian, Baptists,

or whether they belong to any church.  All sects and

creeds are welcome here.  The two orphans in the home

at present are not of Baptist parents.

The present building has cost about $1800.  The home

is under the control of the following board of

trustees:  Rev. W. W. Gardner, Rev. N. C. Denson, Rev.

W. K. Penrod, Rev. Hogan All, R. F. Hyatt, D. T.

Hyatt, Z. T. Wood, L. E. Morgan, J. A. Cason.

Ark. Gazette Feb. 1, 1910, Monticello - Finding a

bottle of carbolic acid in a room, where she had been

left to play in the absence of the nurse, Mercedes

Caples, a 3 year old inmate of the Orphans' Home of

Monticello, drank the contents and died within a few

minutes.  The nurse was gone from the room only a few

minutes and how the child got the bottle from the

shelf where it stood is a mystery.  The little girl

was brought to the home from Clarendon.

Arkansas Gazette:

Monticello, Nov. 3, 1915 - A carload of supplies,

mostly foodstuffs, has been received by the Baptist

Orphan; Home of this city.  It was donated by the

people of Rogers and other neighboring towns.

November 3, 1915-Arkansas Gazette Monticello

J. N. Williams, who has been superintendent of the

Monticello Baptist Orphans' Home for several years,

has resigned.  The affairs of the Orphanage will be

looked after until the meeting of the Baptist

convention, November 18, by the Rev. J. F. Tull and R.

F. Hyatt, two resident members of the Board of


Arkansas Gazette

Monticello-July 19, 1915

Miss Rose Freeman, of the Orphan's Home, age 19 years,

died on last Friday.  The young lady's former home was

at Berryville, Ark.  The remains were interred in

Oakland Cemetery on last Saturday.

AR Gazette Jan. 9, 1916:


Monticello, Jan. 8 - "We have about 175 bright children in our home
who would be a blessing to any home," says W. F. Dorris,
superintendent and financial secretary of the Monticello
Baptist Orphans' Home. "They will be given to any persons
giving satisfactory evidence of having a good home for

Note from:

The Vesta Bateman listed in the 1920 records is as follows:


Age 9 years, White Male, born in Terrell, Kaufman County TX

Name: Vester, Born to James Merion Bateman and E. M Harper.


There was an older Brother, Johnny Albert Bateman and Mary Elizabeth Bateman and a

small female called Bea. Never knew what happened to her.  


Found on this web site: 
[Page, Mrs. � 7 Jan 1910-SS [JES-33] her 4 children sent to Baptist Orphans Home at Monticello, AR ]
JES stands for Jonesboro Evening Sun.

Last Update Friday, 22-Feb-2013 20:44:15 MST

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