Carthage Schools

The first school in Carthage was started in November of 1883. This school was created to educate the black children of Carthage. This school session was opened in the Bethel A. M. E. Church, which was the only available building at this time. There were fifteen students enrolled in this class and the Mr. R. N. Davis of Pine Bluff served as the teacher. The school year last only three months. In 1898, Miss Elizzie B. Westbrook, started teaching at the school. Miss Westbrook continued teaching until 1906.

In 1919, a two-story frame building was constructed on land purchased from the Fordyce Lumber Company. Eight grades were taught at this school. This building burned down and because of lack of funds, no new building was built for over fifteen years. Various building and Churches were used to house the schools during this time.

In 1925, the ninth grade was added, which marked the start of the high school. The school term increased from five months to seven months. In 1936, with help from the W. P. A. Project, a four room brick building was constructed. At this time, the Saline School was consolidated and the tenth grade was added. Around 1941, a new vocational agricultural shop was constructed. The Tulip School was consolidated around 1943.

During the 1944-45 school year, the Carthage School Board consented to adding the eleventh grade. During the 1945-46 school year, the twelfth grade was added to the high school. Also during this time, a home economic building and a lunch-room were constructed. In 1946, the Carthage High School was accredited by the Arkansas State Department of Education. The first high school graduation exercises were held in 1947.carthagesch1941

The Bunn School District was consolidated with Carthage in 1948. In 1949, a gymnasium with three classrooms on each side was built. The children from Mt. Zion and Princeton Communities started attending school in Carthage about this time.

The first white school was taught in 1907 by Ethel Adams of Little Rock. The school was a one room in a small residence was used as the classroom. Later a one room school was built, as the number of students increased, there was a demand for new school. A new four room school was erected and more teachers were hired.

When The Eastside Negro School & The Westside White School was condemned in the early 1960s, the Carthage School District was integrated.

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