Events in Conway County
Even after an event has occurred events which are listed here during the year will remain on the site until a new date is given to me for that event. This will give you the contact information and approximate dates at any time during the year. If an event date is not updated in two years the event will be dropped from the list.
You can contact me with any question or
you can submit your events now. For inclusion on this site, send info to
Cemetery Decorations
Wolf Cemetery Decoration Sunday, May 1, 2011 (always the first Sunday in May)
For more information contact Wolf Cemetery Association, P. O. Box 594,
Morrilton, AR 72110, 501-354-4157 or 501-354-4428.
Old Hickory Cemetery Decoration May 1, 2011 (always the first Sunday in May).
Contact Frank Massingill, 19 Henry Street, Morrilton, AR 72110. Phone:
Campground Cemetery Decoration, Overcup Sunday, May 1, 2011 For more information
contact Dorothy Charton, 12 Solgohachia Road, Morrilton, AR 72110, 501-354-5111.
Reid Cemetery Decoration and Reunion Sunday, May 29, 2011. For more information
contact Darrell Reid, P. O. Box 26, Jerusalem, AR 72080, 501-669-2675.
Robertstown Cemetery Decoration (always the second Sunday in May) Sunday, May 8,
2011. For more information Marion Henderson, 54 Henderson Lane, Jerusalem, AR
72080, 501-669-2530.
Mt. Zion Cemetery Decoration (always the third Sunday in May) Sunday, May 15,
2011. For more information contact Darral Harris, 150 Cedar Creek Dr.,
Jerusalem, AR 72080. 501-669-2545.
Cedar Creek Cemetery Decoration Sunday, May 15, 2011.(always the third Sunday in
May) For more information contact James Bartlett, P. O. Box 53, Jerusalem, AR
72080. 501-669-2381. EMAIL:
Old Liberty Cemetery Decoration May 8, 2011. Contact Jimmy O’Neal, 4070 Hwy 95,
Cleveland, AR 72030. 501-669-2672.
Liberty Springs Cemetery Decoration, May 1, 2011. Contact: Gerald Freeman, 1328
Bridge Hill Road, Cleveland, AR 72030, 501-669-2636.
SSpears Reunion April , Jerusalem Community Building, 9:30 AM- 3 PM. Contact
James Bartlett, P. O. Box 53, Jerusalem, AR 72080, 501-669-2381. EMAIL:
Charton Reunion May , (always 3rd Sunday in May) Contact Dorothy Charton, 12
Solgohachia Road, Morrilton, AR 72110, 501-354-5111. EMAIL:
Walter Lee Jones Family Reunion, June , (always first Sunday in June) Oppelo
City Hall For more information contact Dorothy Charton, 12 Solgohachia Road,
Morrilton, AR 72110, 501-354-5111.
Loyd Reunion, June at Cherokee Park in Morrilton, Arkansas beginning at 11:00
AM. For more information contact Tom Gordon EMAIL:
Beavers/Cato Reunion Saturday, May 14, 2011. For more information contact Euna
Beavers, 20 Rocky Point Road, Morrilton, AR 72110. 501-354-4428. EMAIL:
Williams, Mills, Tice, Gordon, Wood Reunion Saturday, Juky 16, 2011. For more
information contact Euna Beavers, 20 Rocky Point Road, Morrilton, AR 72110.
501-354-4428, EMAIL:
Bostian Reunion July , (always on the Saturday before the fourth of July in odd
numbered years), Contact Dorothy Charton, 12 Solgohachia Road, Morrilton, AR
72110, 501-354-5111. EMAIL:
Mason Family Reunion, Saturday, June, 10 AM, Family Life Center, Downtown Church
of Christ, Morrilton, AR. For more information email:
Wood, Baker, Bearden Reunion Saturday, June 25, 2011. For more information
contact Euna Beavers, 20 Rocky Point Road, Morrilton, AR 72110. 501-354-4428.
Stacks Reunion, The annual Stacks Family Reunion will be held Sunday, September,
at the John Irving Pavilion in Burns Park, North Little Rock, Arkansas. (Turn
east off exit 150 into the park to the second pavilion on the left.) Stacks and
related families from Arkansas and other Southern states begin gathering about
11:00 AM, have a potluck lunch, share old family photos and information, and
stay as long as anyone wishes to visit. For more information contact Bill
Stacks, phone: 501-354-8650 or EMAIL:
Bartlett Reunion October, Appleton Community Building, 9:30 AM-3 PM. Contact
James Bartlett, P. O. Box 53, Jerusalem, AR 72080, 501-669-2381. EMAIL:
Roberts Reunion September,9:30 AM-3 PM, Jerusalem Community Building Contact
James Bartlett, P. O. Box 53, Jerusalem, AR 72080, 501-669-2381. EMAIL:
Milam Reunion October Contact Louise Ferguson-Bruce, 1031 Casteen Rd., Austin,
AR 72007-8948, 501-676-6258, EMAIL:
JONAS HILL FAMILY REUNION October 7th & 8th, 2011 9am-5pm.
Church of Christ Family Life Center, 100 W. Church Street, Morrilton, AR
Contact for information: Catherine Marlowe 501-208-2171; Vickie Saugey
501-258-8809; Marnie Kimmons 501-472-0471; Gay Miller 501-354-0307; Karen Barnes
EMAILl Nona Thompson for agenda and registration form.
Jonas Hill was our Revolutionary War Ancestor. His children were: Perry,
Bailey, Margaret Ann married Thomas Jefferson Williams; Henry married Rebecca
?; Claburn; Scarlett Anderson married Minerva Guinn; Martha married Leory P
Williams and Bumpus Brinkley; Mary Sidney; Jesse Calloway married Martha Reed
and Mary Etta Holmes; William and Elizabeth Hill. Jonas died in Franklin
County Tennessee in 1844. Mary and most of the children moved to Arkansas and
she married David Castleberry.
All descendants are encouraged to come to the Family Reunion and get acquainted.
Oppelo Homecoming, Saturday, (Normally held the 4th Saturday in September each
year but has been changed to every other year. It was held in 2010 so will
be held in the even numbered years.) For more information contact David &
Roberta Bingham Anderson 501-354-5721, or Euna Beavers 501-354-4428,
Jerusalem Homecoming, Saturday, May 14 , 2011 beginning at 2 PM. For more
information contact Evern & Glynna Lawless, 101 Crown Road, Jerusalem, AR 72080.
Genealogy Eventsss
Genealogy Research in Small Town, USA ( In conjunction with May Heritage
Month)-May 22, 2010, 10:00 AM- 3:00 PM, Farm Bureau Conference Room, Morrilton,
AR. For more information contact or 501-208-4213.
The Eighteenth Annual North Arkansas Ancestor Fair-June 3&4, 2011 in Marshall,
Arkansas. For more information contact: Dorothy Ragland, Rt 1 Box 426, Leslie,
AR 72645; Phone: 1-870-448-3497.
Submit yours now..for inclusion on this site,send info to