Clay County Courier Files, 1902

Submitted by Rita DonCarlos

Superintendent H. FREDERICH and Manager Robert WIRTHLIN came down from St. Louis, Friday morning and made the boys happy with the genuine "old klondike".

A freight train was robbed her last Sunday night while standing on the sidetrack. The robbers boarded the train at Walnut Ridge. The train crew caught two of them before they got away. There were five of them and one come out and stood the brakey off while the others got away with their booty.

A.M. REYNOLDS and T.C. CASEY and wife were among those from Reyno in Corning today.

Edgar STEPHENS, lately an employee of the Corning Mercantile Company, now has a clerkship in the store of E.L. BLACK.

W.E. HARRIS' wife and children came over from his farm near Middlebrook a few days ago and visited him at his bachelor quarters here for a week.

Mrs. J.M. OLIVER and children left the first of this week for their new home in Stillwater, Oklahoma. They willl visit relatives for a few days in central Arkansas, while T.P CURRY goes through with a carload of their household goods.

Professor and Mrs. W.T. STEPHENS began the Spring term of their subscription school last week with a large attendance of pupils and under better conditions as to location, than year before.

W.A. KRIMMINGER, a sawmill man formerly located at Wiener, Poinsett County, has removed his sawmill and force of workmen, including several families of the later, to Cherokee on the new railroad in the Bay. Several carloads of machinery and household goods were unloaded  in Corning by Mr. KRIMMINGER and his force of men and teams last Saturday, enroute to Cherokee.

W.R. WELCH, Professor STEPHENS, M.M. GREEN and G.A. BAILEY, member of Corning Masoic Lodge, went to Knobel Wednesday and institued a Masonic Lodge at that place Wednesday night. D.M. CLARK worshipful master; W.S. LETBETTER, senior warden and Bud NUTT, junior warden, are officiers. Dr. C.W. OLIVER and several other Masons of Gainesville were present at the formation of the new lodge.

Frank OVERBY accidentally shot himself Saturday evening while crawling through the railroad fence. Both barrels of his shotgun were discharged almost tearing off his left arm. He is in serious condition.

The HARB Bottling Works this week recieved a carload of empty soda bottles and new cases.

G.B. OLIVER received yesterday from the Secretary of State his new commission as mayor of Corning and was sworn in today.

The high wind Tuesday caused a small fire in the woods near GASSER Brothers' Buckeye sawmills, three miles South of Cardwell, Missouri, to destroy the plant and about 2,000,000 feet of fine cottonwood lumber, valued at $30,000. So fierce was the fire that several persons had narrow escapes from death.

Sam CONNER and his wife and their three sons have removed from Reyno and become residents of Corning. They occupy the dwelling of the late Joseph DUDGEON on First Stree, opposite the round-lap gin. Mr. CONNER is the genial and efficient bookkeeper in J.M. HAWKS' store here.

Professor J.H. KNIGHT of Hollow Rock, Tennessee, is stopping in Corning for a few weeks, after an absence of 22 years. He taught school here in 1878079. He is soliciting for an old-line life insurance company.

Allan SEIBERT, formerly of Corning, but later of St. Louis, returned Tuesday night to visit his many friends here until the first of next week. He is learning civil engineering, under Z.T. DANIEL on the new Frisco line of railroad being built from Cape Girardeau to St. Louis and is stationed with the chief engineer and corps of Kimmswick, 20 miles South of St. Louis.

Professor WELLS and family are preparing to remove from the Williams neighborhood to their dwelling in Corning.

Charles MILSAP was landed in jail here Monday for stealing a lot of cooking utensils in Nelson township. He was tried by Esquire O. BROWN and brought to jail by Constable Will SMITH of that township.

J.N. MARTIN, L. BOSHEARS, J.W. SHABERT and D.W. BLUNT left here Sunday morning on an excursion for Dallas, Texas where they may attend the Confederate Veterans reunion and remain until the middle of next month.

Mr. and Mrs. J.N. MARTIN's eldest little son and daughter, Lantie and Leila, gave their young friends a "tacky" party at the MARTIN home last evening. It was a farewell party, as Mr. MARTIN and family will leave in a few days for Albuquerque, New Mexico. A large number of boys and girls, rigged up in all kinds of funny costumes attended and had a merry time.

The dwelling house of our hustling merchant, E.M. RICHARDSON, is being rapidly pushed toward completion; We are watching for a station agent to appear every day in Datto to take charge of our neat little depot.

We have several cases of smallpox here. W. SMITH and family have that disease. 

The dry kilns of the Southern Cooperage Company are being put in shape bye E. ERP of St. Louis.

The North-bound local frieght was wrecked just South of here Saturday morning, delaying trains for some time. Fortunately no one was hurt. Two carloads of wagons were damaged.

L.H. WIRTHLIN has received from St. Louis two fine dogs, one bird dog and one greyhound. I am afraid he will have to hobble the greyhound for he may kill himself against a tree, running rabbits.

Hugh says you can all keep bachelor hall who want to, but he is tired of beans stuffed with oysters and Cincinnati chickens on the side. Mrs. Hugh RISNER returned Tuesday from Corning having spent Christmas there with relatives. (Fredericktown community)

Ring out the old, ring in the new! We have a full and up-to-date line of fine toilet soaps, fine perfumes. We also have a fine line of the best family medicines consisting of Hungarian cough cure, Plantation chill cure, Plantation liver pills, Dr. Beecher's liver lifters. Also a full stock of notions and drugs. I will make special orders for medicines not kept in stock. I will treat your case specially and confidentially. Dr. George BEECHER, Corning.

Mrs. Mollie DUNLAP, age 70 years, of near Neelyville, Missouri was accidentally killed in a horrible manner last Monday. She started to ride horseback to Neelyville and her horse became frightened, throwing her from the saddle, but her foot was caught in the stirrup, the frightened animal dragging and kicking her to death.

Two of J.B. BOULTON's chldren, Sallie and Herman, are dangerously sick with malignant fever.

Notice the new card of TAYLOR and TAYLOR, lawyers in our professional column. The new firm is composed of ex-judge F.G. TAYLOR and his brother, J.L. TAYLOR. Their office is in the BARKER brick building on Second Street downtown.

The Grand Jury adjourned this afternoon. Only ten true bills of indictment were made. The Grand Jury report states that the jury examined the jail and found it in bad condition, practically without bedding and recommends that some be supplied. C.P. MABRY was foreman, H.J. HAWKS, clerk and Mayor WILLIAMS, bailiff of the Grand Jury. Sheriff LIDDELL's special deputies, besides regular deputy W. G. SMITH are Marvin WILSON and M.K. SEE.

George BARNHILL, cheapest and fastest growing store in Corning.

Fifty dozen pairs of Men's and youth's pants at less than manufacturers' cost, at OLIVER and Company.

Mrs. Fannie JOHNS has accepted a position in Captain BELOATE;s drug store in Corning and will manage the store while Captain BELOATE is absent at his store in Knobel.

The law firm of TAYLOR and MOORE has, this day by mutual consent, dissolved partnership and they will both give their attention to all the unfinished business of said firm. TAYLOR will remain  in the BARKER brick, where TAYLOR and MOORE are now located and Mr. MOORE will be found n the F.G. TAYLOR office. Members of the firm thank the public for the liberal patronage given them. J.L. TAYLOR, J.N. MOORE.

According to the St. Louis Republic of last Tuesday, President ROOSEVELT sent, among other nominations to the United States Senate, that of John A. DUDGEON for postmaster of Corning for four years.

M.M. GREEN is just recovering from the effects of a ore leg which confined him to his bed for about a week. Poison dye in one of his socks did the mischief.

Our Christmas tree at this place was a grand success in every particular, until just at the last moments, when the crowd became somewhat excited over a little boxing affair which occurred, but luckily no one was seriouly hurt.

The box supper which Professor STAFFORD gave at his school in District Number 36, last Tuesday night was a grand success in every way. The proceeds, $27.00 are to be used to start a library.

Will WELLS is home again from the Indian Territory after an absence of nearly four years (Datto).

The church people of Williams' neighborhood, near Moark, gave a box supper last Saturday night at Williams church to raise money for fencing the graveyard near that church. The supper was a most successful affair from both financial and social standpoints. The proceeds are $35.00. Mrs. PEARSON baked a cake which was sold for $16.00 and voted to her as the most popular woman.

W. A. VANDOVER is being tried in Mayor's court today for selling intoxicants without town license.

The local camp W.O.W. held a splendid meeting in lodge hall last night and initiated two candidates, Deputy Sheriff W.G. SMITH and J.W. MURRY into the mysteries of Woodcraft.

W.J. BROWN and Otto QUELLMALZ came up form Bookings yesterday.

John HETTEL is having some tin roofing placed on his residence.

O.C. HARB and family will soon remove to Little Rock where Mr. HARB has obtained a business location at 803 West Markham for his bottling works.

W.M.WARD was over from Minturn, Saturday and while here spent the day in Murphy's barbershop. He made arrangements to move his family and work regularly in the shop.
(Pocahontas Herald.)

Mr. and Mrs. I.M. LINDSEY held their annual family reunion in their home in Corning Sunday before last and gave a big dinner, at which were present, Mr. LINDSEY's sons, John J., Sterling P., Hale T. and their families and Clarence E. and Mr. LINDSEY's daughter Mrs. G.B. CLAGG. All are residents of this place.

W.R. WELCH, the baker and confectioner on First Street, received yesterday the finest peanut and popcorn wagon ever brought to this section of country. It roasts peanuts and pops corn almost automaticlally and contains glass cases and compartments, mounted on running gear and rubber tired wheels. It is a beauty. Mr. WELCH has employed S.L. DUNAHUE to manage it and sell peanuts and popcorn.

Everybody indebed to this firm will please come and settle before January 1, 1903, at which time we expect to close our store for good. Leon ROSENBLUM.

Mrs. Laura BOLLENBACHER, eldest daughter of T.J. BURNS, died at her home in Corning yesterday afternoon. Funeral services were held in the Christian Church this afternoon. Mrs. BOLLENBACHER was a young woman and leaves an infant daughter only a few weeks old.

The second annual meeting of the Order of Red Men of Arkansas ws held in Little Rock on the 15th when the following officers for the ensuring year were elected: G.W. SEXTON, Newport; R.G. MOORE, Fort Smith; Mark P. OLNEY, Mena; Bruce MULKEY, Wynne; D.S. ROSS, Blytheville; P.M. HOLDER, Texarkana; R.E. SIBELS, Helena; Newport was selected as the next place of meeting the third Tuesday in April, 1903.

The City Council met in the mayor's office Tuesday night. Not much business was done besides electing J.S. JORDAN city attorney and selecting an alderman to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of J.N. MARTIN. W.R. BARRINGER was chosen to fill the vacancy. Another meeting is called for next Monday night, when the question of who shall be marshal the coming year will probably be settled.

G.W. CAROTHERS was up from his farm in the Ball settlement East of Knobel, Wednesday and reports some scoundrel having shot several of J.E. BALL's mules and horses with squirrel shot. The animals had been breaking into fields and were shot by some person who drove them out. Some of them will remain permanently crippled on account of their wounds.

D.W. VICKERY, C.E. LINDSEY, H.W. LASATER, I.M. REED, L. BOSHEARS, F.P.HARRIS, John DOLLINS and several others from Corning and other parts of the county, have been on their annual hunt in the Ring neighborhood about ten miles Northeast of Corning this week. They had not much luck killing big game, so far, on account of the dry, warm weather, only bringing down one deer, a doe killed by Mike REED, a day or two ago. Larry BOSHEARS killed a turkey and the others killed smaller game. I.M. LINDSEY of Corning and Jim McNIEL of Rector expect to join the crowd next week and a good time is anticipated by all the hunters.

A special train bearing President ERB, Vice-President BLOMEYER and other officials of the new railroad, and also officials of the Frisco syste, was ditched, just North of Success on Thursday afternoon last week. The train was on its way from Cape Girardeau to Hoxie and struck a cow. The engine and tender were overturned and Fireman Ed TAYLOR jumped through his cab window, was caught and cut in two. Engineer M. BARRETT remained in the cab and was almost scalded to death. The remains of Fireman TAYLOR were sent to Cape Girardeau where he had family. Engineer BARRETT was taken to the railroad company's hospital at the same place. It took some time Friday to clear the track and get trains to running on time. The two cars of the special were derailed and the occupants received a severe shaking up.

I.M. LINDSEY has sold his interest in the harness store of VICKERY and Company to his son, Clarence, who will take charge in Dad's place in a few days. The latter will retire from active pursuits.

Dr. E. SILVERBERG of Knobel was transacting business in Corning today. He has sold out his drug and hotel business at Knobel and bought a store at Marianna where he will make his home.

William HARRIS, the hustling head clerk at J.O. LANGDON's has had us send The Courier to his mother, Mrs. J.G. MELTABARGER, at West Plains, Missouri, the coming year.

Ferd PHIPPS visited a relative, Dew BROWN and family near Palatka and went hunting two or three days this week, killing 16 squirrels and a trukey.

Jake MICHAELS cut a bee tree this week and got four large buckets full of honey. There is no reason why Jake should not look sweet now.

This section of Clay County does not boast of a large wheat or cotton crop, but when it comes to corn, hogs and cattle, she takes the lead. (Dist. 72)

M.M. GREEN and Jack SMITH who have been pearling in Black River all Summer, found another fine, round pearl yesterday, woth three or four hundred dollars. They have found quite a number of valuable pearls since starting their pearl fishing enterprise.

J.C. WELLS will be the next postmaster at Success. His appointment was confirmed at Washington last week. Success is the best town, except Corning, in the Western district. Esquire WELLS will make that hustling little city a model postmaster.

W.P. EASTWOOD is the champion ox driver of this section. He is training young cattle to obey his eloquent bass tones.

George WARMAN says the wolves killed two calves for him recently and that he will not stop until he kills two or more wolves. The county will pay $5.00 for each of the scalps.

Ollie DOLLENS, who has been quite sick for some time, has about recovered.

J.J. MICHAELS has sold his farm and moved to MARTIN's Mill where he has a lucrative position.

Quite a number of our farmers are not through gathering corn and some few have not finished picking cotton. (Dist. 72)

Santa Claus has two letter boxes in front of L.M. LATIMER and Company's Store where little tots are mailing their letters to old Santa.

J.E. MATTHEWS and his crew of men, during the past month, have built two miles of track on Mr. MATTHEWS' tram road towards WILLIAMS Switch.

Mrs. A.R. SIMPSON delightfully entertained a number of members of the W.C.T.C. and others New Year's evening. A score or more guests were present despite the downpour of rain which continued all evening and all were rewarded by a most enjoyable time, delightful, refreshments and last but not least, the most costly and beautiful souvenirs, several of the ladies and Clarence BELOATE, Lee BROWN and Jeff HAWKS securing elegant hand-painted sofa pillows.

Messr. REYNOLDS and HOPSON are packing and moving their stock of general merchandise (formerly the Big Four Mercantile Company stock) from the St. James Hotel building to temporary quarters in Estelwood on the Frisco railroad near Reyno. The owners sent S.J. WILKINS to the new location this morning to unpack boxes and put S.B. NEAL in his place here to help Mr. REYNOLDS box the goods.

Hershel V. JOHNSON died at his home in the South part of Corning this evening at about 7 o'clock from the effects of lagrippe. He was sick in bed but a few days, less than a week. He leaves a widow and several small children and an aged mother. He was 32 years of age and had been a resident of Corning about two years, clerking first at L. ROSENBLUM's store and later at SHEEKS-STEPHENS Store Company. He came here with his family from Nelson township in the Bay and was well known and highly respected throughout the Western district. He was a member of Corning Lodge, Number 118, Knights of Pythias and will be buried by this order in Corning Cemetery Saturday afternoon.

Mrs. C.L.DANIEL, a prominent member of the local chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star, entertained her sisters of that Order and a few friends in a most enjoyable social function in her home last evening. Refreshments were served and a most pleasant evening was spent by all who were fortunate enough to be present.

George RENTCHLER has sold his fine farm in the Ring to Dr. J.M. OLIVER; consideration, $4,400.00.

W.T. BENNETT is preparing to erect a large barn in the near future.

Reader MOONEY is devoting most of his spare moments to the studey HICKS; Almanac and Word and Works. He will soon be one of our leading weather prognosticators.

The waters were so high during the holidays that we could not get outside of the Ring, until the blizzard came and "fixed things."

George W. HUFF came down Black River from Poplar Bluff this week with his steamboat, hauling timber.

Mr. MITCHELL began clearing Tuesday morning for another row of houses to be built right away.

Pat HANNAN, postmaster, merchant and ex-justice of the peace at Delaplaine was transacting business in Corning last night and this morning.

Mrs. Abby C. GAGE and her daughter, Mrs. Velma BUFFINGTON, of Doniphan, mother and sister of Newt GAGE arrived Wednesday and are visiting Mr. GAGE and his family at his place.

J.E. MATTHEWS says he will build a tram road from Corning to Success via Williams Switch and expects, later, to make it an electric line. He is having ties placed on the route North of town. He has secured  the H.H. WILLIAMS old right-of-way- running from Iron Mountain to Success and will have only to grade for his road to Corning to Williams Switch. He has obtained nearly all of the right-of-way between here and the Switch and about 1500 hundred dollars in cash donations. Whoop'er up Jim.

W.R. McGREW lost his dwelling house and barn near Palatka by fire last Saturday. Besides the buildings he lost over a thousand dollars worth of feed and household property. A large part of his hay and corn was in the barn. Practically nothing was saved from the burning buildings, so rapid was the spread of the flames which caught in the wall paper in some mysterious manner. Even the coat he had been wearing tht day was burned, together with valuable papers in the pockets.

Wm. M. ALEXANDER came up from Knobel today on his rail-road velocipede and was transacting business.

Leo A. FISHER of Sullivan, MO is here looking after his large real estate interests and some lawsuits in Chancery court.

Dr. J.M. OLIVER and wife and family returned on the noon train today from Stillwater, OKlahoma. They will go to housekeeping in their cottage uptown as soon as E.L. BLACK and family vacate it and remove to their home down town.

J.R. SHIVLEY came around from Success Wednesday and will remain in Corning to attend Circuit Court next week.

H.W. LASATER, D.W. VICKERY, I.M REED, Bud CUMMINGS, J.M. HAWKS, W.R. BROWN, J.S. GAUNT and Louis WILSON all went quail hunting the first of this week near Dr. H.E. RUFF's fine farm West of here in Randolph County. The hunters praise Dr. RUFF for his magnificent hospitality. They took a camping outfit and supplies with them, but Dr. RUFF made them stop at his hopitable home.

A.G. BAILEY, A.P. DRAKE and W.S. MATTHEWS, member of Corning Masonic Lodge, attended the annual installation of officers of Knobel Masonic Lodge and participated in a big supper in the lodge hall at that place New Year's Eve night.

J.M. STAFFORD, teacher at the Woodall school house in Richwoods neighborhood, was a Corning visitor last Saturday and informed us that he and C.P. MABRY of that neighborhood have started a movement toward the purchase of a library for that school. They had raised the sum of $27.00 for that purpose up to last Saturday.

Cleveland PLOUGH, a boy 15 or 16 years of age, died suddenly in the home of his father, J.A. PLOUGH, in the Williams nieghborhood near Moark last Sunday morning. He attended a festival at Williams church, Saturday night and was, apparently in the best of health, but became sick with what was presumed to be congestion and died in a few hours.

MILLER and MAHAN, who were in business at West Point, had trouble in adjusting their accounts. Both became enraged. They requested others that were present to leave the store and they locked the doors. Shortly afterward eight shots were heard in rapid succession. When outsiders entered the building they found MAHAN dead and MILLER lived only a short time.

in the trial of A.C. ROOT at Ft. Smith on the charge of slander the jury rendered a verdict of not guilty. This case was the one in which the plaintiff, Miss FRIZZELL, fired a shot at the defendant in the courtroom.

J.STEINBERG formerly of Neelyville but now of Poplar Bluff, was in Corning a day or two the first of this week, with a view to locating here, and made arrangements to open a dry goods store in the large East room of the first floor of the St. James Hotel building. We understand he will open his store here on or about the 22nd and will move his family here.

E.and F. LAZALIER of Knobel were in Corning on business a day or two during the past week.

Dr. E. SILVERBERG of Marianna was looking after his interests in Knobel a day or two this week and was a Corning visitor yesterday.

C.V. BELOATE and wife, W.D. POLK and wife, E.L. BLACK and wife, Professor STEPHENS and wife, Mrs. GILLILAND and daughters, Jeff HAWKS and Miss Susan SIMS and Mmes THOMAS and LLOYD went to Paragould last Sunday on the early morning train to hear Bishop HOSS preach. While there a large number of those from Corning  were most elegantly and pleasantly entertained by  Honorable J.D. BLACK and his etimable wife and two beautiful daughters at their splendid appointed home in that city.

This store has not arrived at its present usefulness by chance. There is no luck or speculation about his businss. It isn't the result of fortunate circumstance, but downright, honest, hard work wherein your interests, as customers, have been carefully studied at every corner and turn. They know us and have confidence in our merchandise and methods of doing business. Visit our store during the coming week. We have some special values in dress goods, hosiery and underwear, in fact all lines. We have employed Miss Victoria GILLILAND who will take pleasure in showing her friends the many bargains we have for you in dry good, notions, etc. Our line of groceries is always first class, fresh and as low as the lowest. Goods delivered anywere in the town. Telephone us in your order for any goods needed in our line, if you can not come, we will deliver to your door. Anything you buy of us, if not satisfactory, return it and we will gladly refund your money. A big line of decorated ch!
inaware to be given in exchange for our premium tickets, just received. Bring in your tickets and get your choice.
Yours for business, FERGUSON and WHEELER.

C.H. WATSON and W.W. RODGERS of Howell, Woodruff County, were here for two or three days the first of the week looking over the country with a view to locate their planing mill in Corning. They may decide to move with their planer from that place to this. We hope they will, for Corning needs a good planing mill.

Ticket Number 261, held by W.B. TETERS for his youngest child, drew the five dollar toy cooking range given away at W.R. BROWN's hardware store on Christmas. The duplicate tickets wree placed in a hat and J.E. MATTHEWS' 18 month old son, Jim, did the drawing. It was agreed that whatever ticket little Jim might draw from among those mixed up in the hat should be the lucky one winning the beautiful towy range and it happend to be duplicate ticket Number 261, the original of which had previously been given to Mr. TETERS' youngest child.

R.E. WORLEY, head of the firm of WORLEY and Company, Knobel, was pleasant caller at this office New Year's Day and informed us he had sold his interest in the above firm to his father and will go to St. Louis or some other city.

Mr. and Mrs. F.R. ALEXANDER desire to thank Professor A.F. CECETKA, H.W. LASATER, Sam and Ed HALL, C.E. LINDSEY and Tom HAYDEN for a serenade one night the first of the week.

The annual installment of new officers for Corning Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, took place Monday night. Mrs. C.V. BELOATE conducing the installation. Following are the new officiers (except those representing the five points of the star, whose names we failed to learn) for the ensuing year: Miss Susan SIMS, worthy patron; Mrs. Willie B. SHEEKS, assistant worthy matron; Mrs. Jessie CROWDER, conductress; Mrs. Hortense KELLEY, associate conductress; Mrs. Emma WOODALL, warder.

Woodmen of the World lodge Number 38, held a meeting in the town lodge hall last evening and installed the following officers for the ensuing year: U.S. WELLS, consul commander; W.R. BARRINGER, banker; S.P. LINDSEY, clerk; C.E. LINDSEY, sentry; L. ROBINSON, watchman; W.R. GRAYSON, escort; J.W. HARB and D. HOPSON, managers; Doctors SIMPSON and McKINNEY, physicians; John HETTEL, advisor lieutenant could not be present and will be installed at the next meeting.

Martin DAVIS and Jeff DAVIS who were cousins, living near Wilmot, quarreled over the ownership of some land, when both pulled guns and opened fire. When the smoke cleared away they were both dead. It seems that one Jim THOMPSON was a friend to one of the parties in the shooting, and it is supposed that he took a hand in the shooting. THOMPSON went to Wilmot for a coffin, when Arthur DAVIS, father of one of the dead men, met him in a store and shot him dead.

A Hot Springs hotel man who shot and killed James and Will GARNER because they refused to take a drink with him, was taken from the city to prevent a lynching.

A number of Corning's juveniles gave a birthday and other parties last week. Among those who entertained were the children of Mr. and Mrs. G.B. OLIVER, Dr. and Mrs. A.B. McKINNEY and Dr. and Mrs. J.M. OLIVER.

Updated 18 Feb 2008