Clay County Courier Files, 1939
Submitted by Rita DonCarlos
Corning Public School First grade honor roll: Isaac BRACKEN,
Harold BOWERS, Billy HOLLIS, Thomas KINSEY, Billy OLIVER, Jackie OUSNAMER,
Dorma Jean DAVIS, Francis PERRIN, Billy Joe TAYLOR, Doris Ann WISDOM, Willa Dean
A county doctor and nurse were at White School last weekend. They were here for
the purpose of vaccinating for diphtheria and smallpox.
A musical was enjoyed at the Acie PORTER's home Sunday night. Musicians were
Sylvester LUTE and Paul WALLS of Corning and Henry BROWN, White.
Several from this community attended the Sunday school rally at Corning Baptist
Church, Sunday evening and enjoyed the sermon conducted by Elder WILLIAMS. We
congratulate Corning Baptists on their new church building and especially died
we enjoy the new pipe organ, played by Mr. BUTLER.
James BRINEY and Glenna JOHNSON received the honor certificates in primary room
this month. To receive a certificate a pupil must have 100 percent attendance
and an A rating in grades and citizenship. (Twin Oaks)
Notice, effective Thursday, June 8, 1939. The new barber laws of Arkansas force
us to charge the following uniform prices for work:
Haircuts, .35 cents; Shave, .20 cents.
Ralph and Bills Shop, Charlie's Barber Shop, Ed and Marvin DORTCH and BOWERS.
Corning Public Library, which has been closed during recent weeks, was reopened
to the public first of this week with Miss Geneva ESMON in charge. The library
will remain open each week on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 12:30
to 4:30 p.m. and on Saturday from 12 noon until 4:00 p.m.
Updated 19 Aug 2008