![]() | Clark County Arkansas |
Submitted by JERRY W. MORRISON
From the set of books "War of The Rebellion" Official Records of The Union and Confederate Armies
Research was conducted for information to add to the history of my GGgrandfather Stephen W. Etchieson who enlisted in the Confederate Army. He served as a private in Company H of the 33rd Arkansas Infantry during the war. He enlisted May 18, 1862, release date is not known but it is known that he survived the war. He died in 1869 at the age of 39 of causes unknown. It is not known if he sustained any injuries that might have led to his Untimely death.
In a search for Reports to track the movements of the Arkansas 33rd Infantry Regiment I uncovered the following. Many more reports are available pertaining to the battle of Jenkins' Ferry and will be added as time allows.
Series I Vol XXXIII page # 883
Special Orders #39
HDQ Trans-Missippi Department
Little Rock, Ark.
September 28, 1862
4. Grinsted's Regiment Arkansas Infantry will move at once to Yellville, and report to Brigadier General M. M. Parsons.
Series I Vol XXII page 781
January 31, 1863
Chart on # of troops in each command
Shavers Brigade | Officers | Men | Aggregate Present |
Aggregate Present and Absent |
Grinsted's Regiment |
63 |
746 |
1169 |
3509 |
Series I Vol XXII page 832
April, 1863
Transferred to Tappan's Brigade
Grinsted's [33d] (Arkansas) Regiment
Series I Vol XXII page 1066
November 10, 1863
Troops in Arkansas and Indian Territory about Nov. 10, 1863
Grinsted's Regiment & Others
Series I Vol XXXIV page 787
Return of Casualties in Confederate Forces in engagement at Jerkins' Ferry, Ark., April 30, 1864
33d Arkansas | Killed | Wounded | Missing | |||
Officers | Men | Officers | Men | |||
2 |
19 |
7 |
64 |
------- |
Series I Vol XXXIV page 785
Walkers Division, Arkansas Div., Tappan's Brigade, 33d Arkansas, Colonel H.L. Grinsted
Series I Vol XXXIV page 801-804
No. 59.
Report of Brig. Gen. James C. Tappan, C.S. Army, commanding brigade, of engagement at Jerkins'' Ferry
Hdqrs. Tappan's Brig., Churchill's Div.,
the Field, May 2, 1864.
Lieutenant: I have the honor to make the following report of the part taken by my brigade in the engagement which occurred on April 30 at Jenkins' Ferry, on Saline River some 45 miles from Little Rock, Ark. : When we returned from Louisiana the enemy occupied Camden. They evacuated it on the night of April 26, and our forces took possession of it the next day. Thursday morning we crossed the river at Camden in pursuit of the enemy. Owing to the delay in crossing we only went 14 miles that day. We continued the pursuit on Friday, marching some 25 miles, and within 12 miles of Jenkins' Ferry. At 12 o'clock that night we resumed our march and continued it until we arrived within a mile of the Saline Bottom, when we halted and built fires to warm and dry the men. It had rained Friday evening and nearly all that night. The men were very wet and the roads quite muddy.
My brigade consisted of Grinsted's regiment, commanded by Col. H.L. Grinsted; Dawson's and Portlock's (consolidated) regiments, commanded by Lieut. Col. W.R. Hardy, and Shaver's and Gaither's (consolidated) regiments, commanded by Col. R.G. Shaver. We had hardly finished building fires before we were ordered to advance. By this time the cavalry skirmishers had engaged those of the enemy. On reaching the brow of the hill, at the edge of the bottom, I was ordered by Brigadier-General Churchill, commanding the division, to deploy my brigade as skirmishers and move forward at once and attack the enemy, who were posted in our front from a half to three-quarters of a mile. I instantly did as directed, selecting one company from each regiment as a reserve. As I was forming the line a subsequent order directed me to select Grinsted's regiment also as a reserve, which I did. I immediately moved forward with the other two regiments. We passed through a field and came to another field about 300 yards long. As we reached the end of this field the enemy commenced firing upon us. I advanced rapidly upon them, my line being so arranged that Lieutenant-Colonel Hardy's command was thrown into the field, with Colonel Shaver's command on his right, his left reaching to the edge of the field. The enemy skirmishers were posted on a line about the center of the field, their line of battle being in the woods at the end of the same. My command drove in the skirmishers and became heavily and hotly engaged with their main line. Finding the force of the enemy much greater than was represented, I ordered Colonel Grinsted to move forward with his regiment to my support. As Colonel Grinsted came upon my line the enemy opened on us with an increased fire, and very heavily pressed my line. It was at this time that Colonel Grinsted was shot dead while gallantly leading his regiment forward.
I sent word to Brigadier-General Churchill of the condition of affairs, and that re-enforcement's were needed to enable me to sustain my position. In a short time General Hawthorn came forward with his brigade and formed my line on his right. Calling in my men who had been acting as skirmishers, I first engaged the enemy about 8 o'clock. From that time until Brigadier-General Hawthorn's brigade came up some half to three-quarters of an hour elapsed. About 10.30 o'clock Brigadier General Parsons' (Missouri) division came upon the field. About 11.330 o'clock I received orders to retire with my brigade. As I went off I met Major-General Walker's (Texas) division advancing to engage the enemy. About12.30 o'clock we returned to the field with the balance of Brigadier-General Churchill's division, and remained there heavily engaging the enemy until 1.30 o'clock, at which time the enemy fled, leaving his dead and wounded on the field and destroying his pontoon bridge after crossing the river. This ended one of the most hotly contested engagements of the war. For full six hours the battle raged with vehemence unsurpassed, my brigade having been engaged at least five out of the six hours.
I cannot speak too highly of the gallantry and bravery of my officers and men. They never hesitated to go wherever ordered, at one time charging through an open field upon the enemy protected and posted behind logs and trees. In the death of Col. H.L. Grinsted the army has lost a brave and gallant officer, the country a good and useful citizen. To Colonel Shaver, Lieutenant-Colonel Hardy, and Lieutenant-Colonel Thompson, who commanded Grinsted's regiment after the fall of its colonel, I am deeply indebted for the promptness with which they obeyed my orders and for the gallantry and zeal they manifested upon the field in the engagement of their commands. No officers could have acted with more coolness, bravery and determination than they did, for which they deserve well of their country.
I am under great obligations to the members of my staff, Capt. Amos Tappan, Capt. J. J. Horner, Lieut. W.P. McCabe, and Lieut. C.E. Mitchell. They bore themselves with gallantry and rendered me great assistance. The same may be said of my volunteer aides William F. Sale and E.E. Ives, of Arkansas.
My loss was as follows: Three officers killed and 11 wounded; 30 men killed and 100 wounded.
I herewith send reports of Colonel Shaver and of Lieutenant-Colonels Hardy and Thomson.
Very respectfully, Your obedient servant,
Brigadier-General, Commanding
Lieut. A. H. SEVIER,
Acting Assistant Adjutant-General.
Series I Vol XXXIV page 803
No. 60.
Report of Lieutenant-Colonel W.R. Hardy, Twenty-fourth Arkansas Infantry, commanding Nineteenth (Dawson's) and Twenty-fourth Arkansas Infantry, of engagement at Jenkins' Ferry.
Headquarters Hardy's Regiment,
In the Field,
May 2, 1864.
Captain: I have the honor to make the following report of the movements of my regiment in the battle near Jenkins' Ferry on the 30th ultimo: My regiment was on the left of the brigade and deployed as skirmishers, with the exception of the colored company, which was ordered to form part of the reserve for the brigade. After advancing a half mile or more we charged the enemy at double-quick through an open field to within 150 yards of their position in the woods behind logs and trees, and opened fire upon them at once. We held our position for over an hour under the most terrific fire, when, our ammunition being exhausted, and seeing the enemy about to flank me on the right, I ordered a retreat. My men fell back in good order to the rear, and being again formed with the brigade we marched back to the battle-field and remained until the engagement closed. My loss was 1 officer and 7 men killed and officer and 17 men wounded.
I am, captain, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Lieutenant-Colonel, Commanding
Capt. A. Tappan,
Series I Vol XXXIV page 803-804
No. 61.
Report of Lieut. Col. Thomas D. Thomson, Thirty-third
Infantry, of engagement at Jenkins' Ferry.
Hdqrs. Thirty-Third Arkansas Infantry,
near Tulip, Ark., May 2 1864.
Captain: I beg leave to submit the following report of my regiment in the engagement on the 30th ultimo near Jenkins' Ferry, on the Saline River: The regiment went into action under the command of Col. H. L. Grinsted, and I went in as lieutenant-colonel of the regiment. Colonel Grinsted being killed early in the action the command of the regiment fell upon me. I then commanded it through the fight, which lasted about five hours and a half. My regiment was cut up considerably, so much so that I was compelled to take it out about half a mile from the field to draw a fresh supply of ammunition and to rest and recruit, about the time that General Walker's division went into action. I was not permitted to remain there long, but was ordered on the field again to support Walkers division. Major Steele took command then, I being ordered to the hospital to get up what men there were that were able to go in the fight. Captain Dickson, of Company A, seeing the color-bearer shot down; gallantly raised the colors and kept them up until he was cut down by three balls. The casualties are as follows: Killed, 2 officers and 19 men; wounded, 7 officers and 64 men.
Respectfully submitted.
Yours, T. D. Thompson,
Commanding Regiment.
Capt. A. Tappan,
Assistant Adjutant-General
Series I Vol XXXIV page 804-805
No. 62.
Report of Colonel. R. G. Shaver, Thirty-eighth Arkansas Infantry commanding Twenty-seventh and Thirty-eighth Arkansas Infantry, of engagement at Jenkins' Ferry.
Headquarters Shaver's Regiment,
Camp near
Tulip, Ark., May 2, 1864
Captain: I have the honor to make the following report of the part taken by my regiment in the action near Jenkins' Ferry on April 30, 1864: Our brigade was directed to form a line of the battle on the hill near the bottom about 8 o'clock in the morning. Directly thereafter I received orders to deploy my regiment as skirmishers, being informed at the time that the regiments on my right and left would be likewise deployed as skirmishers, and the whole line so deployed would act in concert. Soon after the order was given to advance I was notified that the order for the regiment on my right to be deployed as skirmishers had been countermanded, and that the said regiment would be held in reserve, with instructions to move in the support of that portion of the line most in need of it. I was also ordered to relieve the Cavalry skirmishers in my front, who were then actively engaged with the enemy. My line of skirmishers was rapidly advanced and in good order, and I had occasion several times to restrain my men, whose ardor was carrying them in advance of the regiment on my left, which was charged with the direction of the line. We soon came up with the Cavalry skirmishers, relieved them, and actively engaged the enemy's skirmishers. I still advanced my line rapidly, vigorously pressing and driving the enemy's line of skirmishers until they were forced back upon their line of battle. I pushed my line to within easy range of the enemy's line of battle, pouring into them all the time a galling fire. At this juncture I received an order to assemble my command and move to the left in the support of our troops, who were vigorously pressed by the enemy in that quarter. The order to assemble had only been partially executed when the enemy advanced his lines and forced me to suspend the move to the left. About two-thirds of my regiment had assembled and were put in position to receive the enemy. That portion of skirmishers on the right who had not yet assembled were directed to advance as rapidly as possible, and keep advancing upon the enemy's lines until they could draw their fire. While the attention of the enemy was directed to my skirmishers that portion of the regiment which had assembled now opened upon the enemy a well directed fire and with good effect. Their advance was checked, but their line opened [upon] us a very heavy fire.
In the meantime they were moving a considerable force to our right, which was soon as discovered I endeavored to counteract by moving my skirmishers to the right. Finding my force inadequate, I again turned my attention to the enemy in my front, and reported the fact to my brigadier-general commanding brigadier, and asked to be re-enforced; otherwise I would have to fall back. I was notified that the re-enforcement would be sent as soon as the troops could reach the designated point. My men stubbornly held their ground, and not until the enemy had flanked us both right and left was the order given to fall back. Every inch of ground was contested, and my command fell back slowly and in order until we met General Parsons' brigade. Here we were relieved by Major Pindall's battalion of sharpshooters, in consequence of having only a few rounds of ammunition left. The regiment was now assembled, and by order of the brigadier-general commanding brigade directed to move to the position where our line of battle was first formed. After resting awhile and supplying the men with ammunition we were again ordered to the front by the way of the main road. On arriving at the left of our lines I was directed to move my regiment and form it on the left of Brigadier-General Waul's brigade and act with that command. I remained with this command until the close of the battle, when I rejoined my own brigade.
I am proud to say that officers and men of my regiment did their whole duty. They were prompt, cool, and determined, and at no time more so than when opposed to overwhelming numbers with the full knowledge of the fact. To the field and staff of my regiment I am indebted for ready, valuable, and efficient services during the engagement. I desire to make particular mention of David McCullough, sergeant of company A, who, when my line of skirmishers was ordered to advance as near as possible to the enemy's line, with a view to draw their fire, rushed up to within a few yards of their line, shot down 1 man, captured another, and brought him off under the enemy's fire. The following were the casualties of my regiment: Four men killed, 3 officers wounded, and 19 enlisted men wounded.
Respectfully submitted.
R. G. Shaver,
Capt. A. Tappan,
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