Census Records
Arkansas was acquired as part of the Louisiana Purchase and became a separate territory in 1819. It became a state in 1836. It's included separately in the 1830 Federal Census but was enumerated as Louisiana in 1820. Chicot County was created in 1823 so it's included in the first Federal Census for Arkansas.In 1830 and 1840, the Federal Census consisted of the name of the head of household along with the numbers of persons in specific age groups, slaves and free colored persons were enumerated on the same line but in different columns. There were also columns for deaf & dumb, blind, and un- naturalized foreigners. For Chicot, there are 6 double pages of information and a 7th set of totals, claiming 1165 persons.
1830 Federal Census Index
1830 Federal Census Transcription
1830 Federal Census Images
In 1840, in addition to the 1830 columns, there were columns for number of deaf and dumb, by race; number of blind, by race; number of insane and idiotic in public or private charge, by race; number of persons in each family employed in seven classes of occupation; number of schools and number of scholars; number of white persons over 20 who could not read and write; number of pensioners for Revolutionary or military service. Beginning in 1840, Chicot was divided into subdivisions called Townships for enumeration. Those original 8 townships were Bartholomew (23 families), Bayou (56), Debastrop (31), Franklin (28), Louisiana (29), Oden (15), Old River (19) and Pain (31) with a total of 3806 people.
1840 Federal Census Index
The 1850 Federal census was the first census to attempt to collect information about every member of every household; women and children were named. Slaves were included by gender and estimated age on Slave Schedules, listed by the name of the owner. Places of birth were listed for free persons. In addition, the page contained columns for sex; color (white, black or mulatto) for each person; whether deaf and dumb, blind, insane or idiotic; value of real estate owned (required of all free persons); profession, occupation or trade of each male over 15 years of age; place (state, territory or country) of birth; whether married within the year; whether attended school within the year; whether unable to read and write (for persons over 20); whether a pauper or convict. Chicot was divided into 6 townships - Bayou Mason, Franklin, Louisiana, Oden, Old River and Planters.
1850 Federal Census Index
For the 1860 census, Chicot was again divided into 8 sections - Bayou Mason, Franklin, Louisiana, Masona, Oden, Old River, Planters and Rail Road. There were 14 main columns of information - 1 Dwelling-houses numbered in the order of visitation; 2 Families numbered in the order of visitation; 3 The name of every person whose usual place of abode on the first date of June 1860, was in this family; 4 Age; 5 Sex M or F ; 6 Color, (White, black, or mulatto); 7 Profession, Occupation, or Trade of each person, male and female, over 15 years of age; 8 Value of Real Estate; 9 Value of Personal Property; 10 Place of Birth, Naming the State, Territory, or Country; 11 Married within the year; 12 Attended School within the year; 13 Persons over 20 years of age who can not read and write; 14 Whether deaf and dumb, blind, insane, idiotic, pauper, or convict.