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Bradley County Genealogical Society

Bradley County Roots
Volume 6 No. 4 1997
Index - page 43

If you will be requesting a lookup please make a note of the issue, name and
page number to make it quick and easy for the volunteers to do the lookup.
(Only one or two surnames per lookup email, please)

Abernathy, M E Mrs          15
Abernathy, S G              15
Acreback, J E               15
Adams, Aaron                22
Adams, Abner A              27
Adams, Catherine            27,28
Adams, Dora (Mrs)           16
Adams, Eliza J Etheridge    22
Adams, Elizabeth            19
Adams, Infant               19
Adams, J H W                34
Adams, J L                  38
Adams, Nettie               13
Adams, Preston              19
Akens, Mittie               5
Akin, Mary J                19
Akin, Samuel                19
Allison, John               42
Allen, Eliza                13
Allison, Isaac              42
Anderson, Muriel L          12
Angle, Marie                9
Atkinson, Ahijah            41
Atkinson, Algebra           41
Atkinson, Elijah            41
Atkinson, Jethro David      41
Atkinson, Kitty             41
Atkinson, Mary              41
Atkinson, Thomas            41
Bailey, Anna Capitola       18
Bailey, Halley Rupert       25
Bailey, Henrietta Kelley    25
Bailey, Ida                 13
Bailey, Joe M               I8
Bailey, Mattie Hill         18
Bailey, Reginald E          25
Bailey, Richard James       18
Bailey, Robert Tillman      18
Bailey, Willie Joe          25
Baker, Anna Belle           23
Baker, M C                  23
Baker, M R                  23
Barefield, Tinie            8
Barfield, Temessee          5
Barker, Delilah Jane        42
Barker, Irene               9
Barker, James               42
Barker, Louise              42
Barnett, Matilda            12
Beavers, Bertha             11
Beavers, Della Mrs          10
Beavers, Elliott            15
Belin, Ella Mrs             7
Belin, Emma                 5
Belin, Howlie               6
Bell, Sarah                 9
Berry, Amie Hargis          24
Berry, Amie Morgan          24
Berry. Andy S               24
Berry, Cone T               24
Berry, Minnie Whiteside     24
Berry, Samuel Hunter        24 
Blanks, Willie              11
Booker, Aubert              21
Booker, Bennie              21
Booker, John                21,22
Booker, Leona Quimby        21
Booker, Lummie              22
Booker, Mae St John         20
Booker, Sammy               22
Boswell, Tero               7
Bowman, Peggy               17
Boyette, John M             15
Bradham, D A                15
Bradley, Elizabeth J        16
Bradley, Minnie             11
Bradley, Una                11
Bradley, Warren             28,30
Bragg, Addie                12
Braswell, J F               15
Braswell, Parvin            15
Brewbaker, Mattie           22
Brewbaker, Paul Russell     22
Broadnox, Mary              14
Broughton, Patience C       11
Brown, Estella              8
Brown, Harvey C             19
Brown, J D                  15
Brown, Mary A               13
Brown, Matt                 15
Brown, Nettie J             19
Bugg, Yacanah               15
Burnett, Arthur             15
Burns, Ardus                9
Burns, Mary                 10
Butler, Emma                9
Butler, Liddie              12
Byers, W A                  35
Cabeen, George              15
Calloway, Claude            6
Calloway, Mary Ann          5
Calloway, Sallie            6
Campbell, Jemina            40
Campbell, John              40
Campbell, Lillian           5
Caple, J F                  17
Caple, Mattie               17
Caplinger, Bonnie C         24
Caplinger, Ellean           24
Caplinger, Roy T            24
Carmical, David             25
Carmical, Deborah           25
Carmical, Gloria Eastwood   25
Carmical, Harold T          25
Carmical, Pamela            25
Carmichel, Lillar           14
Carpenter, Simeon           15
Carruth, B F                20
Carruth, Emma M             20
Carruth, Jessie S           20
Carruth, Mary E             20
Castleberry, Nancy          10
Cathey, E C                 12
Chadwick, Jefferson         15
Chadwick, Shack             15
Chapman, Maggie             9
Chapman, Nannie             9 
Cherry, Minnie              11
Chidester, Lee              15
Childs, Eliza               10
Childs, Kate                9
Childs, Vena                13
Clanton, Bessie             8
Clapp, Ruth                 16
Clark, Henrietta            13
Clarlr, Lula                7
Clary, J C                  40
Clement, Lucy A             8
Cliett, Caroline            28
Cliett, Caroline D          23
Cliett, Eliza               23
Cliett, J T                 23
Cliett, James G             23
Cliett, Sarah E             23
Cline, Cluffie              41
Collins, Connie             13
Collins, Mary               7
Cook, Lila                  29
Cook, Martha                15
Copeland, C C               38
Corker, A B                 15
Corrothers, Hattie          10
Cramer, Laura Mae           25
Cramer, William Floyd       25
Creal, Lessie B             8
Creed, William B            16
Creed, William D            16
Crow, G K                   16
Cruce, Esther Singer        17
Cruce, Lester Leroy         17
Cubern, George              15
Culbreath, John T           15
Davis, Dressie              14
Davis, Dura                 8
Davis, Eunice               38
Davis, Sallie               7
Dickerson, Lennie           13
Doggett, W H                36
Donathan, S A L C           13
Drummond, Eva               15
Duncan, Annie L             9
Durham, Mary Elizabeth 
        "Lizzie"            41
Ead, Fletcher               2
Early, Mary                 40
Farnest, Jim Benjamin       2
Eason, Clint                2
Eason, George               2
Easterling, James J         2
Easterling, Oscar T         2
Eaton, Will                 2
Echoff, John W              2
Edeline, Ollie J            2
Edeline, Owens              2
Ederington, Alfred S        2
Ederington, Dillard A       2
Ederington, Dudley          2
Ederington, John            2
Ederington, John M          2
Ederington, John T          2
Ederington, Louis           2
Ederington, Samuel          2
Ederington, Samuel L        2
Ederington, Thomas J        2
Ederington, Tillman         2
Ederington, Vest Vance      2
Ederington, William E       2
Ederington, William W       2
Edney, William M            2
Edwards, Alexander          2
Edwards, David H            2
Edwards, Easter             20
Edwards, George W           2
Edwards, H Oliver           2
Edwards, John               2
Eggleston, Ed               2
Eichelberger, James W       2
Eliotte, Charlie            2
Elliott, Fred               2
Elliott, Lee                2
Ellis, Walter Sidney        2
Elon, Grant                 2
Englehart, Charlie E        2
Enis, Alexander             20
Enis, Elizabeth             19
Enis, Louisa                19
Enis, Wiley H               19
Entricken, Andrew R         2
Erwin, George L             2
Erwin, Herbert L            2
Erwin, Newton B             2
Erwin, Oder Lee             2
Erwin, Sidney S             2
Erwin, William E            2
Essery, Ed                  2
Etheridge, Bob              2
Etheridge, Wm David         2
Evans, Amanda               42
Evans, Andrew G             2
Evans, Henry                42
Evans, Hugh                 2
Evans, James M              2
Evans, John                 2
Evans, John H               2
Evans, King                 3
Evants, Willie H            3
Everett, Charles W          3
Everett, Clarence           3
Everett, Leon               3
Ezell, Cynthia              6
Falls, Henry                3
Farmer, James               3
Farmer, Loyd                3
Farrar, John W              3
Faulkner, Wm Joseph         3
Fearrand, George            3
Feaster, John               3
Feaster, Thomas             3
Feaster, Walter             3
Feaster, Wm J W             3
Ferguson, Cleveland         3
Ferguson, Daniel C          3
Ferguson, Ernest W          3

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