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Bradley County Genealogical Society

Bradley County Roots
Volume 5 No. 2 1996
Index - page 46

If you will be requesting a lookup please make a note of the issue, name and
page number to make it quick and easy for the volunteers to do the lookup.
(Only one or two surnames per lookup email, please)

Harris, James                42 
Harris, James H              25
Harris, Jennie               22
(Hrris, John Ross            42)
Harris, Joseph               35
Harris, Phebe                42
Harris, Samuel               42
Harris, Sarah                42
Harris, Steve Madison        41
Harris, Teresa Burnham       41
Harris, Tommy Ray            35
Harrison, Lula Inez          18
Harrison, Margarett Rebecca  38
Harrison, S R                25
Harriston, Margarett Rebecca 38
Hasley, Drew                 24
Hasty, James                 25
Hatley, Sarah                21
Hayden, Robert C             32
Hayden, Wiloate N            32
Hayes, William N             22
Haygood, A F Mrs             16
Hazlip, Elizabeth Hawes      43
Heath, Amie                  35
Heath, Beck                  35
Heath, Oscar                 36
Heath, Vester                34
Hefley, William L            23
Hendricks, Phillip S         23
Herenden, Mary               42
Herring, Kate                16
Herring, Martha              32
Herring, Martha N            31
Herring, Ruby                15
Herring, W. D                32
Herring, William D           31
Hicks, Griffin               42
Hicks, Nancy                 42
Hiding, S W                  24
Higgarson, N J               10
Higgarson, N J Mrs           3
Higgason, N J                9
Higgason, N J Mrs          5,6,7
Hill, A J                    25
Hines, Aurly                 35
Hines, Belegia L             36
Hines, Bellzonia             36
Hines, Berry                 37
Hines, Burrel                34
Hines, Clary                 36
Hines, Cora T                37
Hines, Dock                  35
Hines, Donna Jean            34
Hines, Edgar                 34
Hines, Emmitt                34
Hines, Esters                34
Hines, James                 34
Hines, Meadie               34
Hines, Nannie               34
Hines, Tony                 34
Hiser, Jodie                19
Hoag, James W               23
Hogue, James H              24
Holcomb, Wm 0               41
Holdridge, James D          23
Holeman, Wm W               25
Holland, Bettie             22
Hollingsworth, Fannie       14
Holloway, M J             8,10,11
Holmes, Carrie Addie        13
Homes, J                    26
Honeycott Dock B            25
Hooker, Owen                24
Hopkins, Nancy Jane Dean    42
Hopkins, W F                24
Hord, James A               25
Horton, Harris              25
Howard, Landia              21
Hoyle, E                  9,10,11
Hoyle, Evelyn             5,6,7
Hrris, John Ross            42
Hudgepeth, John             24
Huggins, John G             25
Hughes, E                   24
Hughes, Ethel               16
Hughes, Samuel              24
Humphrey, J. Oscar          4
Humphrey, Oscar             3
Hunt, George R              23
Hunt, Robert N              26
Hunter, Wm D                25
Hurley, J G                 24
Ingrave, J C                40
Irwin, Sarah A              19
Jackson, Craven             26
Jackson, Nancy Jane 4,6,7,9,10,11
James, Amanda S             33
James, Sarah                19
James, Wm                   42
Jefferys, Chas A            27
Jenkins, James P            26
Jennings, Sarah Jane        21
Johns, Amelia       4,6,7,9,10,11
Johns, J W                  9
Johnson, Gilbert            26
Johnson, H H                26
Johnson, Hiram G            26
Johnson, Lila Mae           14
Johnson, Mr                 7
Johnson, S R                26
Johnson, Sarah              14
Jolley, Paul                6
Jolly, P                    10

Jones, Ellen                17
Jones, F F                  5
Jones, Fannie               15
Jones, James                26
Jones, Marshal              26
Jones, Myrtie               17
Kanis, Addie Curry          38
Kelley, Mattie              17
Kelley, Thomas              26
Kennedy, Robert             26
Kennedy, Virginia B         41
Kight, Martha               15
Kimball, Allen              26
Kinard, James W             37
Kinard, Nancie E Hargis     37
Kinard, R L                 37
King, Isaac                 26
Kline, Alma N               32
Kline, John W               32
Knighton, Alex              26
Kyle, Florence              17
Lacy, Morgan D              27
Langford, Lucy              34
Langford, Whitt             34
Langston, Alameda M         1O
Langston, Benjamin Franklin 11
Langston, E G               11
Laster, Geo A               27
Lawrence, Maud A            15
Lawson, A R                 5
Lawson, Fannie              19
Lawson, Galloway            27
Lawson, Gwens               17
Leahy, Thomas Dunham        8
Ledbetter                   41
Lee, Bob Mrs                6
Lee, Eliza                  12
Lee, M E Mrs        4,5,6,8,9,10
Lee, Shirley                38
Lefaver, Robert             27
Legrange, J H               27
Leslie, Mrs                 6
Leslie, Thomas Dunham       38
Lewelly, Henry              26
Lide, Lillie                16
Lindsey, James              26
Lipton, David Mitchell      32
Lipton, Jennelle            32
Lipton, John M              32
Livingston, David           27
Loring, David A             27
Lowrey, Tobe W              41
Lucerner, Elmer             39
Lynch, J W                  27
Maddix, Kindred L           28
Marglin, Laura              14
Marks, Emma                 17
Marter, Josie      4,5,6,8,9,10
Martin, C N                39
Martin, Caline             39
Martin, Charles Wilson     39
Mason, David C             41
Mason, Flora               41
(Mson, W A                 40)
Mays, G                    29
Mays, James                28
McCarley, John             29
McCaslin, William          28
McCauley, Tempie B     2,4,5,6
McClain, Katie E   4,5,6,8,9,10
McClellan, M W             27
McClure, E P Mrs           13
McCollum, William          29
McCorkle, E.               41
McCorkle, Elizabeth        41
McDonald, John C           27
McFarland, John            28
McHenry, Queenie           15
McKinley, S N              28
McKinsey, M I              18
McKinsey, Taylor           27
McLane, Bobbie Jones       43
McLean, Hugh               29
McLeod, Mary Ann           20
McMillian, Hiram           29
McMurray, P E              6
McMurry, P E         4,5,8,9,10
McMurtry, G L              28
McNab, Leuilla             20
McNabb, Pollie             20
McNabb, Saphronia          20
McNeeley, John             28
McNight, Wm                28
McPherson, James M         28
Mead, J C                  29
Mead, R D                  29
Meek, Margaret Sue         20
Meeks, Ella                @i 
Miles, F                   29
Miller, H S                40
Montgomery, Fannie 4,5,6,8,9,10
Moodley, True              28
Moody, Andrew J            27
Morehead, C                28
Morgan, Emma               13
Morgan, Mary Jane          17
Morrison, G H              29
Morrison, Mary C           18
Moseley, Celshe            39
Moseley, John L            42
Moser, Peter               29
Moses, Ophelia S           19
Mson, W A                  40
Naron, J J                 41

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