Bradley County, Arkansas Schools

Old Warren High School

Warren High School

Old Warren High School, Warren, Arkansas

Date unknown. If you know when this school was in existence, please contact Barbara Logan.

This school was later called the Old East School after the newer Warren High School was built in 1932.


"I was born May 3, 1920, and entered the first grade in the East School in 1926. I attended there through the first semester of the sixth grade. All of the East School students in the fourth, fifth and six grades along with those of the same grades from the West School and the North Ward School were moved beginning the second semester of the sixth grade to the "Old Green Building," a frame building on the same campus with the new High School Building. This was either 1931 or 1932 in January. Those students in the first, second and third grades were transferred to the North Ward School. The Junior High and Senior High students who had been attending classes in the "Old Green Building" were then moved into the new High School Building.

As a personal note I was born and reared across the street on the east side of the East School. My residence of fifty-one years is located on the old baseball diamond of the East School. I am a great-great grandson of Captain Hugh Bradley and his son Hugh Bradley Jr., my great grandfather, was Sheriff when the present court house was built and his name is on the cornerstone."

Felton Martin Hankins
406 East Cedar Street
Warren, AR 71671


"I don't know when the school was used as a high school, but it must have been still standing in the 1930's, since my father told me that he went to elementary school there. He was born in November 1924, and would have started school around 1930 - 1931." John Richardson

This photo postcard submitted by Melissa Jones.

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