Bradley County, Arkansas Obituaries

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Oscar E. Parnell Obituary


     Oscar E. Parnell, aged 78, of Warren died Thursday.  He was a
retired Potlatch Corporation employee and a Baptist.  Survivors 
are his wife, Elsie Ruth Carmical; a son, Robert Eugene Parnell 
of Orange, Tex.; a daughter, Mrs. Bill Sanders of Trinity, Tex.; 
a sister, Beulah Grice of Warren, and three grandchildren and 
four great-grandchildren.   

     Funeral will be at 1:30 p.m. Saturday at Frazer's Funeral Home.   
Burial will be in Oakland Cemetery.

Arkansas Gazette Saturday, December 10, 1983 Page 17A

Submitted to the Bradley County Obituary pages by Loretta Stehle.

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