Bradley County, Arkansas Obituaries

Bradley County Obituaries, Surnames T - Y
Extracted From The Arkansas Methodist Newspaper
1884 - 1930

We are very grateful to both Jann Woodard who compiled these obituaries and Debbie Patrick for transcribing them.

[ Surnames A - C ] [ Surnames D - H ] [ Surnames J - N ] [ Surnames P - S ] [ Surnames T - Y ]


Sister Catty Temple, daughter of James and Amanda Waites, was born Aug. 16th, 1856, 
and died near Johnsville, Bradley county, Ark., Feb. 28, 1885. She professed religion and 
joined the M. E. Church, South, in 1872; was married to Thomas F. Temple Jan. 22, 1874.
She was an humble, earnest, consistent Christian lady. At her home the itinerant always 
found a welcome, and in her a kind sympathizing friend. She had the happy faculty of making
her friends feel at home. She was a devoted wife and affectionate mother. Her last illness
was of short duration. She often spoke of her prospects of heaven - - not a cloud to obstruct
her spiritual vision. Her last words were to her many relatives and friends, "Meet me on
the shining shore." Then she kissed her little children good-by. To her husband she said: 
"Do the best you can. Take good care of my children, and bring them to heaven with you." 
Said, "When I am gone, I will be with bright angels." She has now gone to her Fathers home
in heaven. A beautiful life has culminated in a beautiful death. 

By: S. H. Parker 

April 18, 1885     page 7 col 1 & 2 


[ Surnames A - C ] [ Surnames D - H ] [ Surnames J - N ] [ Surnames P - S ] [ Surnames T - Y ]

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