Bradley County, Arkansas Military

Records of Bradley County people who applied to the
Arkansas Confederate Home
Little Rock, Ar. 1895 - 1953

Submitted by Debbie Patrick

Copies of these records are at the
Arkansas History Commission
#1 Capitol Mall
Little Rock, Ar. 72201
(Write to them for information or price quotes for copies. Send a SASE.)

The Arkansas Confederate Home was established in 1890 by a group of citizens who formed the Ex-Confederate Association of Arkansas to care for the needs of indigent Confederate soldiers and their widows. These citizens were; John D. Adams, W. P. Campbell, John G. Fletcher, R. A. Little, and Thomas W. Steele. They purchased 60 acres of land on what is now Dixon Road near Sweet Home, south of Little Rock and opened a nursing home in a remodeled residence on December 1, 1890. In April of the next year, the Arkansas Legislature appropriated $10,000 annually for the upkeep of the home and the Association deeded the property to the State. It became one of Arkansas' charitable institutions. A new building was constructed in 1892 and remodeled in 1911. By 1915 the institution housed 130 inmates. After that occupancy declined. In 1955 a new smaller Confederate Home was built on the grounds of the Schools for the Deaf and Blind in Little Rock. By 1961, with only eight inmates remaining the Legislature voted to close the Home and transfer the remaining patients to Nursing Homes. The Home was finally closed in 1963 and the building use transferred to the Blind and Deaf School.

NOTE: There are quite a few names on this list, but those listed below are the people who applied from Bradley County, Ar.

NAME                        DATE ADMITTED
Beard, J. A.                August 10, 1929
Brooks, B. M.               March 13, 1930
Brown, Jim N.               not admitted
Brown, John N.              not admitted
Cotton, Benjamin T. L.      not admitted
Dixon, Angus                September 7, 1921
Dixon, Mrs. Susan           September 7, 1921
Ederington, R.C.            April 11, 1926
Foster, Mary A.             October 11, 1933
Hall, Mrs. Nettie           March 6, 1927
Hightower, J. O.        	not admitted
McClendon, A.               April 25, 1932
Riggs, B. F.                not admitted    (county was listed as Warren)

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