Holly Springs Public School, Hermitage
School Roster 1901-1902
In the early settlement of Hermitage, Holly Springs Public School and Holly Springs Baptist Church were at the location of the present Holly Springs Baptist Cemetery.
"My grandmother, Drusie Parnell Cooper went to school there in 1901 before it was moved to the present site.
I have the school enrollment [that was] given out when school let out for the summer." ~~Pat Richard
SOUVENIR HOLLY SPRINGS P U B L I C S C H O O L DISTRICT NUMBER 12 HERMITAGE, BRADLEY CO., ARK. JULY 1, 1901 - FEBRUARY 14, 1902 Presented By Lucian E. McClendon, U. of A., Prin. Willie Mai Woolley, Ass't SCHOOL BOARD Jno. D. Singer W. J. Ederington J. W. Baker |
Emma Bowman Lizzie Bowman Ben Bowman George Bowman Ben Green Casper Bowman Jake Bowman Stella Brooks Ethel Brooks Clara Baker Lillie Belle Baker Selden Creed Mittie Creed Irnie Creed Willie Creed Drusie Ederington Carrie Eva Ederington Sarah Forrest Nancy Forrest Hugh Forrest Eva Green Roy Green Bessie Hardin Hester Hardin Arthur Ivy Ed Jarratt Dan Jarratt Millard Jarratt Claude Jarratt Henry Jarratt |
Pen Langston Bertha Langston Daniel Langston Arthur Langston Grace Langston Elvin Lanir Minnie McClendon Nina Milholland Nathan Milholland Eppa Milholland Lucile Mathis Allen Mathis Walter Nixon Dolphus Nixon Fred Nixon Drusie Powell Carrie Powell Ruth Powell Vera Powell Carl Parnell Drusie Parnell Porter Phillips Mattie Phillips Sell Phillips Lester Pollard Jimmie Pollard Elmer Quimby Lena Quimby Willie Quimby John Quimby John Richardson Marve Richardson Nora Richardson Kos Richardson Mary Richardson Pearl Richardson Jodie Reaves Carl Thompson Quinney Thompson Carter Thompson Mattie Temple Zula Temple Ira Trussell Herbert Turner Tobe Turner Mattie Turner Mattie Lee Singer Mande Singer Susan Singer Willie Mai Singer Willie Mai Woolley Ollie Woolley Ghen Woolley Garry Woolley Henry Wilkinson Ethel Wilkinson Velmer Wilkinson Sallie Wood Louisiana Wood Pearl Wood Lewis Wheeler |
School having closed unexpectedly on account of Mumps, I take great pleasure in presenting this souvenir to you as a token of remembrance. May your life always be as happy as our school was prosperous. With best wishes for you and the people of Holly Springs, it is ours to say "Good Bye." L. E. MCCLENDON, Prin. WILLIE WOOLLEY, Asst. |
The Souvenir belongs to Pat Richard and was submitted to the web page for her by Nora Johnson.