Watkins Cemetery

GPS Location: N 33° 22.253' -- W 92° 15.454' - Elevation 166ft

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Watkins Cemetery

The information and photos were graciously provided for this webpage by Diana M Sullivan

Watkins Cemetery is on hwy 63 South, half a mile before you get to the community of Hilo.

   HARRIS, Margaret E. S. 
   Daughter of W. M. & Melinda F. Watkins
   Wife of Sam Harris 
   Died February 14 1861
   Aged about 33 years
   "The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord."
   Footstone reads MESH

A small unmarked grave lies to the right of the above marker.

  The following are all on one stone with footstones.
   Mary Lee died Oct 14 1864 aged 2 mths 23 days    
   Robert Pierce died Sept 5 1869 aged 4 years 1 mth 27 days  
   Martha Susanna died Aug 6 1870 aged 2 yrs 2 mths  
   Thomas Marvin died Sept 1 1877 aged 5 yrs  11 mths 22 days

   Children of Dr J. A. and M. A. Watkins
   "Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not for of such is the Kingdom of God."
   Footstone reads MLW
   Footstone reads RPW
   Footstone reads MSW
   Footstone reads TMW

US CENSUS YR:  1870      STATE:  Arkansas      COUNTY:  Bradley
DIVISION:  Ouachita Township     REEL NO:  M593-48     SHEET NO:  533B
REFERENCE:  P.O. Gravel Ridge, Enumerated 15 July 1870 by John J. Chapin; Page 4

11  22  22  Watkins John     45 M W Farmer  1,600  400 AL
12  22  22  Watkins Manerva  29 F W Keeping House      TN
13  22  22  Watkins John      3 M W                    AR
14  22  22  Watkins Martha    2 F W                    AR
15  22  22  Watkins James  8/12 M W                    AR  Oct.
16  22  22  Watkins Thos     40 M W Cripple            AL

Cemetery coordinator: Barbara Logan
E-mail: dlogan@alaska.net
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Last update: Tuesday, 16-Jan-2018 08:04:23 MST