Bull Cemetery

Surveyed by Tim Johnson June 1997

LOCATION: From Jersey, AR, travel east on State Hwy. 160 approximately 6/10ths of a mile to Bradley Co. Rd. No. 2. The area of the cemetery is SE of County Rd. 2 and Hwy. 160 intersection. Twp 15S Range 12W SW ź Sec. 12.

No headstones or markers are evident. M. J. Anders says in an article on the Jersey community published in the Eagle Democrat 5 April 1951, "The Bull family came into the community at a very early date. I am sure that some members of the Bull family died before the present cemetery at Shady Grove was established, for a considerable number of the Bull family are buried on their old home place."

In a conversation with Bill McDougald of Jersey on 11 September 1996, Mr. McDougald stated his father, Rufus, used to own and farm the land at the site of the cemetery. He said his father plowed over the cemetery spot years ago. It was a small rise and was thick with plum bushes. They plowed around it for years until finally they cut the bushes and plowed the ground. He said there were no headstones or markers there. The area at present is planted in pine trees. E. L. "Billy" McDougald passed away 12 June 1997.

The Arkansas Land Patent shows that William S. Bull owned the SW ź of Sec. 12, Twp 15S R 12W. This was on 14 June 1851 and included the area of the cemetery.

The 1850 Bradley County Census shows a William L. Bull, age 33, Mary A., age 36, Susan J., Martha, William R., Henry J., Mary F., and James L. listed in Ouachita Twp, which includes the community of Jersey.

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