You can also search the archived messages by month and year HERE.
(1998 until present date) Click the month you want to browse,
and read the messages with subject lines that interest you.
Some subject lines may not really reflect the content of their messages!
You can also post messages to and search the Bradley County, Arkansas
Rootsweb Message Board by clicking on the image above.
NOTE! As of July 28, 2011 the Message Board is experiencing technical difficulties.
Rootsweb is aware of the problem and is currently working on a solution!
There is also an ARBRADLE Chat Mailing List for anyone who would like to just "chat" about Bradley County;
where to stay when visiting, the best fishing holes, etc. This list is for NON-GENEALOGY message exchanges ONLY.
Please join the the Bradley County Mailing list (see above) to ask questions about Genealogy related issues.
Bradley County was formed on December 18, 1840 from a portion of Union County comprised of what is now Bradley County,
and the greater portion of present day Ashley, Drew, Lincoln, Dallas, Calhoun, and Cleveland Counties. During the
period 1845 to 1873, Dallas, Drew, Ashley, Calhoun, Lincoln, and Cleveland Counties had been
detached from Bradley County and formed into new, separate counties.
Bradley County was named for Captain Hugh Bradley. The most popular belief is that Warren, the county seat of Bradley County,
was named for Captain Bradley's most trusted slave and body servant, whose name was Warren. Pennington Township,
in which the city of Warren is located, was named for Captain Bradley's son-in-law, I. H. Pennington.
(Thanks to Bill Sharp for providing the information about Bradley County History.)
For more information about Bradley County, Arkansas, visit the Bradley County Industrial Development Corporation.
Bradley County is located in the southern part of Arkansas.
Surrounding Counties:
Ashley | Calhoun | Cleveland | Drew / Drew | Union
Can someone tell me anything about the
named on the tokens in the picture below??
Email Barbara Logan if you can!
Read what we know about these Tokens so far.


Hi, I'm Barbara Logan, the Volunteer County Coordinator for the
Bradley County, Arkansas USGenWeb Project. I'd like to thank the many
people who have contributed photos, links, data and articles to our web site.
I am sorry, but I do not live in Bradley County
and do not have access to local resources.
If you have any trouble accessing any of the pages here or have suggestions
for things you'd like to see on this site, or if you would like to contribute some
data of your own please e-mail me at
Please note that it may take several weeks or more for information
you submit to be added to the webpage. I work on this site as often as I can.
Thank you for understanding.
I hope you enjoy your visit with us! (SMILE)
You are the [an error occurred while processing this directive] visitor to this page since November 15, 1998.
PLEASE NOTE : All rights reserved by the persons contributing information to these pages.
Please respect copyright laws and ethics and give credit as listed with each source.
All people are fallible and mistakes are easily made in typing and inputting large amounts of data.
It is your responsibility to verify any data you find.
This page last updated Tuesday, 16-Jan-2018 05:22:02 MST .