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Will Book Index, 1869-1942

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Contributed by Dee Burr

NOTE: The county clerk of Boone County will NOT copy any documents. You can obtain a copy of a will by sending a request to the clerk stating all information and $5. Be prepared to wait because copying is not done - it will be typed when time is available. Address is 100 N. Main, Suite 201 Harrison,AR 72601.

The Arkansas History Commission, One Capitol Mall, Little Rock, AR 72601 (501) 682-6900 MAY be another source. The necessary form for requesting a copy can be found online.

Name Book Page
Acuff, S. J. A 341
Adair, James B 368
Adams, A.V. C 399
Adams, Elija S. A 186
Aderholt, J.M. A 137
Akers, Isaac E. C 267
Albright, W.S. B 197
Allen, Lemuel A 212
Allred, Henry M. A 501
Alverson, J.W. A 361
Appel, Margaret C 172
Armitage, Eleanora A 531
Armstrong, Mattie B 121
Arnold, George C 469
Arthur, Nan B 435
Adkey, Dollie C 43
Atchley, Minnie C 403
Auman, W.H. C 19
Austin, George C 211
Austin, Thomas B 529
Bailey, N.L B 338
Bailey, W.W. A 210
Baker, Elsie C. C 519
Baker, Lavina J. A 151
Baker, Roy S. C 454
Barger, Wiley A 147
Barham, Elias B 396
Barnard, James E. A 224
Barnes, Albert A 570
Barnes, B.H. A 487
Barnett, Carl C 155
Barnett, George C 232
Barron, William P C 291
Bartholomou, Charles B 1
Battenfield, Alex A 440
Baugher, J.W. B 609
Baughman, Lewis L A 17
Baughman, Lewis C 141
Beach, Belle B 60
Bean, H.H. B 443
Bell, Minnie A 391
Beller, Irvin T. A 275
Berry, L.W. C 77
Bigheart, James C 514
Binder, Harry C 188
Birdwell, Amanda C 352
Blanchard, Amanda A 253
Black, Maude C 56
Blanton, William B 181
Bock, Enock A 436
Boesinger, John B 586
Boggs, Louise C 508
Bonstell, E.E. C 69
Bowman, Fannie B 564
Bowman, J.D. B 177
Bower, Frank B 186
Boyd, Roland A 404
Boyer, Guy M. B 297
Brackett, Lee B 584
Bradley, N.F. B 178
Bradley, S.F. B 188
Breece, V.B. A 346
Breeding, Margaret C 345
Breihan, John B 559
Breit, William H. C 456
Breit, William J. C 48
Brestow, Matthew A 37
Brewer, Jesse B 592
Briggs, James B 367
Brown, Franklin A 60
Burns, M.C. A 457
Bryant, Witt B 521
Bryant, J.W. A 485
Burge, G.A. B 258
Burnett, W.R. B 227
Burr, B.F. A 393
Bursham, Ida N. B 63
Butler, T.S. C 17
Butterfield, J.W. A 168
Campbell, Alexander A 170
Campbell, Ang. M. A 352
Campbell, P.B. A 427
Cantley, Blanche B 528
Cantrell, Adaline Ester A 478
Cantrell, Mary K. A 81
Cantrell, Edward A 395
Cantrell, Thomas A 128
Capps, C.W. B 547
Card, Edward B 137
Card, Mary A. B 307
Carey, Bess M. B 568
Carle, William A 330
Carleton, William B 119
Carpenter, Katie C 354
Carroll, James A 69
Carroll, Joseph A 156
Cash, Fred B 451
Caster, C.V. B 267
Cecil, Jennie A 580
Center, James B 511
Center, Minnie C 14
Center, W.M. A 141
Ceero, Edward A 90
Chandler, Olda C 401
Chapline, Amelia A 109
Chauvin, Horace B 217
Cheek, J.H. A 455
Clark, Alma L. B 437
Clark, Catherine B 215
Clark, H.M. A 312
Clark, M.S. A 412
Clemshire, Myrah A 240
Cloutier, Augustine A 193
Cochran, Crover C 466
Coffey, Katie B 504
Coffman, Gertie C 54
Coffman, Hugh W. A 293
Coffman, James A. A 56
Coffman, John H. B 15
Coffman, Mary G. C 328
Coffman, Layton B 284
Coker, Pauline C 492
Cole, Andrew A 143
Coleman, James B 195
Coleman, W.B. B 93
Collier, Earl B 481
Collins, Earl C 359
Cook, Helen B 345
Cook, John B. C 148
Cooper, Idumia C 36
Cooper, Lucille C 206
Cope, Olive B 339
Cornett, L.T. B 139
Cotton, A.E. B 172
Crabtree, Lisa B 590
Crain, S.R. A 449
Crandell, Bonnie B 278
Crandell, H.A. A 497
Cream, Doran C 73
Crebs, Myrtle C 377
Creedon, Albert B 337
Cripps, A.W. A 572
Croom, Dora W. C 73
Croom, L.A. B 446
Crump, George B 76
Crump, John A. A 107
Cruel, Ruth A. A 49
Cruse, W.M. A 336
Curnutt, James B. A 407
Curnutt, Rachel Jane A 263
Curry, George A 438
Curry, Jane A 509
Cusen, Edmund J. C 282
Daily, W.G. B 335
Darrow, S.L. A 188
Dau, Herman B 441
Davis, Alfred E. C 101
Davis, A.T. A 178
Davis, Caroline A 277
Davis, John A 429
Davis, William M. A 2
Dearing, G.W. B 319
Demasison, Louis A 492
Dennis, William A 126
Denton, Tilford A 123
Denton, William J. A 86
Dickey, E.G. B 611
Dodge, Jerome B 34
Donnell, Henry B 11
Duck, Annie B 381
Dufree, Ira A 190
Dugger, William A 285
Dundas, Wendell B 526
Dunkin, D.D. B 503
Dunning, Albert B 503
Dyer, Charlton A 301
Eagle, J.B, B 168
Edmondson, Artensey B 249
Edmondson, Jess C 229
Elam, John H. B 517
Ellis, Carl C. C 363
Elmer, A.R. C 520
Elmer, O.C. B 327
Emerson, Kate C 41
Eoff, A.J. B 206
Eoff, Flem B 497
Estes, Ben M. B 166
Evans, James E. C 113
Evans, Lillian B 478
Evans, Mary Catherine B 219
Evens, David B 211
Fancher, Dotson B 159
Farmer, Newton C 238
Faulk, Jerry C 405
Faulkner, A.P. B 509
Farris, Arlis B 235
Fick, Henry A 75
Fielding, H.R. A 115
Finch, Ava C 283
Finch, Ava R. C 298
Fisher, Mrs. George D. B 224
Fisher, Richard B 596
Fitchue, A B 468
Fitton, D.E. B 476
Flenner, Jacob A 287
Fletcher, Thomas A 282
Flinn, Cleda C 259
Flinn, Thomas N. C 67
Flinn, Virginia B 204
Fluette, Frank B 100
Fogo, Hugh C 202
Foster, Sam C 254
Fowler, Edwin A 574
Fowler, Nancy C 80
Fowler, T.P. B 321
Frambers, Johnathan C 204
Franklin, M.F. B 524
Frew, George A 272
Frew, James B. B 243
Frew, Jo. L. B 473
Fry, Gertrude M. C 567
Fulbright, D.N. A 110 & 349
Fulbright, Ephrim A 133
Fuller, Inez C 225
Fuller, Myrtle C 123
Fullerton, Brice C 182
Fullerton, Clara C 214
Fullerton, O.R. B 500
Fultz, Dorcas H. C 447
Gaither, Benjamin A 100
Galbraith, Robert C 5
Galbraith, Valda C 372
Garrison, Ben C 285
Garvin, F.M. N 98
Gaston, Norma C 587
Gates, E.P. A 559
Gibson, J.C. B 103
Gibson, Olem C 220
Gilliland, J.W. B 104
Gladden, Joseph C 260
Glass, H.D. B 79
Glenney, Frank C 128
Glines, C.L. B 246
Gloatley, James C 218
Goatman, John B 202
Godwin, Bess C 324
Godwin, Leo B 341
Goedde, Lawrence B 576
Goff, Eugene B 375
Gooch, Martha B 487
Good, R.J. A 113
Gordon, W.F. B 107
Goss, Benjamin B 271
Gosset, Chester H. B 448
Granger, Alfred B 402
Granger, C.T A 358
Granger, Ida B 442
Gray, E.A. B 233
Gray, John B 28
Green, Bert L. C 425
Greene, Charles A 377
Greenfield, William B 373
Greenhaw, Mattie C 248
Greenhaw, Thomas C 212
Greenwell, Joseph C 97
Greeves, William A 322
Griffis, John A 462
Griffis, D. Bailey C 245
Grissom, Marshall C 504
Grogan, Ruth C 506
Guier, Iuka C 496
Guier, Iuka C 571
Guy, William S. A 145
Haglestern, Willie C 240
Hale, Blanche C 187
Hale, Dan B 561
Hale, William A 119
Halley, Lillian Litz B 582
Hallohan, John A 152
Hamilton, Joel A 6
Hammerschmidt, A.P. C 209
Hammerschmidt, George B 23
Hankins, Bob C 365
Harp, B.F. C 341
Harrison, Martha A 175
Hartman, Sadie B 96
Hasson, Leon M. B 537
Hasson, Virginia C 63
Hasting, William B 229
Hayward, John B 157
Hennington, Frank C 243
Hibbard, Wellington B 95
Hicks, J.A. A 127
Hodge, W.J. B. B 406
Hodgin, P. B 555
Holman, Roy C 423
Holmes, Claude C 395
Holt, John B 40
Holt, Joseph A 494
Holt, Richard A 234
Honeycutt, Claude C 575
Hopper, Arch A 280
Hopper, Gilliam B 43 - 46
Hopper, James A 374
Horn, Marion C 451
Hudkins, Ova C 412
Hudson, Holcomb B 294
Hudspeth, Murphy C 440
Hudspeth, Roy C 170
Hudspeth, Verl C 338
Hughey, John B 517
Hunt, Octavo C 591
Hunter, T.C. B 485
Hursh, D.R. A 298
Hutchings, Lena C 318
Ingram, D.E. B 393
Jackson, Albert M. B 237
Jackson, Harry C 200
Jackson, Leckie C 83
Jackson, J. Leashie C 24
Johnson, J.J. B 274
Johnson, J.S. B 513
Johnson, Laura C 279
Johnson, T.W. B 231
Johnston, J.P. A 443
Jones, Daniel W. B 109
Jones, Emma B 181
Jones, Iverson A 523
Jones, John M. B 71
Jones, Sebrina(Sebron Jack)A 111
Jones, V.R. B 607
Kamm, Joseph C. B 83
Keele, G.C. A 79
Keener, J.E. B 317
Kelley, Robert C 494
Keys, Clara C 71
King, John C 134
King, Lilly B 483
Kirby, Goldie C 336
Kirby, Leonidas B 47
Kissick, Horatio B 161
Kitchen, Alfred B 83
Knouss, William A 540
Knox, Will B 551
Kuch, Phillip C 175
Laback, C.A.T. A 219
Lamb, T.F.C. B 522
Lamberton, Elizabeth B 542
Lansberry, Mary B 427
Lane, John B 588
Lanigan, Jane A 268
Latimore, Luella C 280
Lee, Mary A 452
Lemmon, Hazel C 434
Leuty, James B 618
Ligate, R.S. A 545
Lindblom, Oscar C 379
Lindsey, U.R. C 3
Lipps, G.W. A 266
Litz, Lillian B 582
Logan, V. Ivan C 397
Long, A.J. C 502
Long, Marion A 465
Lotspiech, Anna C 121
Lovett, Sina C 29
Lowrey, R.L. B 303
Lucas, Dixie C 171
Luna, J.A. B 398
Luna, Ora V. C 275
Lynn, A.B. B 316
Lynn, Laura W. C 45
Madison, Mae T. C 79
Magill, Helen C 558
Magner, Mayme B 531
Magness, Clyde B 226
Magnus, Juanita C 472
Mahan, Ben A 578
Mahler, William B 252
Majors, Cora C 75
Majors, Isaac A 556
Majors, James C 271
Manvart, Walan A 85
Mares, James C 521
Marshall, Bennet A. A 13
Marshall, J.G. B 147
Martin, Agnes C 252
Martin, E.H. C 215
Martin, Elizabeth C 461
Martin, James L. A 9
Martin, Harry C 136
Martin, Paul C 165
Masters, Edna C 297
Mattox, M.C. A 490
Maxwell, T.M. A 366
Mayes, James C 1
McAlister, Minne E. B 383
McBeath, John A 587
McBride, Mary A. B 598
McClinton, Charles C 577
McConkey, W.E. C 389
McCormick, Charles A 504
McCullough, Charles C 59
McDonald, James C 594
McFall, John A 483
McFall, Sada R. B 499
McFarland, Araminta B 38
McFarland, Robert B 25
McGehee, J.M. B 287
McHarry, Margaret B 382
McKimmy, M. B 285
McKiney, George A 447
McMahan Ben. F. A 578
McMahan, Olivia B 183
McMillian, William A 54
McNemar, Charles C 416
McWhirter, J.M. B 553
Mearns, G. B 462
Melton, Otis B 615
Melville, Ellen B 308
Mesavage, Clement C 513
Middleton, Edward A 400
Middleton, Gertrude B 189
Middleton, John W. B 155
Middleton, Tennessee B 239
Middleton, Willie B 394
Mignot, L.J. B 312
Milam, Brice A 243
Milburn, A.E. B 520
Milburn, Duleye C 407
Milburn, T.E. C 340
Miller, J. Frank B 479
Miller, Nath B 627
Miller, William A 386
Milum, James B 133
Milum, May C 153
Mogel, Louis E. B 434
Montgomery, Anne B 170
Moore, John Sr. C 290
Moore, Will C 356
Morgan, Mary C 99
Morris, Don B 241
Morris, Thomas B 8
Morris, Sallie B 404
Mosley, W.L. A 431
Moss, Tennie B 505
Mounsey, Lawson A 71
Mount, Frank(Francis M.)B 574
Mount, Cora C 270
Mount, George C 132
Mount, Iva C 305
Mount, Mary C 269
Mount, W.S. B 220
Mueller, Fred B 363
Murray, L.M. B 426
Murray, S.E. B 261
Murry, J.R. A 260
Myer, Adam B 111
Myers, Charles C 302
Myers, George S. C 52
Myers, Sallie B 421
Myers, William B 191
Nelson, Alfred A 4
Newman, Agnes J. C 312
Newman, Fred C. B 385
Newman, J.R. A 529
Newman, Mrs. J.R. B 273
Nichols, John B 251
Nix, Annie C 34
Nixon, Josephine B 247
Noble, Elizabeth A 35
Norman, Thomas C 381
Norman, W.P. A 117
Norton, Clyde C 217
Norton, Elizabeth C 32
Nunley, Roy B 171
Oliver, Milton A 184
Oxford, Bessie B 452
Oxford, M.S. C 316
Ozier, Hugh Sr. C 330
Pace, William A. A 296
Paetzolf, Henry C 295
Parker, Edith C 326
Parker, E.T. C 250
Parker, Eva B 566
Parker, Green B 87
Parker, T.B. B 557
Parker, W.H. A 247
Pakrinson, Don C 277
Parks, James C 157
Parrish, L.W. B 176
Patrick, Fannie A 470
Patterson, Elizabeth B 102
Patterson, Helen F. A 43
Patterson, James B 153
Patton, Mary B 73
Patton, Wiley B 151
Patton, Mrs. Wiley B 433
Pedler, William C 193
Peebles, Minnie C 443
Peebles, Otis C 445
Pemberton, E.R. B 360
Penix, Charles B 448
Perew, David A 250
Perkins, Frank C 355
Pettit, I.A. C 428
Pettit, W.H.C. B 269
Pettit, Sally E. C 432
Phillias, Augustine A 193
Phillips, Allen A 583
Pinson, I. F. B 518
Pleyte, Martha C 320
Plott, William C 257
Pond, Bertha C 21
Pond, Henry C 115
Pope, H.B. B 369
Porter, W.H. C 483
Powelson, V.P. B 193
Powers, R.F. B 145
Poynor, Hattie C 196
Poyner, W.H. B 472
Price, William H. A 420
Prock, Clara C 438
Proctor, Johnnie C 485
Pumphrey, W.G. A 165
Purylar, R.B. A 356
Ragland, James B 94
Ragland, J.Marvin C 255
Rambo, Cassius B 131
Ramsey, Ethel C 358
Ramsey, Lawson L. C 361
Ratcliffe, Fay B 125
Ray, C.C. B 157
Ray, Hiram B 173
Ray, M.P. A 94
Rasson, Jon A 103
Redell, Delphia C 573
Redden, Eula B 469
Redden, Morgan B 89
Redwood, Frederick A 232
Reed, William B 501
Reifsteck, William C 331
Reuter, Will C 429
Reynolds, I.Z. A 318
Rice, Martha A 270
Richesin, Wyatt B 514
Rickey, Thomas A 472
Riddle, Charlotte M. A 148
Riggs, Laura Ann B 605
Riley, B.L. A 364
Riley, Fred C 426
Ritchey, Samuel I A 514
Roberts, E.L. B 445
Roberts, Fannie B 523
Roberts, Jasper A 159
Roberts, James B 165
Roberts, John B 199
Roberts, Joe B 449
Robinson, Emily B 127
Rogers, James B 389
Rogers, Mary C 563
Rorie, Lela C 523
Ross, D.M. A 215
Rowland, Eula(Mrs.J.S.) B 295
Rowland, J.Sam B 142
Rowlett, Calvin B 333
Rowlett, Ewing A 338
Roy, John H. B 323
Ruble, W.H. B 301
Ruby, Lewis E. C 370
Rush, Lyman H. C 224
Rush, R.E. C 111
Sale, Moses N. B 90
Salmon, John A 158
Sansin, Polly B 58
Savage, Ollie B 347
Savage, C.B. B 240
Schmitt, John A 309
Scoggin, W.W. B 549
Scott, Lula V. B 185
Scroggins, Linda B 541
Shaddox, Thomas C 376
Shaffer, Lark B 225
Shane, Julia B 174
Sharp, L.A. B 343
Shaw, Nancy J. B 86
Shefner, Abraham C 385
Shelton, Fanny C 487
Shim, Charles A 417
Shinn, Agnes C 85
Shinn, Jarvis C 39
Shotts, Elizabeth C 161
Shouse, J.Loyd C 420
Shute, Harry C 374
Silaz, J.B. Sr. B 141
Silsbee, Dorothy C 119
Sims, John F. A 31
Sisco, Nora B 68
Slagley, Frank B 519
Sloan, W.J. B 92
Smith, Addie M. B 571
Smith, Carroll B 167
Smith, Edward A 433
Smith, Eliza B 288
Smith, James A 161
Smith, John A 20
Smith, John B. B 533
Smith, Mattie E. C 346
Smith, Maymie M. B 539
Smith, Tennessee B 470
Smyth, Robert B 129
Snider, Daniel B 55
Speak, Si C 460
Specht, Marie C 167
Speer, Eugene C 105
Speer, J.H. A 344
Speer, May A 460
Spilken, Frederick A 98
Stanley, Ethel C 51
Staples, P.D. A 226
Starr, Edna E. C 307
Statler, B.M. C 227
Steelman, I.R. A 526
Stephenson, Laura B 222
Stephenson, J.S. B 97
Stevens, Allan B 601
Stillwell, Nancy C 265
Stinnett, Ava C 322
Stinnett, Martha C 107
Stockton, B B 334
Stowe, Frank B 177
Strong,John W.& Beulah L.C 393
Styers, Roy B 475
Sulske, Frank C 180
Sutton, Cornelia C 109
Sutton, I.C. Sr. C 184
Sweet, Warren A 58
Sweeney, Louisa A 577
Tansey, Robert 138
Taylor, Josephine C 199
Tedford, Laura B 419
Tennyson, Josephine C 391
Terry, Marjorie C 479
Terry, Ruhoma A 230
Thomas, W.R. B 620
Thomason, Omer B 409
Thommason, W.A. B 84
Thompson, Emery C 116
Thompson, William C 138,194
Toney, A.K. A 554
Trammell, Dorothy C 119
Trammell, W.B. B 388
Trotter, Robert A 63
Truitt, J. Nelson C 501
Tucker, J.R. C 61
Tuggle, Leslie H. C 304
Tull, Mary R. C 449
Tyson, John D. B 78
Vance, Asbury J. A 306, 400
Vandervoort, Rose L. C 314
Vanwinkle, Caroline A 255
Vanzant, Sarah B 580
Vaughn, R.C. B 13
Verman, A.P. A 97
Villines, Cornelia B 536
Vining, Marion B 490
Vinson, E.D. C 95
Waggoner, John C 367
Wagley, Bertha C 465
Wagley, C. Van C 191
Wagner, Thomas B 305
Wagoner, Henry A 537
Wagoner, William A 87
Wagstaff, Ethel C 247
Walker, Fred C 190
Walker, Luveny B 80
Walker, Zelda C 150
Wallis, Troy C 274
Walters, A.J. B 9
Walters, Fannie B 200
Waltrip, M. A 173
Watkins, George C 498
Watkins, Elta B 507
Watkins, W.W. A 130
Watkins, William R B 603
Watkins, William R. B 20
Weatherly, John B 180
West, Howard B 313
West, William C 235
Whitaker, Fred C 333
Whitehead, Anna B 431
Whiteside, Jessie C 11
Whittington, Richard C 387
Widner, Jack C 106
Wiginton, George A 222
Williams, Fred B 18
Williams, William A. B 245
Williams, W.J. B 88
Wilson, Alfred A 4
Wilson, J.B. B 256
Wilson, J.D. B 149
Wilson, J.O. C 144
Wilson, John T. B 209
Wilson, Samantha B 163
Winborn, Claude C 26
Womac, Sydney C 49
Wood, Dora B 402
Wood, John R. B 416
Wood, J.R. B 400
Wood, P.S. B 82
Wood, R.J. B 456
Wood, S.W. B 259
Wood, William B 135
Woodward, Frank C 582
Woodward, W.B. B 332
Woolance, Sarah A 48
Worthington, Jacob A 480
Worthington, John I. B 5
Worthington,Mrs.John S. B 263
Wright, Elizabeth A 83
Wymore, E.H. B 420
Young, Arthur B 314
Young, James A 51
Young, James L. C 91
Young, Jesse A 45
Young, Michael A 1
Young, Minor H. C 103
Zeigler, George W. A 368
Zehles, Helen N. C 231
Zimmer, Maude L. C 82

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This page was last updated on 28 November 2024.