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genealogy & history

Pleas Fowler's Pension Application - CSA

I Pleas Fowler do solemnly swear that I served as a soldier in the army (or sailor in the navy) of the Confederate States, being a member of 147th Ark Regiment of Infantry from the State of ARK or a member of the crew of the ship called __________; that I was honorably discharged (paroled or released) from such service on or about the 24th day of July 1865 and did not desert the same; that I am now, and have for the past twelve months been a bona fide resident of this State; that I do not myself, nor does my wife, nor do we both together, own property, real or personal, or both, or money or choses in action in excess of the value of $500.00 (exclusive of household goods and wearing apparel); nor has either of us conveyed title to any property to enable him to draw a pension, and that neither I nor my wife is in receipt of any income, annuity, pention or wage for any services, the emoluments of an office in excess of $250.00 per year; provided, that in computing the amount of property owned by the applicant, his or her homestead shall be exempted; that I am incapitated to preform manual labor in the ordinary avocation of life (or am totally blind), and that such incapacity (or disability) is the result of wounds received in the service, being Incapitated on account of age being 90 years old. _________ ______________ or of age, accident or disease, and that such disability is not the result of my own vicious habits still persisted in, so help me God.
(Signature) Pleas Fowler
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 29th_ day of June_ 1921_
Lillie Fowler_______ Witness A? Lai?______
F.P. Fowler_________ Witness ___________

Pleas Fowler, Boone County, AR

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