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Will of John Gilliam

Contributed by Mary Turney Miller, one of his descendants.

The Last Will and Testament of John Gilliam (1745 - 1836)

In the name of God Amen I John Gilliam of the State of Tennessee and County of Franklin being in low health but in perfect sense and memory. Thanks be to God for his mercies and calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this my last will and testament in the manner and form following (viz) I leave my Soul to Almighty God that gave it hoping through the merits of my Blessed Savior to Inherit everlasting life and my body to be buried in a decent manner at the discretion of my Executors hereafter mentioned and as to all my worldly goods that it has pleased God to give me I leave in the manner and form following. My will is that all my just debts be paid and satisfied and then I give to my son John three hundred dollars to be raised out of my estate and then I give to my son Hinchea my negro man David and also Joel and then I give to the heirs of Thomas Gilliam three acres of land around their house as she chooses and my boy reason equally divided and then I give to my son Lemuel my negro boy Wily and then I give to Nancy Turney and the heir of her body my girl Isbel and I give to Polly Turney and the heirs of her body my negro girl Rachel and then I give to Frances De Loach and the heirs of her body Luck and Stephen and then I give to Avery Snider fifty dollars to be raised out of my estate and then I give to the heirs of Temperance Clepper my negroes John sometimes called Onck and I also farther give my son Lemuel my negro girl Caty and her child now at the breast and notes their worth six hundred Dollars and Lemuel must pay each of the heirs an equal part of said six hundred Dollars retaining his own part John Gilliam and Avery Snider excepted and then I give to my son Hinchey my negro Bo Bill at six hundred Dollars which must be divided among the heirs as equally as above stated John and Caty excepted and then my desire is that all my land except three acres around the house of Elizabeth Gilliam hereses cattle stock of all kind and household furniture and farming tools be sold at public auction and such money equally divided among the above named Hinchea and the heirs of Thos. Gilliam, Lemuel, Nancy and Polly Turney heirs, Frances De Loach and her heirs, Temperance Clepper and her heirs and I do hereby constitute and appoint my son Lemuel Gilliam and Jacob Turney Executors of this my last will and testament revoking disavowing all wills by me heretofore made, allowing ratifying and confirming this to be my Last Will and testament.

John Gilliam (Seal)
Signed sealed and pronounced in presence of
John A. Johnson
Barrett Forsythe
George A. Brock

I John Gilliam yet surviving and being in perfect mind and memory it is my will that this codicil be affixed to my former will (viz) that twenty five yards square be laid off and reserved for a burying yard on the tract of Land heretofore disposed of by me in my former will to be laid off near a walnut tree including Thomas Gilliam's grave. This codicil acknowledged signed and sealed in the presence of us the 17th day of Aug 1825.

John Gilliam(Seal)
John A. Johnson
Barrett Forsythe
G.A. Brock

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This page was last updated on 28 November 2024.