Lat/Lon 36. 153626, -93. 153674
Take Fork Creek Road north about a mile then turn right onto White Church Cemetery Road. About a qurter mile and cemetery is on the right.
Transcribed by Linda Jenkins-Wensel with added notes by Linda.
Additions at bottom of cemetery list.
Please see notes and family history for the Wray family at the end of this document. The Corrections for names and dates will appear there.
1. ACUFF, S. J. , b. 10 Dec. 1857, d. 27 Mar. 1915
Ellen, b. 8 Nov. 1867, d. 8 Oct. 1947
2. ACUFF, S. M. , b. 7 July 1886, d. 22 Oct. 1905, 19 yrs. . 4 mo. 15 days.
3. ADAIR, Alvie T. , b. 8 Feb. 1888, d. 3 May 1889
4. ADAIR, Anjaline, b. 13 Jan. 1855, d. 3 Mar 1900
5. ADAIR, James, b. 16 May 1842, d. 5 Jan. 1900
6. ADAIR, W. J. , b. 29 Mar. 1878, 1 or 10? Aug. 1912
7. ATCHLEY, Homer C. , b. 12 Nov. 1893, d. 6 Nov. 1914, 20 yrs. , 11 mo. 24 days "Marker cut by J. L. ATCHLEY"
8. ATKINS, Jan B. , b. 28 Oct. 1831, d. 5 July 1888, born in Oreans Co. , KY
9. M. B. , no date, fieldstone, noted, 5/1979
10. BAIER, Frances Duffy, b. 15 May 1892, Germany, d. 5 Aug. 1986 Dau. of Richard and Josephine GEISELHART , Husband?, dec. , mother Info. from Harrison Times, Ch F H
11. BAILEY, Bersheba, b. 30 Oct. 1794, d. 27 Sept. 1889, Wife of John
12. BAILEY, C. S. , b. 4 Jan. 1832, d. 4 Nov. 1887
13. BAILEY, Edith, b. 25 Apr. 1891, d. 28 Mar. 1892, Dau. of DeRoos and Lillie
14. BAILEY, John, b. 22 Nov. 1794, d. 1 Oct. 1876, Husband of Bersheba
15. BAILEY, Lillie, b. 15 Aug. 1871, d. 17 Apr. 1893, Wife of DeRoos
16. BAILEY, Margrett Harriett, d. 23 Sept. 1894, 72 yrs. . , Wife of W. W.
17. BAILEY, Martha J. , b. 3 Dec. 1853, d. 20 July 1873
18. BAILEY, Matty M. , b. 8 Oct. 1885, d. 1 Nov. 1886, Dau. of J. D. and E. C.
19. BAILEY, Ruth, b. 27 Aug. 1888, d. 7 July 1890, Dau. of DeRoos and Lillie
20. BAILEY, W. W. , b. 4 May 1828, d. 18 Feb. 1907, Husband. of Margrette H.
21. BASS, Horace F. , b. 17 Nov. 1919, Hooks, TX, d. 14 June 1988, KS. Wife?, dec'd?, father, W. W. II, Info. from Harrison Times, H. Paden F H
22. BEAVERS, CHARLEY, 2 Aug. 1887, d. 3 Mar. 1891, Son of J. C. and M. A.
23. BEAVERS, Clarence, b. 15 June 1888, d. 23 Dec. 1965 AR Pvt. Co. B 105th Inf. W. W. I (Military Marker also)
Bessie (WRAY), b. 10 Sept. 1894, d. *26 Jan. 1980, 85 Yrs. Holt F H *Info Harrison Times
24. BENTLEY, Ruby Emoline, b. 16 May 1910, d. 15 Oct. 1983 mother. Dau. of Luther and Callie Ann Wynne DART, wife of LEACH, wife of BENTLEY, dec'd. Info. Harrison Times, Ch F H
25. BLACK, Margaret G. , b. 19 Oct. 1823, d. 18 Nov. 1879, 55 yrs 1 mo. Wife of W. S.
26. BLACK, Mitchell G. d. 7 Jan. 1876, 20 yrs. . 6 mo. 1 day. son of W. S. and M. G.
27 BLACK, W. S. , b. 23 May 1819, d. 9 July 1882, Mason, Husband of Margaret G.
28. BOLLINGER, Annie Mae, b. 2 May 1991, Tyler TX, d. 23 Nov. 1985. Dau of Abram J. and Mary Sinclair COOK wife of Wm. THOMAS, Dogpatch, AR
29. BOLTON, John W. , b. 8 Dec. 1893 -
Anna Marie, b. 3 Oct. 1898 -
30. BOSWORTH, Jean O. , b. 20 Oct. 1892, d. 27 Oct. 1934 OK Pvt. 5 Ca. (Military Marker)
31. BRAZZEAL, Wilson C. , b. 14 Feb. 1887, d. 4 Jan. 1953
Julie E. , b. 5 Nov. 1886, d. 22 Feb. 1968
32. BRISCO, James, b. 11 Mar. 1878, d. 25 Apr. 1947
33. BRISCO, Marion Parker* d. 17 May 1900, d. 23 Sept. 1981, Dogpatch, AR (father)*b. at Tom Thumb, Newton Co. , Son of John and Elizabeth (BLACKWOOD)
Lizzie, b. 24 Nov. 1898, d. 30 Dec. 1961 *Info Harrison Times Ch F H / BROWN
34. BRISCO, Mirl, b. 4 Jan. 1917
Louise, b. 22 Apr. 1924, d. 1 Oct. 1973
35. BRISCO, Verlin L. , b. 10 May 1919, d. 11 Feb. 1968, Father, AR Pvt. SVC Co. , 337 Inf. BSM-PH-OLC (Military Marker Flat. )
Hester E. b. 27 Apr. 1922, Mother
36. BROWN, Frances L. 9 Mar 1917 dau/William Jesse & Lula Starr Driggers
Leslie H. , b. 1892, d. 1975. Holt F H, Married, 4/7/1945
37. BURGE, Dr. M. M. , b. 22 Mar. 1839, d. 25 Mar 1913
Martha A. , b. 16 Dec. 1846, d. 7 June 1893, Wife
38. BUTLER, Edith Yvonne, b. 19 June 1942, d. 23 Nov. 1947
39. BUTTERFIELD, - no date, fieldstone
40. CANTRELL, infant, b. and d. 6 Jan. 1894, Son of J. M. , and M. J.
41. CARLTON, Georg_ Isaac, b. 17 Oct. 1868, d. 9 Apr. 1883, Son of J. and C.
42. CARR, Cyril L. , b. 28 Oct. 1917, d. 27 Oct. , 1979, born in Ormond, FL, Son of Walter and Essie (FARMER) Husband of Bethel GAYLOR. Info. Harrison Times
43. CARR, John W. , b. 17 May 1870, d. 17 Dec. 1940
Eva, b. 1 Jan 1872, d. 28 Apr. 1943
44. CARR, Walter M. , b. 23 July 1891, d. 9 June 1946
45. CARUTHER, F. E. , b. 25 Oct. 1865, d. 19 Dec. 1881 (Fieldstone) noted 5/1979
46. CARUTHER, J. J. , b. 29 Oct. 1862, d. 18 Apr. 188?2 (Fieldstone) noted 5/1979
47. CARUTER, S. W. (CARUTHER?), b. 3 Aug. 1869 - (Fieldstone) noted 5/1979
48. CREEK, W. C. , b. 9 Dec. 1850, d. 25 Aug. 1932
Rutha Adline, b. 5 Apr. 1857, d. 22 Feb. 1896 - Wife
49. CREEK, W. C. , d. 1 Feb. 1896, infant
50. CHRISTIAN, Betty Lou, b. 1 Jan. 1926, d. 9 Jan. 1926
51. CHRISTIAN, Claud C. b. 8 June 1885, d. 2 Mar. 1947
52. CHRISTIAN, Conley L. b. 19 May 1890, d. 14 May 1969
Elva C. (CRUCE), b. 26 Oct. 1894, d. 29 July 1935
53. CHRISTIAN, Joe, b. 20 Nov. 1915, Harrison, d. 23 Feb. 1983. Son of Conley and Elva (CRUCE )CHRISTIAN. Info. Harrison Times, Holt F H
54. CHRISTIAN, Mervel, b. 28 July 1914, d. 4 Feb. 1915, 6 Months 7 Days
55. CHRISTIAN, Nathan H. , 1859-1925, Father
Allie M. 1864-1936, Mother
56. CLARK, Elizabeth, b. 26 Mar. 1868, d. 26 Nov. 1905, 37 Years, 8 Months, Daughter of R. L. and Eady CONE
57. CLARK, Jim Joe, b. 30 Apr. 1924, d. 4 Apr. 1933. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
58. CLARK, Nelson O. b. 12 Nov. 1903, d. 30 July 1971
Hildur E. (ANDERSON), b. 23 June 1908, d. 12 Feb. 1978. 69 Years
59. CLARK, W. H. , b. 14 Oct. 1835, d. 7 Oct. 1920
Sallie, Wife - No dates
Infant child, b. 22 Oct. 1877, d. July 1878
60. COLE, A. M. , b. 6 Sept. 1836, d. 23 Dec. 1899, Mason
61. COLE, Edna, b. 23 Sept. 1896, d. 27 Dec. 1915
62. COLE, H. I. , b. 5 Aug. 1849, d. Aug. 1899. Wife of A. M.
63. COLE, Ida F. , b. 28 Apr. 1876, d. 19 Sept. 1909, Wife of Orin. See Northern Ark. Baptist Assn. Book.
64. COLE, Laura, b. 18 Oct. 1870, d. 25 Nov. 1915
65. COLE, Mary E. , b. 9 Nov. 1868, d. 29 Mar. 1911
66. COLE, Orin, b. 10 Mar 1873, d. 12 Feb. 1950. Mason
67. COLE, Wayne, b. 27 Mar. 1886, d. 1 Feb. 1912
68. COLEMAN, Mae, b. 12 Sept. 1898, d. 27 Mar 1937. "Erected by her son"
69. COLLINS, Frank, b. 26 Deb. 1886, d. 3 Sept. 1954
Dovie, b. 2 Apr. 1887, d. 13 Jan. 1975
70. COLLINS, Ples W. , b. 1870, d. 1939. Mason
Maggie A. , b. 1872, - --19--, O. E. S. 5/1979
71. COLSTON, Garvin Beal, b. Gaither, 25 Mar. 1913, d. 10 Dec. 1979, Springfield, MO. Son of George and Alberta (MARTIN) Husband of Maxine (HUTCHINSON), Info. Harrison Times, Ch F H
72. COLSTON, George, b. 1873, d. 1956
Alberta, b. 1895, d. 1968
73. COLSTON, Sheron Kaye, b. 9 Sept. 1946, d. 1 Nov. 1946
74. CONE, Andrew, b. 10 Sept. 1886, d. 6 Dec. 1897
75. CONE, Conda, b. 15 May 1880, d. 21 Mar. 1936. Mother. 2nd Wife of R. L.
76. CONE, Eady, b. 23 Feb. 1835, d. 14 Mar. 1904. 1st Wife of R. L.
77. CONE, Howard Hensley Sr. "Daddy", b. 16 July 1996, d. 12 Apr. 1979. *born at Gaither, Son of Berry HANSFORD and Irene Hickey CONE. Husband of Caroline Sarah CONE. *Info. Harrison Times Ch F H
78. CONE, Irene, b. 15 July 1869, d. 15 Aug. 1897. Mother. Wife of Berry H.
79. CONE, James Allen, b. 1 June 1944, d. 2 June 1944. Son of Howard
80. CONE, John Lewis, b. 12 July 1912, d. 1 Apr. 1975
Myrtle Ruth, b. 2 Apr. 1923 - ----
81. CONE, Joyce Renaye, b. 10 Jan. 1963, d. 19 Feb. 1963, Infant daughter of Howard and Caroline
82. CONE, M. L. , d. 12 Jan. 1892, 2 years, 2 months, 26 days
83. CONE, Mary E. , b. 10 Sept. 1889, d. 24 Apr. 1890
84. CONE, Nath, b. 23 Aug. 1860, d. 15 Jan. 1925, Father
Kate, b. 1 Apr. 1868, d. 18 Apr. 1941
85. CONE, R. L. , b. 27 Aug. 1836, d. 16 Sept. 1923, Father
86. CONE, Roy J. , b. 4 Mar. 1900, d. 27 Jan. 1989, Ola A. *Daughter of John and Gertrude CARLTON HANKINS, *Obit Harrison Times, Ch F H
87. CONRAD, Marie and Albin, b. 23 Feb. 1905 at Council Bluffs, IA, d. 18 Mar. 1982, Alpena, Mother, Wife of Albin, b. 5 Dec. 1888, Germany, d. 13 Apr. 1984*, Father, Info Harrison Times, *Holt F H
88. CROW, Willie Arlis and Sarah, b. 9 July 1908, d. 17 Oct. 1979* Father, b. Newton Co. , AR, *Son of Wesley and Emily (ROGERS), Husband of Sarah E. "Lizzie", * Info Harrison Times, Ch F H
Sarah E. (Lizzie), b. 28 Mar 1912, d. 3 Sept. 1977, Mother, Ch F H
89. CRUCE, Maude, b. 4 Oct. 1876, d. 14 Feb. 1965
90. CURNUTT, Hebert ?I. ?, b. 17 July 1907, d. 11 Oct. 1908, Son of T. M. and Ida
91. CURNUTT, Joel Brett, b. 21 Sept. 1917, d. 29 Oct. 1922, Son of J. R. and M. P.
92. DABBS, Earl E. b. 27 Mar. 1922, Harrison, AR, d. 15 Mar. 1980, Tulsa, OK, son of Jim and Emmie (GOANS ) of Dogpatch, AR, Husband of Lillie (KENNEDY), Info Harrison Times, Holt F H
93. DABBS, James W. and Emma Lou, b. 4 Oct. 1892, Gaither, d. 17 Jan. 1982, Fayetteville, Father, WWI, Son of Joseph and Nancy (ROBINSON), Husband of Emma
Emma Lou, b. 4 Dec. 1903, Barnett, MO, d. 28 July 1986, Daughter of W. and Eliza (HOGGERMAN) GOANS, Info Harrison Times, Ch F H
94. DART, Fred E. , b. 14 Sept. 1884, d. 6 Apr. 1966
Mary E. , b. 1 Jan 1885, d. 13 Feb. 1962
95. DART, Henry E. , b. 3 May 1846, d. 10 May 1929
Emma, b. 26 Feb. 1869, d. 21 Feb. 1906
96. DART, Luther A. b. 31 Mar. 1882, d. 22 Sept. 1971
Gallieann (?Callie), b. 15 Jan. 1883, d. 26 Apr. 1918
97. DART, P. E. , b. 9 Jan 1907, d. 21 Aug. 1936
98. DART, Pauline, b. 9 Nov. 1916, d. 20 Oct. 1932
99. DAVIDSON, Arloo, b. 1878, d. 1967
100. DAVIDSON, Margaret Fenno, b. 1 Sept. 1840, d. 11 June 1922, 81 years, 9 months, 10 days, Wife of W. C.
101. DAVIDSON, Nath D. b. 24 July 1876, d. 15 Dec. 1928
Katie E. , b. 2 Aug. 1879, d. 19 May 1977
102. DAVIDSON, W. C. , b. 7 Nov. 1845, d. 22 Feb. 1927
103. DAVIDSON, W. J. , b. 1871, d. 1936
104 DILLON, Infant, Sept. 1965, Son of Jerry and Doretha
105. DILLON, Infant, April 1968, Daughter of Jerry and Doretha
106. DILLON, Edward, b. 7 Sept. 1887, d. 24 June 1932
Myrtle, b. 10 Jan. 1995, d. 30 Mar. 1977
107. DILLON, Floyd James, b. 24 June 1912, at Gaither, d. 8 Sept. 1981, Stepfather, Son of Lon and Martha (ACUFF), Husband of Delia MORRIS of Dogpatch, Info Harrison Times, Ch F H
108. DILLON, Fon, b. 25 Apr. 1920, d. 5 June 1937
109. DILLON, Frank, b. 24 Dec. 1890, d. 9 May 1979, 88 years. born Gaither, Husband of Martha, Info Harrison Times, Ch F H
110 DILLON, Harry, b. 1851, d. 1901
Laura, b. 1862, d. 1941
111. DILLON, John B. , b. 9 June 1882, d. 13 Jan 1936, 53 years 7 months, 4 days
112. DILLON, Keith Alton, June 1966, Son of Jerry and Doretha
113 DILLON, Lon F. m b. 22 Aug. 1884, d. 15 Oct. 1958
Martha J. (ACUFF), b. 14 Aug. 1888, d. 3 Aug. , 1971
114. DILLON, Infant, Feb. 9-17, 1923 of L. F.
115. DILLON, Ruth E. , b. 9 Aug. 1892, d. 29 Oct. 1948, 56 years, 2 months, 20 days
116. DILLON, Tom Lee, b. 18 Nov. 1899, d. 6 July 1977
117. DILLON, Wm. Monroe and Sallie, b. 8 Dec. 1879, d. 26 Aug. 1966
Sallie, b. 4 Oct. ?1884, d. 17 Dec. 1955, (born Snowball, AR 8 Oct. 1887, Info from Funeral Guest Book, age 62 years, 2 months, 9 days)
118. DILLON, Wilma Faye, b. 3 July 1941, d. 3 Jan. 1946
119. DOWELL, Elizabeth P. b. 17 July 1872, d. 6 Apr. 1873, Daughter of J. L. and M.
120. DOWELL, Lewis, b. 6 Mar. 1879, d. 7 Sept. 1957
121. DOWELL, Sarah, b. 5 Dec. 1816, d. 31 Mar 1898, born Wayne Co. , KY
122 DRESS, Gertrud Maria, b. 18 Nov. 1898, Ulm, Germany, d. 6 Dec. 1980, Mother, Daughter of Theodor and Anna Marie (STAUDER) HERR, Wife of Karl M. , dec.
123. DRURY, Susan, b. 11 June 1855, d. 8 Oct. 1878, 23 years
124. EDGMON, Durward, b. 4 Mar. 1909, d. 22 Oct. 1916, 7 years, 7 months, 18 days, Son of J. A. and S. A.
125. EDGMON, J. P. , b. 15 Apr. 1848, d. 7 July 1917, Father
126. EDGMON, James A. , b. 16 Aug. 1886, d. 11 Oct. 1916
Stella, b. 2 Oct. 1894, d. 11 Apr. 1976
127. EDGMON, Robert L. , b. 28 may 1918, TX, d. 6 Aug. 1989, Father, Son of Jim and Stella, Husband of ? dec'd, Obit Harrison Times
128. EDGMON, Ruth, b. 15 Jan. 1847, d. 15 Oct. 1918, Mother
129. EDWARDS, Emily C. b. 16 Sept. 1832, d. 16 Mar. 1912, Wife of C. L.
130. EDWARDS, Ray Gilbert, b. 4 Apr. 1931, d. 3 Feb. 1978, (regular marker) B M 3 U. S. Coast Guard - Korea (also military marker)
131. EDWARDS, Wade Ray, b. 11 Oct. 1957, d. 13 Feb. 1982, Son of Ray G. and Louetta, Stepson of Sam GOATES, Husband of Lucinda (BELL) Info Harrison Times, Ch F H
132. ELLIOTT, Daniel Lee, b. 19 July 1951, Aurora, IL, d. 18 Dec. 1981, Ft. Worth, TX, Son of Arthur C. and Crystal (CLARK) ELLIOTT, U. S. Marine - Vietnam, Father, Husband of Sharon, Info Harrison Times Ch F H
133. EPPERSON, Effie N. b. 4 Oct. 1898, d. 23 Oct. 1902, Daughter of W. H. and M. E.
134 ESSEX, Stanley E. , b. 1 June 1939, d. 12 Apr. 1949
135. EVANS, Marvin F. b. 16 Oct. 1867, d. 17 Nov. 1915, Son of Rev. D. W. and Paralee, info Harrison Times, Wife - Sarah MAYES, married 1891
136. EWING, H. L. W. , b. 27 March 1835, d. 7 Oct. 1903, Mason
137. EWING, Zilpha J. , b. 15 Apr. 1831, d. 28 Dec. 1915, 84 years 8 months 13 days
138. FARMER, Deanna Faith, b. 6 Aug. 1970, d. 3 June 1974
139. FARMER, Samuel H. , b. 22 Oct. 1907, d. 13 Apr. 1950
140. FARRAND, Thomas, b. 1846, d. 1886 (Black Plot)
141. FARWELL, Essie Davidson, 17 Nov. 1898
142. FLINN, Isabelle staples, b. 29 Nov. 1858, d. 23 Nov. 1916, 568 years, 11 months 23 days. Wife of W. C.
143. FLINN, Mary A. (etc. ), b. 22 Feb. 1832, d. 28 mar. 1923
Samuel N. , b. 31 Mar. 1818, d. 12 Feb. 1875
Virginia M. , b. 17 May 1868, d. 4 Sept. 1937
David E. , b. 23 Oct. 1879, d. 8 July 1874
144. FLINN, Infant, d. 13 Aug. 1894, 15 days. Son of James A. and M. A.
145. FLINN, Virgia, b. 7 dec. 1880, d. 13 Aug. 1896, Daughter of W. C. and S. I.
146. FOX, Jauneta, 31 May 1921, d. 13 June 1921, Daughter of J. D. and A. B.
147. GRAMLING, Charles B. , b. 18 Sept. 1889, d. 1 Jan 1890. Son of R. F. and M. J.
148. GRAMLING, Mattie, b. 25 Nov. 1891, d. 1 Feb. 1892, Infant daughter of R. F. and M. J.
149. GRAMLING, Richard F. , b. 17 Jan. 1853, d. 16 Mar. 1892
150. GRAY, Neil Anthony, b. 26 June, d. 27 June 1978, Holt F H
151. GREEN, William A. , b. 3 Sept. 1858, d. 9 Aug. 1934. Mason
Sallie E. , b. 12 July 1859, d. 9 Dec. 1940
152. GREER, b. 29 Aug. , d. 21 Sept. 1905. Infant son of C. E. and M. M.
153. GREER, Beatrice J. and Bernice L. , 13 dec. 1928, Daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Claude GREER
154. GREER, Birk, b. 7 Dec. 1849, d. 14 July 1936
Sintha, b. 15 Mar 1850 - (reading taken 5/1979)
155. GREER, David L. , b. 7 Jan. 1874, d. 30 Mar. 1944
Daisy, b. 21 Feb. 1882, d. 30 Aug. 1958
156. GREER, Fern, b. 23 June 1918, d. 2 July 1927
157. GREER, Flem C. , b. 29 Aug. 1910, Newton Co. , d. 18 Feb. 1983. Father. Son of David GREER and Daisy (STRICKLAND). Husband of Ola C. (BRYANT) GREER, Harrison info, Harrison Times, Ch F H
158. GREER, Dr. Garret, b. in TN, 7 May 1820, d. 13 Apr. 1881. Mason
159. GREER, Garrett J. , b. 11 Apr. 1886, d. 18 Mar. 1919
160. GREER, Hulet, b. 2 Apr. 1909, d. 29 Aug. 1909
161. GREER, Lattis Belle, b. 28 Dec. 1908, d. 20 Feb. 1910. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claude GREER
162. GREER, Ralph, born and died 19 Aug. 1901
163. GREER, Rolen D. , b. 23 Nov. 1915, d. 27 Sept. 1916. Son of G. J. and L. L.
164. HALL, Cecil, b. 1893, d. 1943
Ola M. b. 18 Oct. 1896, d. 3 Jan. 1967
165. HALL, W. J. b. 1863, d. 1937
Martha, b. 1873, d. 1959
166. HANKINS, John W. , b. 19 Oct. 1881, d. 6 Oct. 1950
Gertie M(argaret CARLTON), b. 9 Oct. 1885, d. 15 July 1963. Daughter of Wm. Jas. and Rebecca Cecil CARLTON) R. Logan
167. HARMON, Clifton, b. 3 Aug. 1914, d. 18 mar. 1970
Ella P. , b. 20 Sept. 1928, --
168. HARP, Silas, b. 9 Apr. 1886, d. 9 Nov. 1972
Rose Ella, b. 1890, d. 24 June 1960
169. HARRIS, Marian, b. 1 July 1932, d. 24 Feb. 1933. Daughter of R. R. and Mae
170. HARRIS, Rector R. , b. 13 June 1896, d. 10 July 1977
Lena Mae, b. 9 Apr. 1896, d. 30 Mar. 1961
171. HARRIS, Thomas, b. 8 Feb. 1904, Snowball, d. 4 July 1987. Son of Albert M. and Mary E. (BAILEY). Husband of Ola HORTON. Father. Info Harrison Times, No. AR F H
172. HENEGAR, J. Landreth, b. 31 Aug. 1883, d. 15 Oct. 1886, Infant Child of E. E. and Paralee
173. HENSLEY, Lex, b. 9 June 1920, d. 27 Feb. 1936. Son of Minnie Jewel SMALL
174. HENSLEY, Roy L. , born and died, 24 Nov. 1950
175. HICKMAN, Agnes Dollie, b. 28 July 1898, d. 7 Aug. 1917
176 HICKM(O)N, Daniel F. , b. 13 Aug. 1860, d. 24 Apr. 1941. Father
Mary Sudie, b. 21 Oct. 1866, d. 14 Jan. 1905. Mother
177. HICKMAN, James T. b. 26 Oct. 1868, d. 8 Oct. 1906
Mary Dowell, b. 19 Mar. 1870, d. 29 Aug. 1944
178. HICKMAN Lucinda, b. 3 May 1836, d. 14 Sept. 1911. Wife of V.
179 HICKMAN, William White, b. 12 Dec. 1858, d. 10 Mar. 1910
180. HICKMAN, V. H. , No dates, Husband of Lucinda
181 HISER, J. W. , d. 24 Dec. 1879 Rachel C. age 4 months
182. HOCKEMEYER, Mary L. , *b. 1910, d. 17 Sept. 1979, Northbrook, IL, 69 years. *Info Harrison Times. Wife of Chas. H. ?, Chris F H
183. HOCKEMEYER, Charles Harry, B. 16 Nov. 1896, d. 17 Feb. 1970, Husband of Mary?
184. HOLMAN, Henry C. , b. 8 Sept. 1855, d. 31 July 1947
Louella, b. 5 May 1959, d. 13 June 1944
185. HOLT, L. B. , b. 1878, d. 1897
186. HOLT, Lizzie, b. 1876, d. 1922. (info from No. AR Baptist Ass'n Book, b. 1 Apr. 1876, d. 17 Mar. 1922)
187. HOLT, Orphea, b. 1872, d. 1908. (info from No. AR Baptist Ass'n, b. 8 June 1872, d. 15 June 1908, 36th year)
188. HOLT, William I(sham), b. 1849, d. 1927
Sarah E(liza (nee WATKINS), b. 1850, d. 1935, info Harrison Times, 10 Dec. 1882, death of Daughter, Fame F. HOLT
189. HOUSER, G. W. , d. 1894 age 74
Virginia, d. 1915, age 75 (on fieldstone by large marker)
190. INGRAM, Erma F. , b. 8 Jan. 1907, d. 4 Oct. 1909, Daughter of G. W. and M. L.
191. INGRAM, G. W. , b. 21 June 1869, d. 25 May 1955. Father
M. L. b. 25 June 1873, d. 28 Sept. 1932. Wife
192. INGRAM, Juanita, b. 10 Aug. 1918, d. 21 Mar. 1919. Daughter of G. W. and M. L.
193. JARRETT, Hazel M. , b. 11 May 1933, d. 25 Mar. 1981. Mother. Daughter of Walter and Emma MCNINCH. Wife of Victor JARRETT (card), info Harrison Times Ch F H
194. JERRETT, Victor Alton, b. 19 Oct. 1920, Everton, d. 21 Sept. 1981. Father. W W II Vet. Husband of Hazel. Son of Shelby P. and Retta (SWOFFORD)Info Harrison Times, Ch F H
195 ?(JENKINS?), metal marker, no glass/names or dates in JENKINS plot noted 5/1979
196. JENKINS, Ethel F. , b. 13 Apr. 1880, d. 20 Oct. 1885
197. JENKINS, Freda May, b. 23 Mar. 1901, d. 10 Jan. 1902
198. JENKINS, Gordon K. , b. 21 Oct. 1916, d. 22 Feb. 1981. Father. Son of Oscar and Walsie (JONES). Husband of Vera N. , W W II, Info Harrison Times,
199. JENKINS, Nina E. , b. 17 May 1889, d. 4 Aug. 1915. 26 years, 2 months, 18 days. Wife of Gus.
200. JENKINS, Sammie J. b. 28 Aug. 1871, d. 19 May 1878
201. JENKINS, Thomas E. , b. 18 Nov. 1889, d. 2 Aug. 1890
202. JENNINGS, Jack E. , b. 4 Oct. 1898, d. 20 Oct. 1982
Charlotte M(ae) *b. Cheney, KS, 18 May 1908, d. 20 Oct. 1982 Dogpatch*, *Daughter of Elmer and Mary Rice GRETT, *info Harrison Times, Holt F H
203. JOHNSON, William J. , b. 24 Nov. 1901, d. 23 Aug. 1972
Ruth (M. ) (*O), b. 30 Sept. 1907, d. *(1)3 Jan. 1987, Springfield, *Harrison Times, Ch F H
204. JONES, b. 17 Sept. 1893, d. 18 Sept. 1893, Infant daughter of J. A. and F.
205. JONES, Albert, b. 20 July 1873, d. 3 Nov. 1959
Susie, b. 21 Dec. 1877, d. 8 Sept. 1961
206. JONES, Arville, b. 29 Sept. 1903, d. 23 Nov. 1918. Son of Albert and Susie, 15 years 1 month 23 days
207. JONES, C. H. , b. 7 Apr. 1891, d. 26 Feb. 1949. Father
Drada, b. 16 July 1889, d. 29 May 1962. Mother
208. JONES, Charlie, b. 11 May 1900, d. 10 Jan. 1978
Cassie, b. 3 July 1903, d. (19) Jan 1983*. Daughter of Newt L. and Mary(BRISCO) HENSLEY* *Info Harrison Times, Ch F H
209. JONES, Clyda GREER, b. Newton Co. , d. 24 June 1983, Kansas City, MO. Daughter of (#155)Dave and Daisy STRICKLIN GREER. "Age 76, Wife of Emmons, dec'd. , Info Harrison Times, Holt F H
210. JONES, Da(s)y, b. 12 June 1887, d. 25 June 1887
211. JONES, Elsie, b. 11 June 1895, d. 19 Nov. 1918, 23 years, 5 months 8 days, Wife of Floyd.
212. JONES, Emmons, b. 30 Nov. 1902, TN, d. 19 Jan. 1982 at Independence, MO. Husband of Clyda GREER-JONES, Info Harrison Times, Holt F H
213 JONES, L. A. , b. 26 Sept. 1859, d. 5 May 1928
214. JONES, Leonard, b. 14 Dec. 1899, d. 8 Jan. 1989* Son of Albert W. and Mary Susie (STRICKLEN)*, (Next to Albert) *Obit Harrison Times, Ch F H
215. JONES, Norma Ruth, born and died 3 Nov. 1947
216. JONES, Roy, b. 25 Apr. 1894, d. 23 Apr. 1895. Infant of Wm. and M. C.
217. JONES, Thomas F. , b. 24 Jan. 1874, d. 29 Sept. 1955. Father
Ardenia M. , b. 17 June 1878, d. 9 Oct. 1953. Mother
218. JONES, Thomas M. born 1863, d. 1937
219. JONES, Thomas M. , d. 19 Nov. 1893, 69 years 7 days (Nov. 12, 1824)
Margaret, Wife (nee FANCHER), d. 27 Oct. 1906, 70 years (1836?)
220 KEETON, Virgie, E. , 5 Apr. 1907, Mother (in TIGG/PAGE plot)
221 KENNEDY, Isabella, b. 16 Apr. 1812, Blount Co. , TN, d. 4 May 1883. Wife of Samuel
222. KENNEDY, Mary CAPPS, b. July 1837, d. 3 Apr. 1897. Wife of Robert
223. KNOX, John, d. 31 Aug. 1887, 64 years, 9 months, 16 days. Mason
224. KNOX, Mary, D. 6 June 1891, 70 years, 5 months, 3 days (next to John)
225. KOERNER, Marjorie B. (of Newton Co. ), b. 6 July 1917 Chicago IL, d. 1 Nov. 1981 Fayetteville AR. Daughter of Eugene and Norma (WOODALL) BISHOP. Wife of Frank A. info Harrison Times. Presby. Holt F H
226. KOLB, F. W. , 1861-1942
227. KOLB, Fred, b. 23 Nov. 1906, d. 11 Aug. 1979. Born in Rolla, MO. Son of F. W. and Hattie (HALL). Husband of Pearl
Pearl, b. 25 Aug. 1894, d. 5 Mar. 1986. Daughter of Huse and Mary E. (DILLON) MORRIS. Info Harrison Times, Ch F H.
228. KOLB, Lester, b. 24 Sept. 1929, d. 3 Oct. 1929. Son of Fred and Pearl
229. LANE, Nancy M. , d. ? 12 Sept. 1879, 39 years 10 months 28 days. Mother
230. LANE, William D. b. 14 July 1817, d. 26 Mar 1893
231. LEE, Mary, b. 19 Jan. 1826, d. 19 Jan. 1900. Wife of A. J.
232 LEE, William F. Pacy, b. 28 Feb. 1884, d. 15 Oct. 1912. Son of Jas. C. and Mary E.
233 LEWIS, Armon, b. 30 Aug. 1915, d. 16 May 1936
234 LEWIS, Dasy, b. 25 Jan. 1920, d. 17 Aug. 1974
235. LEWIS, Ella, b. 25 May 1889, (recent burial - noted 23 May 1979)
236. LEWIS, Lou, b. 2 Jan. 1858, d. 2 Nov. 1941
237. LEWIS, Oscar, b. 1 July 1883, d. 24 Nov. 1940.
238. LOW, Lamberth Quintin, b. 6 Mar. 1893, d. 2 May 1956. Texas Pvt. Co. D 1 Development Bn. W W I (military marker), (next to Maud)
239. LOW, Maud, b. 14 July 1895, d. 7 Apr. 1954, (next to Lamberth)
240. MCCONKEY, 1893-1968. Holt F H marker only
241. MCCONNELL, Eliza J. , b. 14 May 1818, d. 26 Feb. 1897. Daughter of Samuel and Mary
242. MCMAHAN, Lavina J. b. 11 Feb. 1854, d. 2 Oct. 1895. Wife of W. D.
Joanna, b. 26 Dec. 1889, d. 16 Jan. 1890, Daughter of W. D. and L. J. William ?E. , born and died 26 Dec. 1889. Son Infant son and daughter, b. 16 Sept. 1892, d. 24 & 25 Sept. 1892. (have flat markers J. M. M. and W. ?L. M. )
243. MCMILLAN, Mrs. Elizabeth M. , b. 14 Sept. 1832, d. 6 May 1898. Wife of Henry
244. MCMILLAN, Henry, b. 19 Dec. 1814, d. 20 May 1903. Husband of Elizabeth
245. MCMILLAN, Irvin Lee, b. 13 July 1916, Edgerton MO, d. 2 Aug. 1982. Father of Pelsor, AR, Son of Joseph and Ethel (MARSHALL, Husband of Naomi. Info. Harrison Times, Holt F H
246. MCMILLAN, Lafayette L. b. 20 Aug. 1880, d. 6 Sept. 1881
247. MAGGARD, Charlie, b. 25 Dec. 1872, d. 14 Feb. 1931. Father
Callie, b. 9 May 1873, d. 5 Oct. 1959. Mother
248. MAGGARD, Effie, b. 3 Aug. 1884, d. 30 Nov. 1887. Daughter of L. O. and C. I.
249. MAGGARD, Essie, b. 4 Sept. 1902, d. 4 Apr. 1938
250 MAGGARD, H. F. d. 25 Dec. 1898. 65 years 17 days.
251 MAGGARD, J. K. , b. 6 Jan. 1832, d. 20 Mar. 1907
252. MAGGARD, John P. , d. 16 Nov. 1881. 5 years 6 months 7 days. Son of J. K. & M. S.
253. MAGGARD, Lydia M. , b. 6 Mar. 1836, d. 19 Feb. 1904. Born near Lexington KY. Wife of H. F.
254. MAGGARD, Martha S. (DANIEL), b. 22 Dec. 1841, d. 18 June 1913. Grandmother
255. MAGGARD, P. C. (no marker) "d. 1929, husband of Allie GILMORE,of Harrison Church" Info. N. AR Baptist Ass'n Book. White Church Cem?
256. MAGGARD, Robert, b. 28 July 1918, d. 15 Oct. 1975
257 MAGGARD, Sarah E. , b. 3 Aug. 1856, d. 17 Sept. 1871. Daughter of H. F. and L. M. (First Burial in Cemetery)
258. MAGGARD, Susan E. , Daughter of H. F. and L. M. (Dates covered by base of marker - next is a homemade marker - b. 8 Oct. 1854, d. 27 Dec. 1872)
259. MAGGARD, W. T. , b. 22 Apr. 1872, d. 1 June 1894. Son of J. K. and M. S.
260. MAJORS, George C. , b. 10 Jan. 1895, d. 4 Feb. 1897. Son of J. A. and S. A.
261. MAJORS, James A. , b. 17 dec. 1846, d. 26 Aug. 1930
262. MAJORS, Sallie A. , b. 14 May 1852, d. 25 Jan. 1923. Wife of J. A.
263. MARKLE, Wilma Jean, b. 26 July 1943, d. 13 Sept. 1988, Modesto CA. Daughter of Walter and Emma (GREEN) MCNINCH, Wife of ?, obit Harrison Times, Ch F H
264. MARTIN, Albert Carl, b. 10 July 1914, d. 14 Jan 1921. Son of M and W. W.
265. MARTIN, Edith, b. 1 Jan. 1912, d. 7 Aug. 1979. Daughter of Richard M. and Mollie WILLIAMS. Wife of Frank
William Franklin, b. 19 July 1908, d. 6 Sept. 1989. Son of Walter W. and Eliza A. (DABBS). Obits Harrison Times, Holt F H
266. MARTIN, Gerald Ray, b. 17 June 1933, d. 12 Nov. 1933
267. MARTIN, Lee, b. 20 Sept. 1904, d. 21 Sept. 1905. Son of H. L. (left of Marget J. ) (broken marble slab noted May 1979)
268. MARTIN, Loss L. , b. 5 Nov. 1901, d. 26 Mar. 1974.
Jessie O. , b. 17 Apr. 1914---
269. MARTIN, Luther, b. 24 June 1888, d. 1 Mar. 1961
Emma, b. 8 Dec. 1892, d. 19 Apr. 1978. *Born Marble Falls. Daughter of Ligue and Frances (OWENS) HARP. *Info Harrison Times
270. MARTIN, Marget J. , b. 24 Oct. 1858, d. 23 Sept. 1903
271. MARTIN, Mary Jane, b. 9 Apr. 1844, d. 14 May 1923
272. MARTIN, Minnie, b. 15 Mar 1880, d. 22 July 1905
273. MARTIN, Virgie, b. 20 Jan. 1907, d. 5 Sept. 1908. Daughter of M. and W. W.
274. MARTIN, Walter W. , b. 8 July 1883, d. 3 Mar. 1943
Eliza A. , b. 21 Nov. 1883, d. 2 Aug. 1961
275. MARTIN, William Hulen, 10 Feb. 1914 (Picture of a back-hoe on back of marker) Father
Donna, 30 May 1924, . . . *24? Dec. 1981, b. Dogpatch, Daughter of Lon and Martha (ACUFF) DILLON, *Info Harrison Times, Ch F H. Mother
276. MASSENGALE, Elsia, b. 14 Feb. 1854, d. 17 Aug. 1938
277. MASSENGALE, Jessie Robert, b. 8 Aug. 1875, d. 25 Oct. 1957. Father
Laura E. , b. 20 Sept. 1878, d. 14 Jan. 1954. Mother
278. MASSENGALE, Shirley Ann, b. 18 Jan. 1936, d. 2 May 1937
279. MAYES, Henry, b. 17 July 1882, d. 17 Nov. 1898. Son of James and S.
280. MAYES, James, b. 22 Dec. 1823, d. 31 May 1906
Sarah J. , b. 1 Jan. 1852, d. 27 July 1930
Adel, d. 2 Oct. 1904. 15 years, 8 months, 13 days
281. MONDAY, Hugh A. , b. 6 Mar. 1902, d. 26 Sept. 1923. Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. "Erected by employees of M. & N. A. R. R. "
282. MONDAY, Lizzie, b. 29 Nov. 1842, d. 4 Sept. 1928 L. L. , b. 12 Mar. 1852, d. 13 Jan. 1929
283. MONDAY, W. T. , b. 16 Dec. 1877, d. 19 Sept. 1965
Louisa, b. 13 Jan. 1884, d. 21 July 1975
284. Crypt, blank. . . . . . MONTGOMERY?, Child - (between G. C. MONTGOMERY, d. 1883 and Lela Ann WASSON, d. 1900 - Child)
285. MONTGOMERY, ?G. ?C. , b. 4 June 1858, d. 5 June 1883
286. MONTGOMERY, T. G. , b. 29 Mar 1828, d. 8 Dec. 1887
287. MOORE, John W. , b. 1835, d. 1893 (16 Aug. *)
Mahala M. , Wife, b. 1845, d. 1927 (10/12/1927*) *History of Newton Co.
288. MORGAN, E. S. , b. 9 Feb. 1827, d. 27 May 1877. Mother
289. MORRIS, Arthur Bryan, b. 1897, d. 1971 AR Pvt. , Co. D, 1st Inf. , Repl. Tng. Trps. W W I
Estella M. , b. 1896, d. 1976 "At rest in Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Cypress, CA"
290. MORRIS, Daniel F. , b. 1856, d. 1938
Sallie F. , b. 1864, d. 1946
291. MORRIS, Ellie J. , b. 30 Oct. 1891, d. 12 Nov. 1894
292. MORRIS, J. H. , b. 14 Aug. 1850, d. 15 Oct. 1909. Father
M. D. , b. 11 Oct. 1856, d. 16 July 1932. Mother
293. MORRIS, James W. , b. 28 Jan. 1876, d. 1 July 1884
294. MORRIS, Margaret E. , b. 26 Oct. 1826, d. 8 Nov. 1910 84 years 18 days. Wife of W. A.
295. MORRIS, Newton E. , b. 9 Aug. 1889, d. 19 Aug. 1977
Ertie E. , b. 11 Dec. 1896, d. 22 Apr. 1966
296. MORRIS, R. L. (Bob), b. 27 Feb. 1882, d. 24 June 1959
Clemma Mae, b. 22 Nov. 1889, d. 12 March 1972, 82 years. Ch F H
297. MORRIS, Virgie Elizabeth, b. 27 July 1899, Walnut Grove, d. 9 Mar. 1987 Daughter of Daniel F. and Sallie F. (BLACK) MORRIS DAR info Harrison Times Ch F H
298. MOSS, G. W. , b. 25 March 1861, d. 30 Oct. 1896
299. MOSS, J. T. , b. 3 Jan. 1833, d. 23 Aug. 1897 *Married 22 Feb. 1854, came to Boone Co. 1870
M. A. , (Maria),* b. 14 Apr. 1832, d. 31 Jan. ? 1894 in Fayetteville, TN *Info, N. AR Baptist book
300. MOSS, J. W. , b. 6 Aug. 1877, d. 26 July 1899. Son of J. T. and M. A.
301. MOSS, Lenora F. , b. 3 Sept. 1866, d. 10 May 1886. Daughter of J. T. and M. A.
302. MOSS, William J. , b. 18 may 1889, d. 22 June 1889
303. MOUNT, Cora, b. 26 Aug. 1894, d. 12 Oct. 1965
304 MOUNT, Elsie M. , b. 5 Oct. 1899, d. 13 Dec. 1951
George O. , b. 8 Mar. 1892, d. 23 Nov. 1961
305. MOUNT, Frank M. , b. 20 Sept. 1897, d. 17 May 1956
306. MOUNT, Henry W(ilber)* b. 22 Dec. 1909, d. 11 Oct. 1985. *Mason Son of Wilbur and Henrietta (ROETRAMMEL)*
Majel L. (STAPLETON)* - 28 Feb. 1912-O. E. S. , Married 12 Nov. 1928, *info Harrison Times, Ch F H. Noted 5/1979
307. MOUNT, Iva, b. 13 Oct. 1901, d. 13 Oct. 1966
308. MOUNT, L. D. , b. 17 July 1930, Bellefonte. d. 21 Jan. 1983 Father. , Son of Henry and Majel (STAPLETON) Husband of Tressie Harrison Mason - 442. Info Harrison Times, Holt F H
309. MOUNT, Mary L. , b. 6 Sept. 1886, d. 9 Apr. 1965
310. MOUNT, Wilbur S. , b. 5 June 1860, d. 16 Apr. 1938. Father
Henrietta (ROETRAMMEL) b. 23 Jan. 1867, d. 30 mar. 1947. Mother
311. MURPHY, Z. A. , b. 31 May 1831, d. 27 Apr. 1894---Zebulon Murphy husband of Edith A. Walker Murphy ? buried in Summers Cem.
312. MYSINGER, Essie Carr, b. 16 Feb. 1900, d. 22 Sept. 1973
313. NANCE, A. H. , b. 12 Dec. 1830, d. 31 Aug. 1877
314. NANCE, J. C. , b. 3 Mar. 1824, d. 13 Oct. 1915
315. NEIGHBORS, Elmo Hickman, b. 1 Mar. 1912, d. 15 July 1939 Daughter of Rufus and Flaura HICKMAN
316. NICHOLSON, J. H. , b. 4 Nov. 1824, d. 7 Sept. 1915. 90 years, 10 months, 3 days
Mrs. J. H. , b. 2 Mar. 1837, d. 8 June 1924. 87 years, 3 months, 6 days
317. NICHOLSON, Jerald, b. 28 Sept. 1891, d. 12 Sept. 1892. Son of W. T. and R. A.
318. NOBLE, Carlton Scott, b. 1 Oct. 1979, d. 18 June 1987 Son of Wendy NOBLE, Grandson of L. W. GREERS, info Harrison Times
319. OXFORD, Dessie Christian, b. 19 Sept. 1898, d. 1 Nov. 1947. Wife of M. S.
320 PAGE, Joe F. ,- 2 Nov. 1901 -
321 PARKER, Brass B. , b. 9 Aug. 1898, d. 20 Jan. 1899. Son of T. B. and L. M.
322. PARKER, Everett, d. 19 Dec. 1882, 2 years 19 days. Son of J. B. and N. M.
323. PARKER, J. W. , no date - has 4, 3 ft. high plot markers.
324. PARKER, Ora Chloe, b. 5 Nov. 1895, d. 4 July 1896. Daughter of T. B. and L. M.
325 PARKER, Tip Bradford, b. 9 May 1870, d. 29 Feb. 1870 (1970?)
Maud (MAJORS), b. 23 July 1871, d. 2 Oct. 1941
326. PAUL, Leonard D. , b. 20 Oct. 1902, d. 8 Nov. 1971
Lilie C. , b. 30 Sept. 1907, Married 5 Feb. 1930
327. PAUL, Troy, b. 23 Aug. 1896, d. 7 May 1961
328. PAUL, William A. , b. 24 Nov. 1861, d. 11 Oct. 1948
Martha A. , b. 11 May 1870, d. Nov. 1958
329. PHILLIPS, Charles, b. 1884, d. 1967. Holt F H
330 PIETSCH, E. M. (Edward malcolm), b. 30 Jan. 1913, at Gaither, d. 29 Mar. 1927 Son of Laura 3/29 Harrison Times
331. PIETSCH, Laura E. , b. 17 Mar. 1870, d. 1 Dec. 1952
332 PRICE, W. H. . , d. 26 Mar. 1896, age 42
333 RICE, Mary, d. 24 mar. 1883, 49 years 1 month 23 days. Wife of W. A.
334 RICE, W. A. , b. 22 Oct. 1834, d. 2 Mar. 1897. Husband of Mary
335. ROSS, Dora, b. 1848, d. 1929
336 ROSS, Earl D. , b. 22 Oct. 1896, d. 15 Jan. 1971. (Also Military marker) AR Pvt. 3rd Inf. Sch. Corps W W I
Grace B. , b. 13 Apr. 1901, d. 7? Oct. 1980* (of Alpena) *Harrison Times
337. ROSS, J. Golden, d. 6 Sept. 1894, 12 days. Son of John C. and Dora
338. ROSS, James C. , b. 17 Oct. 1894, d. 10 Oct. 1964
Bessie, b. 30 Nov. 1899 -
339. ROSS, John c. , b. 1840, d. 1935
340. ROSS, Katie, b. 5 May 1879, d. 20 June 1880. Daughter of J. C. and E. M.
341 ROSS, Mary A. , b. 1872, d. 1942 Mother
342 ROSS, Infant, born and died 29 Sept. 1889. Son of S. D. and M. A.
343. ROSS, Matilda, b. 1844, d. 1884
344. ROSS, Samuel, b. 23 July 1870, d. 25 Dec. 1945
345. SANDERSON, E. M. , b. 19 Apr. 1858, d. 17 Oct. 1930. Father
Arkansas, b. 7 Oct. 1863, d. 16 Dec. 1937. Mother
346. SANDERSON, Kirby, b. 3 Aug. 1895, d. 10 June 1915
347. SANDERSON, Loyd, b. 1 Jan. 1900, d. 1 Jan. 1973
348. SCHNORRPFEIL, Paul, b. 3 July 1859, d. 25 Oct. 1927
349. SCOTT, Arthur V. , b. 5 Oct. 1903, Quinnesic, Mich. , d. 5 Oct. 1981. Father, Son of Arthur James and Elizabeth (MacGREGOR) Husband of Mary Isabelle. Info Harrison Times, Ch F H
350 SEXTON, Danny Odell, b. 1 Feb. 1956, d. 28 Mar. 1989. Son of Glover O. and Fern (MARTIN) Husband of ?. Father. Obit Harrison Times
351. SEXTON, Glover O'Dell, b. 25 July 1923, d. 5 July 1988. Son of Enoch and Georgie E. (KEYS), Husband of Fern (MARTIN), Father
Geneva Fern, b. 31 Jan. 1932, d. 15 June 1989. Daughter of Luther and Susan E. (HARP) MARTIN
352. SEXTON, Arreta Elizabeth, b. 8 Sept. 1874, d. c. 1896. "Walnut Grove Church" Info N. AR. Baptist Ass'n Book. White Church Cemetery ?
353. SEXTON, Ida, b. 15 Jan. 1878, d. 15 Apr. 1969
354. SEXTON, Roy Dale, b. 11 Sept. 1951, d. 1 June 1978. Husband Truck with "Pepsi" on back of marker
355. SHADDOX, Frank J. b. 15 Dec. 1878, d. 20 Feb. 1960. Father
Maude E. , b. 27 May 1881, d. 5 July 1946. Mother
356. SMALL, Dora Helen, b. 16 Mar. 1895, d. 15 Oct. 1895. Daughter of J. W. & Dora E.
357. SMALL, James E. , b. 11 Jan. 1886, d. 9 Jan. 1920
Maggie, b. 2 Nov. 1858, d. 13 Mar. 1919
358. SMALL, Mrs. Jane, b. 12 May 1836, d. 13 Nov. 1879. Wife of R. B.
359. SMALL, Minnie Jewel, b. 31 Jan. 1899, Newton Co. , d. 29 Aug. 1985. Daughter of C. C. and Ellen (DREWRY) STRICKLIN. Wife of Fate SMALL, Harrison, Mother
Alfred L. (Fate) b. 5 Feb. 1891, d. 5 Nov. 1985. Son of Reuben and Margaret (LONG), Info Harrison Times. Ch F H
360. SMALL, R. B. , d. 28 May 1890. 61 years. Crypt
361. SMALL, Ruben B. , b. 25 May, d. 1836, d. 28 May 1899. A 16 Regt. TN Cav. C. S. A (Military Marker)
362. SMITH, Edward, b. 2 Oct. 1836, d. 2 Apr. 1917
363. SMITH, Esther A. STOCKING, b. 4 May 1838, St. Elener, NY State, d. 4 Nov. 1905. Married to Edward, 19 Aug. 1855
364. SMITH, J. Frank, b. 12 Apr. 1889, d. 31 Aug. 1962
Mirtie, b. 23 Jan. 1895, d. ?17 Apr. 1987* (nee CAMPBELL) Daughter of Kenyon and Mary. *info Harrison Times, Ch F H
365. SMITH, Roy, d. 6 Sept. 1914. 20 years, 10 months, 11 days. Son of R. B. and Maggie
366. SMITH, Ted Lewis, b. 21 June 1925 in Newton Co. , d. 21 May 1979. Son of Frank and Mertie (CAMPBELL), Retired from Navy. Info Harrison Times, Ch F H
367. SMOTHERS, William R. , d. 6 Nov. 1973. 36 years
368. SPARKS, J. W. , b. 5 July 1871, d. 6 Oct. 1907. Son of R. T. and Jane
369. SPARKS, James L. , b. 1905, d. 1956. Brother
370. SPARKS, Jane, b. 25 Nov. 1850, d. 24 Feb. 1928. Wife of R. T.
371. SPARKS, Kath?rine, b. 12 Mar. 1872, d. 30 Sept. 1927. Mother
372. SPARKS, Mary L. , b. 24 June 1915, d. 3 Nov. 1916. Daughter of H. T. and R. F.
373. SPARKS, Noma Lea, b. 13 Dec. 1901, Newton Co. , d. 26 Aug. 1986. Widow of Floyd SPARKS. Mother. Info Harrison Times, Coffman and Holt F H
374. SPARKS, R. T. , b. 8 June 1847, d. 18 Apr. 1938
375. SPIELMAN, Bessie Iva, b. 23 Sept. 1892, d. 9 Apr. 1948.
376. SPIELMAN, Leonard, b. 1924, d. 1975. (Holt F H Marker Only) Noted 5/1979
377. STARKEY, Mildred Opal, b. 21 Nov. 1919, Electra, TX, d. 20 Aug. 1984. Daughter of Lambeth QUINTON and Maude McGLOSSON LOW. Wife of Leland W. of Harrison. Mother. Info Harrison Times, Ch F H
378. STINNETT, James R. , b. 3 Apr. 1854, d. 2 May 1934. Father
Mintie, b. 7 Apr. 1857, d. 7 Jan. 1929. Mother
379. STINNETT, Lola, b. 11 Feb. 1916, d. 1 Oct. 1926
380. STINNETT, b. 1 Nov. 1932, d. 7 Dec. 1932. Infant daughter of Arthur and Leona
381. STOGSDILL, Eva m. , b. 2 Oct. 1868, d. 9 Dec. 1890. Daughter of J. T. and M. A. MOSS
382. STRICKLEN, Alonzo Lon, b. 15 Apr. 1887, d. 13 Oct. 1976
Donna L. , b. 11 Oct. 1888, d. 22 Aug. 1956
383. STRICKLEN, Frankie J. , b. 3 Feb. 1910, d. 2 Sept. 1915
384. STRICKLEN, Iva Lea, b. 20 Dec. 1921, d. 23 Dec. 1921. Infant daughter of Lon and Donna (the copy I am working from has "Dona" typed, but Donna typed on #382. )
385. STRICKLEN, Lena P. , b. 14 Oct. 1912, d. 12 June 1914. Daughter of R. J. and B. I.
386. STRICKLEN, Ralph, b. 8 Sept. 1885, d. 12 Feb. 1943
Bessie, b. 23 July 1888, d. 22 Dec. 1952
387. STRICKLEN, Shirley, b. 14 June 1928, d. 14 June 1929
388. STRICKLEN, Virgil C. , b. 26 March 1911, d. 3 Oct. 1950
389. STRICKLIN, C. C. , b. 7 Feb. 1840, d. 8 Dec. 1916, 76 years, 10 months 1 day
390 STRICKLIN, Ellen, b. 22 Dec. 1856, 65 years, 10 months, 14 days
391. STRIPLIN, Jennie B. , b. 1879, d. 1955
392. B. T. , no date (Field stone, in GREER plot nest to Fern)
393. TAYLOR, David Lafayette, b. 6 June 1900 at Elmwood, d. 30 July 1981. O. E. S. son of Frank and Almeda (BELLER), husband of Irby L. (WILLIAMS) TAYLOR. Info Harrison Times, Ch F H
394. TEDFORD, Coy C. b. 25 Sept. 1894, d. 15 Dec. 1916 AR Machine Gun Co. #2. Died in Camp Hospital, Deming NM
395. TEDFORD, I. A. , b. 1 July 1872, d. 21 Sept. 1895. Wife of J. H.
396. THANNISCH, Fay, b. 22 Apr. 1905, d. 8 Nov. 1952. Wife of R. G.
397. THANNISCH, Rufus George, b. 20 Nov. 1898 in Commanche Co. , TX, d. 13 Apr. 1979. Father. Son of Wm. L. and Lela Ada (MIMS), Ch F H
398. THOMAS, Rev. E. M. , b. 26 May 1861, d. 14 Apr. 1894.
399. THOMAS, Winnie Alice (TUCKER), b. 4 Apr. 1905, Bee Branch, d. 25 July 1979. Daughter of Wm. and Julie (CONLEY) WESTERMAN, Info Harrison Times, Ch F H
400. THOMASON, Carlos (Slick), b. 23 June 1921, d. 14 July 1978
Billie J. , b. 15 Apr. 1927. Married 4 Nov. 1944
401. TIGG, J. A. , b. 6 Aug. 1857, d. 29 Aug. 1932
Martha J. , b. 12 Apr. 1865, d. 27 Jan. 1944
402. TIGG, J. H. , b. 11,? 13, 1887. Field stone
403. TIGG, John A. , b. 20 Mar. 1889, d. 11 Oct. 1948
Minnie B. , b. , 5 Jan. 1897, d. 18 Sept. 1975
404. TIGG, William Roy, b. 20 Mar. 1919, Gaither, d. 14 Aug. 1984. Son of John and Minnie (LONG). Husband of Evelyn JOHNSON of Harrison. Father. Info Harrison Times, Ch F H
405. TINSLEY, Sam, b. 30 Jan. 1880, d. 20 Sept. 1954
Nina, b. 23 Dec. 1888, d. 28 June 1976
406. TRICE, Elbert, b. 15 Jan. 1886, d. 17 Feb. 1958
Ida, b. 14 Mar. 1892 -
407. TRICE, John R. , b. 26 Sept. 1860, d. 11 Nov. 1889 (backward 9)
408. TRICE, Melvin, b. 6 Feb. 1889, d. 14 July 1901. Son of J. R. and M. E.
409. TROTTER, Abner, b. 15 Sept. 1857, d. 23 Sept. 1934
Birdie, b. 9 Jan. 1863, d. 21 Mar. 1937
410. TROTTER, Dennis Eldred, b. 5 Mar. 1909, d. 15 Oct. 1986. Son of Ralph A. and Gertie L. (WAGLEY), Husband of Elva Mae PARKER. Father. Info Harrison Times, Ch F H
411. TROTTER, Francis Marion, b. 6 Mar. 1893, 52 years, 6 months, 9 days
412. TROTTER, J. L. , b. 2 Aug. 1852, d. 16 Dec. 1911. "Monument erected by his children"
413 TROTTER, Lillie May, b. 19 July 1905, d. 31 Oct. 1916 at Bushyhead, OK
414. TROTTER, Mary E. , b. 6 Apr. 1852, d. 27 Aug. 1895. Wife of J. L. "Marker erected by son Elbert 8 Dec. 1910"
415. TROTTER, Mary Jane, b. 25 Oct. 1844, d. 29 Jan. 1933. Mother
416. TROTTER, Oma Lee, b. 17 Nov. 1907, d. 12 Aug. 1909 Daughter of J. L. and Sophie
417. TURNEY, Robert Lee, b. 29 Sept. 1942, d. 2 Dec. 1963 Colorado A/C Civil Engineering Sq. AF (Military Marker) Ch F H
418. UNDERDOWN, Nore B. , d. 10 Feb. 1894. 23 years, 8 months, 27 days
419. UNDERDOWN, Malinda E. , b. 11 Nov. 1863, d. 17 Mar. 1910. Wife of J. F.
420. UNDERDOWN, Pleasant Lee, b. 13 May 1826, d. 12 Apr. 1881 (Flat 5 x 3 marker)
421. UNDERDOWN, William Reece, b. Nov. 1829, d. 1916. Next to Pleasant Lee
422. VILLINES, Erbie, b. 11 Oct. 1892, d. 22 Feb. 1920 Wife of Ed. Daughter of W. A. and S. E. GREEN
423. VOUNG, A. J. (Jackie), b. 9 Apr. 1924, d. 16 Sept. 1937
424. WAITE, Dixie Lee, b. 12 Apr. 1916 IN, d. 3 May 1983, Marble Falls, AR. Daughter of Glenn and Hazel (GUERENSY) JAMES. Wife of Glen of Marble Falls, AR, Newton Co. , info Harrison Times, Holt F H
425. WASSON, Con?ard L. b. 16 Sept. 1908, d. 16 Nov. 1916, 8 years 2 months. Son of Robert D. and Maude
426. WASSON, Earnest, b. 3 May 1889, d. 24 May 1969
Amy, b. 3 June 1896, d. 8 June 1964
427. WASSON, Elizabeth, b. 9 Dec. 1810, d. 9 Oct. 1900. Wife of David C. Married 3 Apr. 1828
428. WASSON, Lela Ann, b. 21 Oct. 1881, d. 13 July 1883 Daughter of M. L. and M. C.
429. WASSON, Mary C. , d. 25 Feb. 1894, 78 years.
430. WASSON, Walter F. T. , born and died 1880 or 1881. Son of H. M. and Harriett
431. WATSON, William, 11 Apr. 1935. Infant son of Mitchell and Ida Lee (MAGGARD plot)
432. WATTS, Ottus Bryan, (O. B. ), b. 8 Sept. 1903, Searcy Co. , d. 8 Mar. 1987. Son of Perry D. and Pencie (WYATT). Husband of Mary A. Father, info Harrison Times. Coffman F H
433 WEBSTER, Mabel Lurana, b. 16 July 1890, KS, d. 2 May 1988. Daughter of George H. and Martha (KINKADE) WEBSTER. Obit Harrison Times
434. WEESE, Yveeta, b. 27 May 1922, Rolla, KS, d. 9 June 1982 at Little Rock. Mother. Daughter of Herman and Georgie (HILL) HART. Wife of Marvin. info Harrison Times, Holt F H
435. WESTERMAN, Herbert M. , b. 19 Feb. 1908, d. 9 Aug. 1977. Dad.
Ruth M. , b. 18 Jan. 1912 - Mother
436. WHEELER ( on flat stone size marker)
437. WHITTEN, Fannie L. (MAGGARD), b. 14 Oct. 1865, d. 24 Dec. 1916 Wife of J. D.
438. WILLIAMS, ____b. 17 May 1880, d. 22 Mar. 1883. Daughter of W. L. and D. E.
439. WILLIAMS, Bessie S. , b. 24 Dec. 1877, d. 2 Aug. 1879 Daughter of Joseph and Kannie
440. WILLIAMS, Charles A. , b. 4 Nov. 1885, d. 6 Dec. 1956
441. WILLIAMS, Edna, b. 28 Oct. 1876, d. 30 Aug. 1877 Daughter of Joseph and Kannie
442. WILLIAMS, Essie E. , d. 24 Nov. 1885. 2 years, 1 month, 20 days Daughter of J. M. and M. M.
443. WILLIAMS, J. Hermon, b. 18 Feb. 1895, d. 31 May 1920.
444. WILLIAMS, Joseph Hugh, d. 24 Aug. 1891, 4 years, 4 months. Son of J. M. and M. M.
445. WILLIAMS, Lex Claude, b. 24 Oct. 1901, Harrison, d. 9 Apr. 1988, Belton, MO. Father. Son of Richard and Mollie (WILSON). Husband of ? dec'd. Obit Harrison Times, Ch F H
446. WILLIAMS, Marion Ann. born and died 2 Apr. 1934
447. WILLIAMS, R. M. , b. 28 Mar. 1863, d. 17 Nov. 1947. Father
Mollie B. , b. 31 Dec. 1869, d. 29 July 1938. Mother
448. WILLIAMS, Robert, d. 9 Feb. 1879. 66 years, 6 months, 16 days
449 WILLIAMS, Robert L. , b. 1 Apr. 1871, d. 13 Sept. 1871. Son of T. and P. T.
450. WILSON, C. E. (Jack), b. 16 Aug. 1885, d. 27 Sept. 1972
451. WILSON, David Andr?u, b. 13 Mar. 1899, d. 24 Apr. 1975
Marjorie Ann, b. 24 Oct. 1901, d. 22 Dec. 1969. Holt F H
452. WOOD, Bunavista, b. 1848, d. 1926
453. W. G. (WOODDY?)"1881 died Dec. (?) 14" "G. W. " (Note: I am typing " " as it is written) Field stone west of J. WOODDY. . . noted 5/1979
454. WOODDY, J(ohn), b. 29 Aug. 1792, d. 12 Aug. 1881 ( field stone) *m. 6/22/1810, Nancy BURER, b. ca 1793 NC, d. ca 1860 Boone Co. ?, *info R. LOGAN - Historian. notes 5/1979
455. WRAY, Alice E. , b. 22 Dec. 1852, d. 10 Aug. 1917. Wife of W. J.
456. WRAY, Bige T. , b. 31 Jan. 1918, d. 28 Sept. 1939 (Brother of Lex)
457. WRAY, Eveland,(Note: this should be Cleveland) b. 21 Nov. 1884, d. 30 May 1885. Son of W. J. and A. E.
458. WRAY, Forrest W. , b. 22 May 1886, d. 8 Oct. 1969 (or 6?) (see notes below)
Minnie WRAY, b. 30 Nov. 1892, d. 6 Nov. 1973. Married 14 June 1908
459. WRAY, Jerry, b. 2 Apr. 1876, d. 5 Aug. 1917.
460. WRAY, Joe Brooks, b. 29 Nov. 1927, d. 20 Aug. 1988. Son of Forest and Minnie (STACEY). Husband of Dorothy (COLES), Father. Obit Harrison Times,
461. WRAY, John, b. 11 Apr. 1892, d. 24 Sept. 1967 (10th?)
Marjorie, b. 2 Mar. 1898 -
462. WRAY, Lex E. , b. 27 June 1916, d. 24 mar. 1979. Father. * Son of John W. and Margie (STOCKTON)
Carrie E. (BRAZZEAL)*, b. 4 Nov. 1918 - Mother. Married 2 July 1938 *info Harrison Time, Holt F H
463. WRAY, Thomas E. , b. 2 Mar. 1875, d. 10 June 1875. Son of W. J. and A. E.
464. WRAY, William J. , b. 7 May 1843, d. 7 Jan. 1935
465. WRIGHT, Sarah L, b. 19 Mar. 1819, d. 25 Jan. 1902
Dr. W. B. , b. 1810, d. 24 Nov. 1862
466. WRIGHT, Wylie B. Jr. , b. 1850, d. 1872
Mollie, b. 1858, d. 1877
467. WYNNE, Infant, b. 14 Sept. 1902, d. 23 Sept. 1902. Son of J. B. and Elisebth
468. WYNNE, Samuel Thomas, b. 17 Jan. 1876, d. 21 Feb. 1898 22 years 1 month, 4 days. Son of J. B. and S. L.
469. WYNNE, Siniah L. , b. 26 Sept. 1850, d. 18 July 1894. Wife of J. B.
470 YOUNG, b. 24 Jan. 1921, d. 10 Feb. 1921. Son of Wm. H.
471. YOUNG, "Andy" J. , b. 15 Mar. 1886, d. 6 Dec. 1967
Stella M. , b. 3 Mar. 1893, d. 30 May 1976
TOTTEN, Orlena, b. Jan. 13,1921, d. Feb. 4, 1999
FARMER, Cynthia E. Greer b. Nov. 10,1912, d. Feb. 28,1999
MCNINCH, Arlis Joe. b/Jan. 20, 1942 d. July 14, 1967
MCNINCH, James Walter b. 1906 d. 1946
MONDAY, Dale Oliver b. Jan 18, 1955 d. Aug. 10, 2002
Notes and Corrections for the "Wray" Family Listed Above
Numbers 455 - 464.
First a little Pre-Boone Co. , AR history for W. J. WRAY's father and grandfather from TN
William WRAY, b. 23 Dec 1760, d. 8 Sept 1843, m. Mary MENEES, 1772-1825, both buried in Wray Graveyard.
Children: (note: James M. is my direct line. I just received additional info and found a query, that shows more children. I am only going to list James M. at this time. The other children mentioned in the new info, are: William, John, Thomas, Mary, Harriet, Ann, and Elizabeth.
1. James Marion. , b. 3 May 1794, d. 4 June 1864 , m. 1st Mildred E. LANIER, d. 11 Nov 1851, 39 years 1 mo. 24 days, both buried Wray Graveyard, Davidson Co. , TN (Mildred had a brother named Frazier LANIER and a sister named Betsy LANIER)
1. Amanda, m. Mort PEARSON (Mort was a Circuit Rider for the Methodist Church. Mort and Amanda came from Davidson Co. ,TN to White Co. AR, but because of the yellow fever running rampant in the area decided to return to Nashville . . . this may have been around 1870)
2. William J. Bondurant, m. Alice E. JENKINS (see history below)
3. Eviline, m. Jeriamiah JENKINS (see http:/rootsweb. com/~arboone/boone. html and look for JENKINS-MATHIS -WRAY family history. )
4. Sammie, m. ___GILLAM
5. James Madison, b. 1848, d. 1881, m. Lela ARMSTRONG, b. 4 Jan 1858, d. 1938. Marriage recorded Vol. C page 93 White Co. , AR
1. Pearl Clifton, b. 6 Mar 1878, d. 6 June 1943, m. 1903 Redah Van PELT
i. Pearl 1904-1905
ii. Pearl, b. 6 Nov 1906, d. 7 Sept. , 1998 at Westminster Manor, in Austin TX. Born in Breckenridge, TX, Buried at Forest Park Lawndale Cemetery, Houston TX. m. Vernon ELLEDGE
Children: Vernon Jr., m. Sharon PENTICE,
Katherine, m. Ed TURLEY
iii. David Owen, b. 1908, d. 1909
iv. Dorothy, b. 1912, m. Fred PALMER
v. Grace, b. 1917 d. 1976, m. Eugena A. TAYLOR
2. James Pierce, b. 22 Sept 1880, d 5 July 1952, m. Olive KORTZ, b. 2 Mar 1887, d. 2 May 1943
Children: Dorothy Marion, William Jackson, Robert Clifton, Harry James, b. 4 Nov, 1919, d. Mar 1944. Shot down over Burma flying a P-51 was missing in action for 2 years then legally declared dead.
Above #1. James Madison WRAY. b. 3 May 1794, 2nd m. Mary Agnes (Widow of Richard JORDAN, nee BAGWELL) b. 6 Aug 1822, d. 23 June 1889, buried in the Wray Graveyard, Davidson Co. Tn
Mattie, b. 6 Aug 1859, d. 7 Aug 1889, m. b. J. K. Polk HAMBLEN, b. 7 Dec. 1844, d. 6 June 1901
Child: Mary Agnes, b. 11 Jan 1878, d. 16 July 1878
NOTE: The Wray Graveyard is located Near the Neely's Bend Rd. one mile north of the mouth of Stone's River, on the old WRAY-HAMBLEN place in Davidson Co. , TN.
Most of the graves have been removed to Spring Hill Cemetery. Other's that I know of buried there are as follows . . . . I do not know the relationship of them yet:
In memory of Lewis WHITE, who was born 11 Sept 1779 and departed this life A. A. 1824.
Sacred to the memory of Sarah WHITE, who departed this life, 23 Aug 1815; age 22 years, 2 months 7 days and two babies with her. (Long inscription illegible.)
Sacred to the membory of Eliza W. G. WRAY, age 22 years, 4 months, 7 days. (Eliza could be Elizabeth who d. bef. 1842, m. 1819 Davidson Co. , TN, James OWEN and buried with the Wray surname??)
Richard W. JORDAN (son of Mildred by her first marriage) b. 22 Aug 1843, d. 15 Jan 1870.
Pleasant Ann WRAY, b. 17 Feb 1854, d. 13 Oct 1873.
History of the above mentioned #2. William J. Bondurant WRAY who married Alice E. JENKINS. William was a private, in Co. A, 10 Arkansas Infantry (Confederate) But most of the Battles that he was in were in TN, AL and MS, Some time was spent in LA. Alice and William moved to AR around 1866 and set up houskeeping in White Co. They raised their children in Harrison, Boone Co. , AR. The place of thier marriage is unknown. It could have been Nashville TN, Harrison, AR, or White Co. AR. #455 and 464 of White Church Cemetery
W. J. B. WRAY, b. 7 May 1843, Davidson Co. , TN, d. 7 Jan. 1935, m. Alice E. JENKINS, b. 22 Dec. 1852 Davidson Co. , TN, d. 10 Aug. 1917 Both buried in White Church Cem. Boone Co. AR, per Cemetery records
1. Sam. b. 2 Feb 1871, d. 10 Dec 1944 buried Maplewood Cem. don't know state. m. Bess LAIR, no children
2. Ella, b. 21 Feb. 1873, d. 20 Feb. 1939, m. George ALLEN, married on 3 Feb. 1908, Buried Custer City, OK
Children: George, m. Elsie M. LAVERTY, , Alice E, m. Orbin YOCUM, Jerry Wray C. , m. Florence DANIELS
#463 3. Thomas E. , b. 2 March 1875, d. 10 June 1875, Buried White Church Cemetery, Boone Co. AR, per Cemetery records
#459 4. Jerry , b. 2 April 1876, d. 5 Aug. 1917, Buried White Church, Boone Co. AR
5. Jess, b. 13 Feb. 1878, d. 19 July 1929 buried Greenwood Cem. Weatherford OK, m. 1st. Lula WYNNE, 2nd. Jennie TATE
1. Pebble, 1st m. L. E. MONTGOMERY, 2nd m. Al SPEARS
2. Jerry L. , m. Elsie M. ALLEN
3. Arlis William, m. Lila WEIR
6. Cora, b. 7 Nov. 1881, d. 29 Aug 1954, m. Isaac PINSON, Buried Bellefonte cemetery, Bellefonte, AR
1. William, b. 9 Oct 1904, d. 16 Sept 1971, buried Tulsa, OK, m. Mabel TYLER
2. Robert, m. Cleta KEETER
#457 7. Cleveland, b. 21 Nov. 1884, d. 30 May 1885 buried in White Church Cemetery, Boone Co. AR, per Cemetery records.
#458 8. Forest, b. 22 May 1886, d. 8 Oct. 1969 , m. Minnie STACY Both buried White Church Cemetery, Boone Co. AR, per Cemetery records
1. Hazel, m. Felix PARKS
2. Raymond, m. Bernelle COLE, 2nd m. Leslie ANDREWS
3. Willodean, m. Fred WARREN
4. Doyle Vance, m. Mary Rose SALAMONE
5. Joe Brooks, b. 29 Nov 1927, d. 20 Aug 1988, White Church Cemetery m. Dorothy COLES
9. Evelyn R. , b. 1 Mar. 1889, m. Jesse S. MARTIN
1. Vernon Martin, m. 1st M. A. ESTES, 2nd Joan KISNER
2. Mildred, m. Ralph KING
3. Joe - died in infancy
#461 10. John W. , b. 11 Apr. 1892, d. 10 Sept. 1967, buried White Church Cem, Boone Co. AR, m. Minnie STOCKTON, b. 30 Nov 1892, d. 6 Nov 1973 buried in White Chruch Cem. Boone Co. AR, married 14 June 1908
#462 1. Lex, b. 27 June 1916, d. 24 March 1979 buried in White Church Cem, Boone Co. AR m. Carrie BRAZZEAL
#456 2. Bige T. , b. 31 Jan, 1918, d 28 Sept 1939, buried White Church, Boone Co. , AR
3. Marion, m. Martha Lou FOWLER
4. Rowena, m. Richard McCRACKEN
5. Billie, m. Carlos THOMASON
HOGAN, Rev. Joseph Antle, b. Jan. 9, 1920; d. March 6, 1999
JORDAN, Robert, b. 8 July 1926; d. 27 Apr. 1999
BRISCO, Arlan, b. Nov. 9, 1925, s/o Marion and Lizzie(Jones);husb/Betty Jo Baughman d. 5 Aug. 1999
368. SPARKS, J. W. , b. 5 July 1871, d. 6 Oct. 1907. Son of R. T. and Jane [John Walker Sparks father of Floyd L. Sparks]
369. SPARKS, James L. , b. 1905, d. 1956. Brother [James Lewis Sparks son of John Walker Sparks and brother of Floyd L. Sparks]
370. SPARKS, Jane, b. 25 Nov. 1850, d. 24 Feb. 1928. Wife of R. T. [Jane (Hankins) Sparks daughter of James H. Hankins and Carolina (Walker) Hankins] [James H. and Carolina are buried in the Rogers Cemetery]
371. SPARKS, Kath?rine, b. 12 Mar. 1872, d. 30 Sept. 1927. Mother [Katherine (Hickey) Sparks wife of John Walker, mother of Floyd L. and James L. ]
372. SPARKS, Mary L. , b. 24 June 1915, d. 3 Nov. 1916. Daughter of H. T. and R. F. [unsure who this is]
373. SPARKS, Noma Lea, b. 13 Dec. 1901, Newton Co. , d. 26 Aug. 1986. Widow of Floyd SPARKS. Mother. Info Harrison Times, Coffman and Holt F H [Noma Lea (Hensley) Sparks wife of Floyd L. Sparks daughter of Newton Leven Hensley Mary (Brisco) Hensley] [Floyd L. and Noma L. Sparks have a double stone - Floyd L. is omitted b. 22 Nov 1896 d. 20 Jun 1970]
374. SPARKS, R. T. , b. 8 June 1847, d. 18 Apr. 1938 [Robert Turner Sparks father of John Walker Sparks] . . . other Sparks in White Church:
375. Jack Sparks b. 26 Mar 1924 d. 3 Dec 1991 and Wanda Mae Sparks b. 28 May 1928 d. 13 Jun 1990 [John Hensley "Jack" Sparks son of Floyd L. Sparks] [Wanda Mae (Nichols) Sparks. ]
376. Jeff Sparks b. and d. 27 Jun 1956 [Son of Jack and Wanda Sparks]
377. Hensley, Roy Lelon :b. 16 Jan 1918,Jasper,Newton, AR; d. 20 Sep 1997, Branson, Taney, MO;Burial:26 Sep 1997
378. Harris, Elmer Lafayette (John)b. 31 May 1928,Bergman,Boone,AR; d. 21 Aug 2005 Fayetteville,Washington,AR;Burial: 24 Aug 2005
379. Harris, Virginia Pearl b. 21 Oct 1921, Bergman, Boone, AR; d. 10 Mar 2006 Mountain View, Stone, AR; Burial: 13 Mar 2006
Info on #377,378,379 from Bobby F. Small, 1st cousin. blsmall@brightok. net NOTES: #23. BEAVERS, Clarence and Bessie (WRAY). Bessie was the daughter of William J. Bondurant WRAY, born in Davidson Co. , TN and Alice JENKINS, born in Davidson Co. , TN. William and Alice are also buried in White Church Cem. Bessie was one of 11 children born to William and Alice, in Harrison, Boone Co. , AR. The other siblings were:Sam, Ella, Thomas, Jerry, Jess, Cora, Cleveland, Forest, Evelyn, and John. As of this writing, my information is that Clarence and Bessie did not have any children.
In 1944 Bessie bought Evelyn's (her sister) thirty five acres on the WRAY property, part of which was known as the Weaning Farm. Her brother Forest had previously given her five acres on the last forty of that section of the property, to build on when she got married. She and Clarence lived their until his death, then she sold it and moved to town.
#196. JENKINS, Ethel F. , this could be #4 child born to James Henry JENKINS and Laura MERRIWEATHER.
#197. JENKINS, Freda May, Daughter of Edgar Clay JENKINS, b. 1876 and Laura GOOCH, b. 1878, granddaughter of Jeramiah G. JENKINS,b. 1845 and Evelyn E. WRAY, b. 1845.
#198. JENKINS, Gordon K. , this could be son of Joseph JENKINS, known as Kirby,who married Vera WALSON. Their children were James Kirby and Sue Carol.
#199. JENKINS, Nina E. , I have a Gus JENKINS, b. 1887, but show him married to a Nola. Could Nina have been a first wife?, Gus was the son of DanielMorgan, b. 1856