Stafford Family Cemetery
aka Harden Cemetery
Bellefonte, Arkansas
One mile east of town, off Hwy 62E on Wm. Myer property and is overgrown and endangered.
1. "H.H.B." "ST"; (initials only); upright marker 24 x 36" long; (Wm. Myers land) W B recorded 5/79
2. "G.V."; upright marker 12 x 24; (Wm. Myers land)W B recorded 5/79
3. Stafford Family - "7 graves - 1 dated 1862"; "25 stones"; Marion Stafford family: C.F., M.V., J.H., C.V., E.H., J.L., J.L., S.L.S.; W.V. William Myers land east of intersection of US 62 & 65S; recorded '71 ExHM