Nave Bend Cemetery
Dubuque, Arkansaswas in or near the old town of Dubuque on the White River, early 1800s. See "Turnbo's Fireside Stories".
"Buck Coker settled in a wide bottom, the Jake Nave Bend-- ultimately named for a granddaughter's husband." Lynn Morrow
1. Coker, Peggy Holt - wife of River Bill Coker
Coker, Mary Ann, daughter; - see Turnbo *C.B.
2. Coker, William (Buck) - b. 1769 - d. 1855 W. Sugar Loaf Creek; buried Chas. Coker farm; info/Coker Family History, Harrison Library; wife of Buck buried at Naves Bend - see Turnbo
3. Coker, wife of Buck; (first burial); see Turnbo *C.B.
4. Coker, Winnie; wife of Ned Coker; see Turnbo *C.B.
5. Holt, Billy and Mary L. (Aunt Polly); see Turnbo *C.B.
6. Nave, Mary Coker; daughter of Ned Coker; first wife of Jake Nave; see Turnbo *C.B.
7. Seton, Mrs. ___ Wade; see Turnbo *C.B.