Logan-Johnson Cemetery
4871 Oxford Dr, Capps, ArkansasLat/Lon 36.234765, -93.1883516
Turn south at Oxford Dr and take the first left (east). The cemetery is on the north side of the drive.
1. Johnson, Eddie - 26 Nov 1873 - 10 Sept 1879; son of C. & S.A.
2. N. K. - no dates; (on footstone-sized marker)
3. J. A. L. (Lamb or Logan?) no dates (on footstone-sized marker)
4. Lamb, Jeremiah S. - 20 Apr 1830 - 10 June 1878; (sandstone)
5. Lamb, Julia B. - 7 Sept? 1808 - 29 Sept. 1871; (footstone J.B.L.?) (broken sandstone marker)
6. Logan, John C. - 18 Apr 1809 - 20 Apr 1886; (one marker for parents and children) (also footstone)
Logan, Naoma - 9 May 1807 - 8 Mar 1888; (also footstone)
Logan, John G - no dates - 'Their Children Rest Here'
Logan, Elizabeth J - no dates
Logan, Louisa Ruth - no dates
7. Douglas, Orville R - 12 Dec 1923, Kansas - 26 May 2007; s/o John E & Pearl I (Brewster) Douglas (Orville Raymond Douglas 4871A Oxford Dr)
Elizabeth M - 4 Jul 1904, Pennsylvania - 20 Jan 1996; d/o Clarence E Webster & Mary E McGraw
8. Cochran, Ules Jack - 6 Oct 1913, Kentucky - 2 Feb 1993; s/o Robert Preston & Rosa Ella Peyton Cochran (Ules Elbert "Jack")
Marie - 24 Jul 1919, Kansas - 22 May 2001; d/o John E & Pearl I (Brewster) Douglas; Hazel Marie Douglas; sister of Orville