Cemetery Directions
All County Roads have been given names now and even with a large map it has been difficult to get directions for all the cemeteries, however, I believe most of them are findable with the directions below. Some are not familiar to the funeral homes because they are seldom, if ever, used and some are just plain abandoned - Marie Harvey.Many of Marie's directions use Hwy 206 and I believe a lot of that road is now designated as Hwy 392. [Gina]
Alpena Cemetery - S23 T19N R22W - Cedar Road (Originally Oddfellows).
Auman Cemetery - S6 T19N R21W - Sand Hill Rd. - 3 mi. north of Hwy 62W near Alpena
Ashby Cemetery (Marshall/Rally Hill) - S6 T17N R18W - near museum; recorded by James Turbett.
Bald Knob Cemetery - S13 T17N R19W - Near Everton. Hwy 206 east of 65 So., to Bald Knob Cem. Rd., then right on BK Cem. Lane on Breedlove Farm - be sure to close gates so cattle don't get out. Correction submitted by W. W. J. van Leeuwen of Everton on Oct. 13, 2010.
Bellefonte Cemetery - S19 T18N R19W - East of town, left on Eastwood Dr. off Hwy 62/65. driving south.
Beller - Jenkins Cemetery - S28 T18N R20W - Hwy 7 So. off highway at Milum Springs marker, across the creek, thru private land, north of barn; fenced.
Bethany Cemetery - S24 T19N R29W - 3. 8 mi. north of junction of Hwy 7 and 43E on east side of Hwy 7
Brittain Cemetery (Flat Rock?) - S14 T18N R19W - About . 1/2 mi. north of Hwy 62E., 4. 5 mi. east of Hwy 65 junction
Brown Graveyard - S17 T17N R19W - CR 40 , 3 mi. south of Valley Springs; 1 marker in field next to house.
Brush (Tip Parker?) Cemetery - S30 T18N R20W - Fork Creek Rd. between Villines Rd. and Hall Rd. "Some markers were used in building barn" which is nearby.
Burlington Baptist Church Cemetery - S20 T20N R21W - In town to the left off Hwy. 65 N.
Capps Cemetery - S2 T18N R21W - in town. Hwy 206 west of Harrison
Carrolton Hollow Cemetery - S26 T21N R19W - On Hwy 14 west of Lead Hill about 3 mi.
Cedar Grove (Pumphrey) - S6 T20N R18W - On Hwy 14, 2 mi. west of Lead Hill on Cedar Grove Rd.
Cedar Creek Cemetery, Taney County, MO - Hwy 65 N. Some relocations of burials here by the Corps of Engineers before Bull Shoals Dam was built. Information from their list.
Chaney Cemetery - S8 T21N R19W - Tucker Hollow Rd. north of Hwy 281 to second dirt road past Lowery Rd. Recorded by Extension Home Makers group in 1971.
Coker Cemetery - S8 T18N R21W - West of Capps, AR on Hwy 206, left on Terrapin Ck. Rd. for 2 mi., cross Terrapin Creek
Cottonwood Cemetery - S3 T20N R20W - Cottonwood Rd., right to Dubuque Rd. on left. Recorded by Gus Crumpler and Basch.
Cox Family Cemetery - S18 T19N R20W - Wolf Creek Rd. off Hwy 65 N, right to Wolf Springs Rd. on right in field.
Crawford Cemetery - S29 T18N R18W - North of Everton, Blankenship Rd. "Some Indians buried here to the right of the entrance. "
Crossroads Cemetery - S33 T18N R20W - Crossroad Cem. Rd. and Prairie View Rd., east of Hwy 7 S.
Crumpler Family Cemetery - S12 T20N R20W . No other directions given. Recorded by G. Crumpler
Davidson Cemetery - S6 T18N R18W - Joe Holt Rd. north of Harmon, first road to left across the bridge.
Davis Cemetery (or Snow) - S7 T17N R18W - Clear Creek Rd. off Hwy 206, east of Hwy 65 E
Dees - Keele Cemetery - 1. 4mi. on 62E to Brack Kimes, left - . 6 mi. to Huzzah, then . 3 mi. to Dees Cem Rd. on right. - cemetry is on the left on a hill.
Denning Cemetery - S26 T19N R21W - Hwy 62 W to Hawkins Rd., 1/4th mi. west of Oxford Ln. So.
Denton Family Cemetery - S23 T19N R22W - Off Sawmill Rd., east of Alpena, AR
Derebery Cemetery - S12 T21N R20W - Near MO border on Old Lowery Rd. to Dayberry Ln. Recorded by Gus Crumpler and Basch.
DeShields (Green - Laffoon) Cemetery - S29 T20N R18W - South of South Lead Hill, DeShields Rd. on private land.
Dugger (Slover) Cemetery - Located close to the Boone, Marion & Searcy County Lines. Take Hwy. 65 South from Harrison to Hwy. 206 toward Everton. Travel just over 2 miles and turn right on the Marshall Creek Road. Go past Davis Cemetery and Davis School and continue to the Bennie Green Farm (location of the old Dugger Post Office) . The Dugger Cemetery is located across Marshall Branch and directly up a steep hill from the Green home.
Duncard Cemetery - S30 T19N R21W - 2 miles NW of Batavia, Duncard Rd to Wind Rock Ln.
Elmwood Cemetery - S10 T17N R20W - Prairie View Rd. south of Hwy 206, east of Hwy 7 S
Enon (Gosset) Cemetery - S16 T20W R18W - 3 mi. south of So. Lead Hill. Lead Hill Rd. at DeShields Ck. Rd.
Enon (Old) Cemetery - S24 T21 R20W - Private road off Hwy 14 near Old Lowery Rd. (Max Richey land in 1979) G. Crumpler and Basch recorded.
Eoff (Old Union?) Cemetery - S corner 1, 2, 11, 12 T17N R20W - Hwy 206 S from Bellefonte to Sulphur Mtn. Rd., east of Hwy 7 S.
Fairview (Lane) Cemetery - S20 T21N R18W - Hwy 7 N and Cedar Lane St. in Diamond City, AR
Foresee (Pleasant Ridge/Curtis) Cemetery - S4 T20N R19W - 5 mi. west of Lead Hill on Black Ranch Road.
Fowler Family Cemetery - S36 T18N R19W - East of Valley Springs, Rally Hill Rd., on E. nd J. Lair land.
Freeling - Watkins Family Cemetery - S30 T18N R19W - South on old Bellefonte Rd. to just before Maxie Camp Rd. junction, on right. This was two cemeteries - one part is enclosed by a rock wall, the other part was unkept. All unkept now.
Gaither Cemetery - S4 T17N R21W - Hwy 206, 3. 5 mi. west of Hwy 7 S.
Gass Cemetery - S28 T20N R21W - Hwy 65 N, 12 mi. north of Harrison, between Ridgeway and Burlington,
Gifford (Whalin?) Cemetery - S32 T19N R21W - 1/2 mi. west of Batavia, Batavia F. D. Rd., left 1/2 mi. on private land.
Goforth Family Cemetery - S7 T20N R21W - Hwy 65 N to Hwy 396, 1. 8 mi. to Usrey Rd. 3/4 mi. in field.
Green - Lafoon Cemetery - See DeShields
Grubb Springs Cemetery - S13 T18N R21W - Off Hwy 43 W at Grubb Springs Rd. S.
Hampton (or Wallis) Cemetery - S9 T17N R19W - 1. 3 mi. south of Valley Springs on Hog Creek Rd. on west side of road.
Heaton Cemetery - S9 T18N R21W - 1. 5 mi. west of Capps, to Cemetery Rd. on private land.
Hill Top (Old Plumlee) Cemetery - S6 T17N R21W - Hwy 43 W to Hill Top Road.
Hobbs Cemetery - S23 T19N R22W - In Alpena, corner Hwy 62 W and ???Street. Few markers in unkept lot.
Hog Creek Cemetery (Martin - Gray) - S10 T17N R19W - 2 mi. south of Valley Springs, off Hwy 65 S to Murray Rd., private land.
Hogskin Cemetery (Wood - Breece) - S5/4 T19N R19W Hwy 7 N, north of MoPac RR overpass, east side, north of Rushings house; private land.
Holmes Cemetery - S31 T18N R19W - Old Bellefonte Rd. toward Valley Springs, 1/2 mi. past Maxie Camp Rd. junction
Holt Family Cemetery - S25 T18N R21W - Hudson Rd. on Bill Joe Villines farm (1979)
Hopewell Baptist Church Cemetery - S3 T19N R20W - Cottonwood Rd. to Hopewell Rd.
Hudgins - Hudson Family Cemetery - S34 T18N R20W - Prairie View Rd. 8/10 mi. north of Crossroad Cemetery Rd., 1/4 mi. east in field. Private land.
Jackson (Bell - Keeling) Cemetery - S24 T20N R19W - Private land 5 Mi. southwest of Lead Hill, 1/2 mi. SE off Hwy 7 N bridge over the east fork of W. Sugar Loaf Creek. Dr. Mrs. Jackson recorded.
Jones Cemetery - S2 T17N R19W - Rally Hill Rd., east of Valley Springs, to London Hill Rd. South
Klepper/Clipper Cemetery - S35 T18N R20W - North on Union Road from Hwy 206. Private land.
Lakeland Cemetery - S14 T21N R21W - On Hwy 65 N, north of Omaha several miles on the right.
Lamb Family - 1/2 mi. east of Capps and 1/2 mi. south of Hwy 206. Mrs. Alford of Batavia recorded what is left.
Lead Mine (Hall) Cemetery - S27 T20N R19W - 2 mi. west of Lead Hill, off Hwy 14 past Cedar Grove Cemetery on Thompson/Curtis farm. Cedar Grove Rd. Extension Home Makers recorded in 1970.
Loback Cemetery - S21 T19W R21W - On Hwy 62 west of Francis - Bear Creek Springs about 2 miles. Some markers were too overgrown to get to them in 1980. Looks better in 2002.
Logan - Johnson Cemetery - S11 T18N R21W - Hwy 206 and Oxford Dr. So. ; Capps community.
Maplewood Cemetery - in Harrison
Markley Cemetery - S6 T18N R21W - Peach Orchard Rd. west of Batavia; private land.
McElhose Cemetery - S10 T18N R19W - Hwy 62 E to Hathcoat Rd. north to Mule Marshall Dr. On private land near Mule Marshall. Recorded by James Turbett.
McCord (Threet) Cemetery - 2 miles west of Lead Hill off Hwy 14 on John Taylor's land on W. Sugar Loaf Creek. 1971 Extension Home Makers records.
Manleys Cemetery - Flooded by Bull Shoals Lake, re - interred in other cemeteries. Corps of Engineers list.
Milum Cemetery (Old or First) - also referred to as Liberty, Silver Valley or Baughman, S1 T18N R20W - Silver Valley Rd. out of Harrison, to Milam Cemetery Lane, then first right.
Milum Cemetery (new) - in Lead Hill S5 8 T20N R18W Left of Hwy 7, next to school.
Nave Bend Cemetery - was in or near the old town of Dubuque on the White River, early 1800s. See "Turnbo's Fireside Stories".
New Cedar Creek Cemetery, Taney Co., MO S? T22N R19W. - Off Hwy 65 N, reinterments from Gray, Stokes and Manley Cemeteries by Corps of Engineers, information on their list.
New Hope Church Cemetery - S20 T21N R20W - On Hwy 14 east of Omaha about 5 miles.
Newton Cemetery - S31 T18N R18W - Rally Hill Rd. in Valley Springs, left on Jones Road 1 mile. On right on private land.
Old New Hope - see Starkey Cemetery.
Olvey Cemetery - S23 T18N R19W - Hwy 62 E to Olvey Rd. south. On Marvin Jones land, 1970. (Many removals.)
Omaha City Cemetery - Off Hwy 65 N north of town on the right.
Omaha Methodist Cemetery - S 17 T21N R21W - East side of Hwy 65 N - in town.
Parker or Tip Parker - see Brush Cemetery
Puryear Cemetery - S35/36 T21N R19W - Hwy 14 W. to Black Ranch Road; on private land.
Raley Cemetery - S23 T21N R19W - Hwy 14 west of Lead Hill to Horseshoe Bend Rd. N.
Rector Family Cemetery - S5 T21N R21W - Hwy 14 west of Hwy 65. Private land.
Richardson Family Cemetery - S21 T19N R18W - 1 mile east of Zinc , off Zinc Rd. E.
Robbirds Cemetery - S26 T21N R19W - 3. 5 miles west of Lead Hill, 3/4 mi. west of Carrollton Hollow Cemetery on Hwy 14, on Threet farm. Extension Homemakers recorded.
Robinson Family Cemetery - S19 T18N R19W - In Bellefonte, turn right at Bellefonte City Hall, back of Methodist Church and the houses back of the church.
Robinson Cemetery - S22 T18N R21W - Hwy 43 W past intersection with Hwy 206W, off highway on the right.
Rogers Cemetery - S7 T17N R20W - 1. 5 miles east of Gaither on Hwy 206 on south side, private road 200 feet.
Roscoe Church Cemetery - S2 T19N R22W - 2 miles north of Alpena on WPA Rd. to Long Creek Rd.
Rose Hill Cemetery - S10 T18N R20W - East Prospect St. in Harrison
Rowland Cemetery - In Valley Springs off Hwy 65 S and on Hog Creek Rd. W.
Sanders Cemetery - S28 T19N R21W - 1 mi. north of Batavia on Pilot Knob, left on Hacker Lane to the end.
Sexton (Dark Hollow) Cemetery - S16 T17N R20W - Hwy 7 S, 1 mi. south of Hwy 206 on right. May be a road in now.
Smith Cemetery - S27 T18N R19W - Hwy 65 North of Valley Springs ; right on Maxie Camp Rd. to Watkins Rd. - at end of this dirt road on Bob Benjamine land.
Speer Cemetery - S2 T18N R21W - Hwy 206 (Capps Rd.) to Oxford Dr. N for . 2 mi. to first road on right (Estes Rd.) then east . 5 mi. to gate on left, . 2 mi. to cemetery.
Speer - Hopper Cemetery - 817 W. Sherman St. Harrison. Recorded by a relative. (Some call it Bushwacker Cemetery)
Springer Cemetery - S23 T21N R20W - Off Hwy 14 west of Lead Hill on private land, no road up hill. Gus Crumpler and Basch recorded.
Stafford Family Cemetery - S20 T18N R19W - 1 mi. east of Bellefonte off Hwy 62 E on Wm. Myer land. Overgrown.
Starkey Cemetery - S3 T18N R19W - Hwy 62 E to Hathcoat Rd. N, then left to Wilson Springs Rd. Near where the Huzzah and Crooked Creeks merge.
Stokes Cemetery - flooded by Bull Shoals Lake - see Cedar Creek.
Summers Cemetery - S28 T19N R20W - Left side of Cottonwood Road north of Harrison - just beyond Bunker Hill Road.
Thomason Cemetery (Orion Baptist Church was here) S1 T19N R21W - Wolf Springs Rd from Ridgeway for 2 miles, left on Ryan Lane past 2 roads for about 2 miles, about end of road on right. Almost destroyed by cattle - no fence.
Union Cemetery - see Eoff Cemetery.
Valley Springs Cemetery - at edge of town on School Rd (Countryside Rd.) past school.
Vaughn Cemetery - S36 T20N R20W - Cottonwood Rd., right on Dubuque Rd. to Dr. Fowler farm.
Wagley Family Cemetery - S25 T18N R21W - Hwy 7 S to Valley View, right to Villines Rd. then left. ; on Bill Joe Villines farm.
Warner Cemetery - S13 T18N R19W - Off Hwy 62 E, north of Olvey; turn N on Diamond Rd. 1/8 mi. ; left on McDonald Rd. (sign)
White Church Cemetery - S6T17N R20W - Hwy 7 S to Hwy 206 W for 1. 5 mi., right 1 mi . to White Church Cemetery Rd.
White Oak Cemetery - S27 T19N R19W - Hwy 7 N to Zinc Rd., right on Harmon Rd., right on Dees Road
Willis Cemetery - S22 T20N R19W - Southeast of Lead Hill on Hwy 7, right on first dirt road past Sugar Loaf Creek Bridge, this first left to the Harold Stewart farm; behind house. Homemakers Extension recorded 1970.
York Cemetery - S8 T19N R19W - West of Hwy 7 N in Bergman.
Youngblood (Richesin?) Cemetery - S26 T20N R22W - 5 miles north of Alpena, Long Creek Rd. to Carroll Line Rd., right on Richardson Drive E.
Zinc Cemetery - S20 T19N R18W - South of town. Ray Ruble recorded.