Crossroads Cemetery
Harrison, ArkansasLat/Lon 36.1646149, -93.1103072
From Harrison, take Hwy 7 south about 4 miles to Crossroads Cemetery Road, turn left (east), go to corner of Prairie View.
Tombstone Photo page
Additions at bottom of list
1. Adair, Haden Elmer, 7 Oct. 1896, Harrison - 20 Oct. 1980, ElDorado - son/W.D. and Ada (Martin) WW1 info./Harrison Times Ch. F.H.
2. Adair, J. H. d. 1902 info./N.Ark. Baptist Assn. - Prairie View - Church ?
3. Adair, Napoleon Green, 13 July 1902, Batavia - 5 June 1987 - on/W. Dixon and Ada (Martin) brother Harrison Times Coff.F.H.
4. Adair, Nora, 16 Dec. 1894, Boone Co. - 24 Dec. 1987, Melbourne - dau/? wf./? info./Harrison Times Ch. F.H.
5. Adair, W. Dixon, 1857-1925
Ada 1868-1906 (Martin)
6. Adair, Walter J., 5 Feb. 1890 - 10 Dec. 1939. Ark. Pvt. Co.L 315 Inf.WW1 - (bronze military mkr.)
7. Alls, Alexander, 4 July 1850 - 10 Aug. 1890
8. Arnold, Leroy C., 11 Jan. 1883 - 4 Jan. 1958
9. Atkinson, Joe & Joy Lee father Mason 1/1/1918 Red Rock - 25 Aug. 1980 - son/Bettis & Belle (Gilmore) husband/Joy Lee
Joy Lee, 10 Aug. 1930 - 14 Aug. 1986, Tulsa - dau./ Ivory & Pearl Robinson Fellows info./Harrison Timnes Holt F.H
l0. Beene, Lawrence M. & Opal 19 June 1907 - 19 Mar. 1979, Little Rock - WW2 U. S. Army TEC 5 (military mkr./ft.) (son/Sam'1 & Sallie)
Opal B., 17 Sept. 1917 - (Baldwin)
11. Beene, Sarah J. O.E.S. 22 May 1837 - 21 Apr. 1927 wife/Russell Owen Beene
12. Beene, Samuel M., 26 Dec. 1860 -15 Jan. 1948
Sallie O., 20 Aug. 1869 - 20 Sept. 1943 O.E.S. not on mkr.
13. Beene, W. R., 24 July 1848 - 19 Sept. 1891
14. Byrom, Bros B., 15 Feb. 1889 - 28 Jan. 1906 son/T. R. and M. E.plot
15. Byrom, Daisy Ruth, 20 Dec. 1923 - 26 Jan. 1936
16. Byrom, Jess H., 28 Jan. 1894 - 15 Jan. 1946 - Daisy L. O.E.S. *dau./Joe Baines & Martha Jane (Watkins)
Wilson 19 Nov. 1895 - 6 Nov. 1979 * (11/19/1894) Ch. F.H. - *Harrison Times info.
17. Byron, Martha J., 5 Aug. 1859 - 2 Apr. 1902 wife/ J. A. Byron
18. Byrom, Mittie E., 14 Feb. 1859 - 3 Feb. 1943 plot
19. Byrom, Nancy Timmons, 8 Oct. 1831 - June 1872wife/W.C.plot
20. Byrom, Thomas R., 2 Feb. 1853 - 27 Mar. 1899 plot
21. Byrom, W. C., 14 Dec. 1816 - 17 Mar. 1864 plot
22. Byrom, William C., Mason, 15 Oct. 1862 - 23 Apr. 1937
Juan, 15 Sept. 1868 - 27 May 1958 O.E.S..
23. Byrom, Winnie, 6 Aug. 1887 - 4 y. 3 m., 18 d. dau./ T. R. & M. E. plot
24. Cox, G. W., 3 July 1840 - 28 Oct. 1911 - Mason Harrison Times - obit "Mrs. G.W. (Ellen) died, April 1920 mother of J. R. Cox"
25. E. D. N D (on pink marble) 1/1980
26. J. B. D. N D (on small ft. stone size mkr.) 1/1980
27. Dabbs, Charlie, b. 2 Sept. 1897, d. 8 Nov. 1983 *son/Joseph & Nancy - (Robinson) *info./Harrison Times Ch. F. H.
28. Dabbs, Joseph W., father - 1859-1941
Nancy S., 1863-1933, mother (Robinson)
29 Davis, Rev. Isaac, father, 23 July 1822 - 26 May 1915 (b. Booneville, - Yadkin Co., N.C.)*
Eunice, 9 Sept. 1827 - 3 Feb. 14 mother (nee Reece) m./1843 (N. Ark. - Baptist Book) *info./obit. Harrison Times 6/19/l915
30. Davis, Jermie May, 25 Oct.1897 - 25 Apr. 1899, l y. 6 m.
31. Dees, Mary, 22 Feb. 1844 -25 Jan. 1927 O.E.S.
32. Earls, Little Elva, 2 Jan.1914 - 13 May 1915 dau./P. C. and M.C.
33. Earls, Martha, 28 Feb. 1842 - 8 Feb. 1909
34. Earls, Nathan, 28 July 1850 - 8 Aug. 1900, 50 y. 10 d.
35. Earls, P. C., father, 1 June 1867 - 7 Feb. 1926
Mary C., 5 Apr. 1869 - 15 Nov. 1942, mother
36 Easter, Charles, 2 Dec. 1879 - 23 May 1948
Nora Esther, 4 Jan. 1888 - 1 Apr. 1979 * (b. Euell, Ks.). - *dau./Wm. & Margaret Rice Malaby) *info./Harrison Times Ch. F.H mkr
37 Easter, Charles M (alaby), 27 Dec. 1912 - 21 Nov. 1980* - *info./Harrison Times Ch. F. H.
38 Easter, Leland E (dgar), 13 Jan. 1927 - 6 Sept. 1979 52 y. (Ch. F.H. only) - *son/Chas. & Ester Malaby Easter *Harrison Times info. 1/1980
39. Edgnon, James Doy, 1 Apr. 1905 - 7 Dec. 1979, 74 y.b. Boxley son/Jno. Turner - & Fannie Villines Edgmon husband/Alma (Kelley) info./Harrison Times
40. Emerson, George, 28 May 1918 - 24 Oct. 1934 (next to Ralph&Julia)
41 Emerson, Ralph W., 13 Feb. 1876 - 15 Nov. 1944
Julia, 22 Mar. 1884 - 5 May 1962
42 Davis, Martin, Mason, 25 June 1847 - 27 Mar. 1904 56y.9m.2d.
43 Farmer, John F., 22 Nov. 1887 - 6 Jan. 1971
Bertha E., 16 Dec. 1898 -
44 Farmer, Johnny Kennral, b.12 Dec. 1959 Newark,O.-d.Apr. 1979. - in Landstuhl, Germany - in U. S. Army son/Cleodis & Marlene DeRoy - Farmer info./Harrison Times.
45 Fiser, Era Gray 1898 - 1936 next to Vander N. Ark. Baptist Assn. - book, Harrison Ch. 1936
44 Fiser, Vander L., 27 June 1895 - 12 Apr. 1949 Ark. Pvt.Stu Army Trg Corps - WW1 (military mkr.)
47 Gaither, B. W., 17 Sept. 1820 - 2 Apr. 1891 (hus./Delila)
48 Gaither, Delila, 29 June 1830 - 18 Jan. 1901 wf./B. W..
49 Gaither, Era Pearl, 21 Jan. 1910 - 19 Oct. 1927
50 Gaither, Eula Ann, 17 Apr. 1905 - 24 Apr. 1928
51 Gaither, J. B., 13 May 1850 - 4 Feb. 1888
52 Gaither, Neal W., son, 26 Apr. 1909 - 21 June 1931
53 Gaither, William Gus, father, 28 Apr. 1883 - 26 Nov.1925 "Gus" in Ark. - Baptist Book - Harrison Ch. 1926
54 Gibbons, Ralph B., b.Ponca, 13 Dec. 1903 - 18 Mar. 1979 son/Wm.& Mary - Jane (Rankins) husband/Jessie (Beaver) info./Harrison Times, Ch.F.H.
55 Gilmore, Arkie Mae, mother, 12 Apr. 1907, Vendor - 25 July 1980, - K.C. Mo. dau./Acey & Aulsie (Ricketts) Holt hus.? dec. - info./Harrison Times
56. Graham, Elcie, 25 Dec. 1896 - 21 Feb. 1904
57. Gray, infants (separate mkrs.) May 1900-1901
Mary D., Dec. 1903 - July 1905.
Bell W., Nov. 1906 - July 1908
Ruth L., Aug. 1921 - Dec. 1921
Infant - Dec. 1905
58. Gray, Alice L., 6 Mar. 1911 - 12 July 1984, Spgfld, Mo. hospital - dau./A. L. & Lucy Blalock w./Glen H., Mtn. Home - mother - info./Harrison Times Holt F. H.
59. Gray, Charles F., father, 9 Feb. 1902 Harrison - 28 Nov. 1980 Coos Bay - Ore. son/Thos. & Ola hus./RuDy info./Harrison Times Holt F. H.
60. Gray, G. Frank, Nov. 1845 - Dec. 1929
Elizabeth A., Dec. 1848 - July 1938
61. Gray, Glen H., 24 Apr. 1909 Harrison - 25 Mar. 1985, Calif. - father USAF son/Thomas J. & Ola wf./dec'd (see Alice L.). - info./Harrison Times Holt F. H.
62. Gray, Thomas J., -- Oct. 1872 - 3 Sept. 1964
Ola V., Nov. 1877 - Aug. 1923
63. Green, Barney E., 22 Nov. 1866 - 27 July 1937 (next to Frances)~
64. Green, Frances, 11 Dec. 1870 - 30 July 1943 (next to Barney E.)
65. Griffin, Balger G., -- May 1972 (died) (Ch. F.H. only) (next to Max) - hus./Hazel 1/1980 Cross Roads Cer.
66. Griffin, Hazel Cash, mother, 8 Mar. 1907, St. Joe -16 Aug 1982 Moody, Mo. - dau./Lunce & Rosa Russell Cash wf./Balger dec'd info./Harrison - Times Chris. F. H.
67. Griffin, Max, 1933 - 1979 (next to B-- G.) (Robertson-Drago F.H.Mkr only)1/1980
68. Griffin, Michael Dean, 28 Nov. 1960 - 4 Apr. 1963
69. Harrison (one mkr.)
James Robert, 5 Aug. 1931 - 4 Sept. 1959 (son).
Era Gene, 7 Aug. 1894 - 16 Sept. 1988* dau./James H. & Nettie M. - Stubblefield Richesin*
Robert Lee, 25 June 1894 - 18 Apr. 1956 *info./Harrison Times Ch. F.H.
70. Hastings, Elizabeth J., 6 Feb. 1835 - 24 Feb. 1927 wife/James
71. Hastings, Florence Woodmore, 20 Jan. 1867 - 23 Dec. 1930
72. Hastings, James T., 8 June 1836 - 31 May 1885
73. Hastings, Marion N D (on fieldstone next to Wm. H. and Thos. T.
74. Hastings, Myrtle Emily, 15 Apr. 1869 - 2 Nov. 1960
75. Hastings, Parzettie C., 19 Sept. 1894 - 5 Oct. 1895 dau./Charles & Dona
76. Hastings, Thomas I., 20 Dec. 1858 - 1 Apr. 1917 (& ft. mkr.).
77. Hastings, William H., 4 Aug. 1844 - 12 Mar. 1892
78. Hastings, William M., 9 Jan. 1869 - 9 Feb. 1928
79. Hastings, William Roey, 17 Mar. 1903 - 28 July 1905 (also - son/Wm. & E. M.
80. ?Haston, Marion N D (on fieldstone) next to Wm. H. Hastings 1/1980.
81. Heuer, James Ray, 26 Nov. 1972 - 9 Dec. 1972
82. Hiett, Gladys, 7 Apr. 1911 - 16 Mar. 1945
83. Hiett, Johnny Lee, 23 Feb. 1942 - 22 Mar. 1942
84. Holland, Marie Gray, 22 July 1911 - 6 Feb. 1955
85. Howard, G. W., 14 Aug. 1860 - 26 Mar. 1900
86. Howard, Lenzal,father,b.N.Car.4 Jan. 1834 - 17 Oct.1867,33y.lOm.13d. (ft.mkr)
87. James, William A., 12 July 1893 -
Bessie L., 13 Sept. 1892 - 9 May 1975 married 2/14/1912
88. Jenkins, Dan, 22 Dec. 1856 - 11 Jan. 1941
89. Jenkins, Gus, 18 Sept. 1887 - 5 Mar. 1963
90. Jenkins, Jane, 9 Mar. 1859 - 31 Jan. 1939
91. Jenkins, Lula, 14 Mar. 1876 - 19 Mar. 1938 (Jenkins F H Mkr."1937"?)
92. Jones, Emma, 5 Feb. 1861 - 3 June 1936
93. Jones, Louisa J., 6 Sept. 1827 - 8 Oct. 1867 w/Wm.
94. Jones, William, 5 May 1801 - 22 Jan. 1867
95. Jones, Zellar, 16 July 1887 - 5 Jan. 1907 w/D. W.
96. Keeter, Ellie, 16 Aug. 1890 - 24 Jan. 1972
97. Kelley, Laura Mary, mother, 25 Mar. 1904 Newton Co. - 20 Sept. 19 - dau./Albert & Ellen Smith info./Harrison Times Holt F. H..
98. N. A. L. 1881 1/1980 on fieldstone
99. J. S. L. 1881 1/1980 on fieldstone
100. Landureth, William E. "Doc" 13 Apr. 1933 Colo. - 6 Feb. 1989, - Rogers son/Wm. B. & Ruth A. (Bigler) K.War husband/Bonnie J. father - obit/Harrison Times C. Laugh F.H.
101. Lemarr, Grover Leonard, father, 23 April 1923 (at Cowell) - 6 May 1980 - (Pelsor) son/Jno. W. & Nancy info./Harrison Times
102. McCall, Joe, 21 July 1912 - 25 Oct. 1962 Ark. Cpl. 509 Composit. Group AAF - WW2 (military marker)
103. McCormick, Rhoda, 14 Nov. 187S - 13 Nov. 1896 wife/B. F.
104. Martin, D. L. (Dick) (b.Ky.) 1 Apr. 1864 - 9 May 1942
Mackie nee Gaither 21 Nov. 1874 - 7 Aug. 1935
105. Martin, infant b & d 19 Feb. 1909 son/D. L. and M. L.
106. Martin, Jessie, 1848 - 1898
107. Martin, N. B., 24 Sept. 1855 - 25 Jan. 1940 (bro./D. L.)
108. Odgen, Willard Clarence, 3 May 1915 at Deer, AR - 26 Jan. 1980 at Nail, AR - 64 y. son/Ples & Ethel (Wilson) husband/Lenna (Harrison) - info./Harrison Times Holt F. H.
109. Parker, Don Paul A., d.12 Mar.1909,lm. 6d. (also & Etta
110. Parker, George N., 7 Oct. 1880 - 29 Apr. 1929.
lll. Parker, L. Floyd, 22 Mar. 1885 - 18 Nov. 1961.
Etta L. (Beene), 17 Feb. 1886 - 24 Dec. 1971
112. Powers, James L., 12 Nov. 1890 - 27 Dec. 1976
Nola, 3 July 1892 -
113. Raulston, Clide L. & Claudie D. Clide - 1896
Claudie - 1897
114. Raulston, Dewey L., 1899 - 1904 (D. L. R. on fieldstone next this mkr.) - (could be old mkr.?)
115. Raulston, John S., 1858 - 1904
Sarah C., 1865 - 1900.
116. Reece, C. E., 14 Mar. 1863 - 2 July 1907.wife/Rev. E. L.
117. Reish, W. E., 26 Apr. 1856 - 4 Dec. 1924
118. Richesin, Bras F., 6 Sept. 1890 - 25 Feb. 1924
Ertie (Eoff) wife, 27 Jan. 1889 - 31 Mar. 1951
119. C. W. R. (Richesin?) N D on fieldstone next to Bras Richesin 1/1980
120. Richesin, J. H. (James Harvey), 7 Sept. 1858, nr. Ash Grove, - Greene Co., Mo. - 30 Mar. 1927, nr. Bellefonte, AR m. 2/7/1889 - son/Thos. H.
Nettie M. (Stubblefield) wife, 1 May 1869 - 6 Sept. 1914 some - info./Harrison Times micro. father & mother in Bellefonte -see obit - on micro.4/4/1927
121. Richesin, Maud, 14 Dec. 1880 - 28 Sept. 1884 dau./Jessie R. & Cald. - Byrom plot
122. Roberts, A. J., 26 Apr. 1823 - 5 Feb. 1894 (b. Searcy Co.,N.C.) married - twice N.A.Baptist book (hus./P. A.)
123. Roberts, John Elbert, 24 Feb. 1887 - 13 Aug. 1888
124. Roberts, L. P., 20 Nov. 1901 - 12 June 1903 - "babe of Mrs. (?) & Al" "gone to God my loved one ever to rain" - scratched on fieldstone 1/1980
125. Roberts, Napolen, 15 June 1884 - 2 June 1887.
126. Roberts, P* (hebe). A., 6 Sept. 1827 - 9 Dec. 1892 wife/A. J. (* added by - relative)
127. Roberts, S. D., 13 Sept. 1848 - 12 Oct. 1902
128. Roberts, infant N D dau./S.D. & S.J.
129. Roulston, Edward E.,6 Jan. 1862 - 23 Mar.1885 (also ft.mkr. EER)
130. Roulston, Mary, 11 Nov.1815 - 6 July 1893 77y.7m.24d
131. Roulston, Matthew H., 22 May 1808 - 6 Oct.1876
132. Rutledge, 13 Jan. 1907 - 16 Jan. 1907 inf.son/J. M. & T. C. (concrete - mkr.) 1/1980
133. Savage, Julia A., 15 Sept. 1871 - 13 Mar. 1895 wife/J. A..
134. Scarlett, Doyle (James), b.Searcy Co. 25 July 1907 - 13 Aug. 1979 - *son/Nathan & Hettie (McLung)
Ruby, 1 Aug. 1912 - 28 Oct. 1973 (Also Holt F.H.) *info/Harrison Times
135. Simpson, Bessie, 28 Sept. 1898 - 23 Dec. 1936
136. Smith, Amy Beth, 5 Nov. 1979 d.20 Dec. 1979, 6 wks.dau./Louis Wayne & - Shirley (Standridge) info./Harrison Times.
137. Stephenson, Nina E., 29 Aug. 1880 - 30 Dec. 1918 Byrom plot
138. Stipe, Malinda, 22 Mar. 1819 - 23 Mar. 1883
139. Stubblefield, Dean, 9 Dec. 1909 - 5 Apr. 1912 son/L. C. & T.
140. N. W. T. N D (on fieldstone) 1/1980
141. Tucker, Frances, 23 Oct. 1874 - 23 July 1922
142. Tucker, John, 11 May 1868 - 1 Feb. 1911
143. M. T. (Tucker?) N D fieldstone next to John and Frances Tucker 1/1980
144. 0. T. (Tucker?) N D fieldstone - next to Frances Tucker 1/1980
145. Tucker, W. W., father, 14 Feb. 1848 - 15 Feb. 1901
Louisa, 27 Aug. 1850, mother 28 July 1942.
146. Turney, Julia A., Mason, b. in Alabama, 3 Nov. 1836 - 7 Oct. 1877 \ - wife/W. J. (slab stone crypt-headmkr.) ft. mkr. J. A. T.
147. Upton, Josephine, d. 10 June 1890 - 21y. 5m. 28d. wife/Dr. A. F.
148. Vanderpool, Harold, 22 May 1951 - 6 Feb. 1979 son/Jas. Francis & Velma - Bernice (Holt) husband/Carrie Jean info./Harrison Times Holt F.H.
149. Wagner, infant of J. L., b & d 18 Jan. 1891.
150. Whitaker (infant) E. T., 1 Sept. 1894 - 4 June 1896 son/E. G. & A. B.
151. Williams, Tom (Wm. Thos.)*, 4 Nov. 1881 - 12 Sept. 1958 hus./Vesta - *son/Joseph T. & Louisa *info./relative
152. Williams, Vesta, 30 July 1892 - 7 May 1930, 37 yrs. (3)* wife/W. Tom - *dau./Mollie Tucker *dau./Jno. & Mary Maynard Tucker *info./Harrison - Times and relative.
153. Woody, Bertha, 16 Dec. 1896, Webster Co., Mo. - 8 Oct. 1982 dau./Frank & - Catherine Beal Davis wf./Lester of Harrison info./Harrison Times - Chris. F.H.
154. Woodmore, Dr. T. Q., 16 Jan. 1837 - 23 Oct. 1925
Sallie, 30 Aug. 1839 - 10 Jan. 1909
155. Younes, Charles, 18 Oct. 1896 - 7 Sept. l970
156. Younes, Ethel Gray, 10 Feb. 1895 - 12 Dec. 1935
157. Younes, Thomas Franklin, 29 Aug. 1923 - 29 Nov. 1944
158. Davidson, Erbie 30 Nov. 1912 - 9 April 1999