Cox Family Cemetery
Harrison, ArkansasLon/Lat 36.30480 -93.14600
From Harrison, go north on Wolf Springs Road about 2.1 miles and and turn right (east) onto Kiowa, almost to end of road.
Thanks to Ray Smith for this information.
1. Cox, C. - n.d. (fieldstone) next to W. 4/1980
2. Cox, Cora - "at rest" n. d. (fieldstone)
3. Cox, G. W. - b. Aug. 10, 1869? d. Nov. 8, 1869? (fieldstone)
4. Cox, J. H. - d. 18 Aug. 1888 (fieldstone) 4/1980
5. Cox, Leta "at rest" n.d. (fieldstone)
6. Cox, W. n.d. (fieldstone) next to C. NW Ark. Bap. Assn. book p.542
Walter d. 1/19/1909, age 82 - Orion Church 4/1980
7. Kindall, Garvin - 9 June 1904 - 10 July 1905 son/ w. L. & M. L. "G J" on ft. mkr. (only cut stone mkr. in cemetery) 4/8/1980
8. Kindall, W. S. - 24 April - 23 Nov. 1887 (cut fieldstone)
9. Pirtle, C. "gone home" n.d. (fieldstone) (is this Christina, d. 11/11/1895?, 1st wf/Wm. Crawford - N. Car. 2nd wf/Jesse Pirtle) info/B. LaDoux, Ore. 4/1980
10. Stroud, R. S. (Robert Stanton)* n.d. (fieldstone) *b. 1829, N.C. - d Feb. 1897, Berryville, Ark. info. in "Asbury-Stroud-Gass-Mole Families"
11. Cox, Pvt. Walton - Co. b 65 GA Inf. CSA - 1826 - 1909
12. Cox, Caroline Kendall - 1825 - 1911