Books about Boone County
Books and other resources for sale at the Museum.[Contact the Society for current prices and availability.]
Boone County Historical and R. R. Society
124 South Cherry St
P.O. Box 1094
Harrison, AR 72601
Phone 870-741-3312
- Boone County and Its People By Ralph Rea - (photo copy)
- Boone County Historian - all issues
- Cattle on a Thousand Hills (a history of the cattle industry in Arkansas) by C. J. Brown
- The Eureka Springs Railway, by Edwin R. Tolle
- A Fowler Family, by Mabel Gaye Phillips & Waldo E. Fowler
- The Ghost of Gobblers Knob and Other Tales of the Hill Country, by Viola Hartman
- Harrison Daily Times-Sesquicentennial Edition (168 pages. 150 year history)
- Index to Historian and Oak Leaves
- Mountain Heritage, by Roger V. Logan, Jr -- (Photo Copy)
- M & NA Railroad Strike, compiled by Rev. Walter F. Bradley--(photo copy)
- Oak Leaves, a publication of the M & NA -- all issues
- One Hundred Years, 1873 - 1973, a history of the Methodist Church
- Pages from the Younger Journal, by Dreat Younger
- Memoirs of Captain J. M. Bailey Edited by J. Troy Massey
- History of Boone County, Arkansas with a narrative by Roger V. Logan,Jr. and over 800 family biographies, business, organizations, etc.
- Confederates Buried in Boone, Baxter, Carroll, Newton and Searcy Counties, Arkansas Compiled by J. T. Massey
- Harrison Colony's Edible Heirlooms, DAR Cook Book
- There's a Story in Every Mile of Railroad Track, by Dreat Younger
- Under the Greenhaw Tree, by Clyde Newman
- Way Back When, by James Carl Hefley
- The Ozark Mountaineer (magazine) June 1994 (special edition on trains of the Ozarks)
- Ozarks Watch (magazine) Vol. VIII, No. 4 (special issue on Buffalo River Country)
- Steamboats and Ferries on the White River, by Duane Huddleston, Sammie Cantrell Rose, and Pat Taylor Wood Soft-bind.
- Not in the Wind, by Oliver Raney
- A Strange Road, Fiction by Leland Webster Starkey
- Arkansas Postcard History, Carrol & Boone, by Ray & Diane Henley
- M & NA Train Video (1949).