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Boone County, ARGenWeb
genealogy & history

Boone County's Genealogy Central

Thank you for visiting ARGenWeb's Boone County, Gina Heffernan is the Temporary County Coordinator. This site is a proud member of ARGenWeb and USGenWeb® and contains a good deal of information, especially tombstone transcriptions and marriage records. We hope you enjoy your visit. The search engine includes pages from the Tombstone Photo Project as well as the Archives, making it easy to search all the USGenWeb® pages for Boone County in one place.

The Harrison Times Available

from Katherine Adkins
  I am the Project Director for the Arkansas Digital Newspaper Project. I lead a team at the Arkansas State Archives to digitize historic Arkansas newspapers as part of the National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP). NDNP is a partnership between the Library of Congress and the National Endowment for the Humanities.
  All the newspapers we digitize as part of this project are freely available on Chronicling America ( I am reaching out to genealogical and historical societies across the state to make sure they are aware of this valuable resource. For your county, Boone, so far we have digitized the The Harrison Times. You can see the issues we have digitized at
  We recently gave a talk at the CALS Legacies & Lunch where we talked about our project. See the full video presentation here:
  You can learn more about our project on our webpage ( You can also download promotional materials to hand out to your members. We have created research guides and topic guides that can be downloaded as well.
  If you or members of your group are interested in learning more about our project or would be interested in a presentation, please let us know. Follow us on social media to stay informed about project updates (Facebook - @ArkansasStateArchives, Twitter - @ArArkives, Instagram - arkansas_state_archives). We look forward to hearing about how you are using Chronicling America for your research!



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We need volunteers!

If you have information that can be posted to this site or if you would like to learn to transcribe records, please drop me a note. We accept any historical or genealogical information pertaining to Boone County.

Original content and design Copyright © 2025 ARGenWeb
and coordinated by Gina Heffernan.
This page was last updated on 02 February 2025.