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Benton County, Arkansas

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Gravett News - 9/28/1895
Edwards, Mitchell - Died Friday, 20 Sept 1895, Mitchell Edwards at the age of 77 years. Mr Edwards had been sick about two months prior to his death. He came to Benton Co sixty years ago from Bedford County, Tennessee and made his home in this vicinity since that time. The deceased leaves a wife and one son to mourn his untimely death, who have the sympathy of a host of friends in their bereavement. The funeral services were held Saturday and conducted by***Rev Wm Edwards*** of Dickson after which the remains were followed to their final resting place in Bethel cemetery by a large concourse of sorrowing friends.


Benton Co Democrat - 10/27/1895
from Pond
In our last paper we forgot to say that Uncle Mitch Edwards is dead. He died Sept 20th and was buried at Bethel cemetery near which he had lived for many years. He was among the first settlers of the county. This writer had known him for almost 36 years and has never heard his honor or truthfulness impeached. He died, it is said in the faith and hope of the Christian.


Gravette News Herald 3-17-1911

EDWARDS, Narcissa Jane Cromwell - Aunt Jane Edwards, who had been in poor health, rather than from age & infirmities, at the home of her stepson, John B. Edwards, southeast of town, died Monday night, March 11, 1911, age 78 years, 2 months and 2 days. The funeral was conducted by Rev E. Taylor and burial took place at Bethel. Miss Narcissa Jane Cromwell was born in east Tennesee on 11 June 1833, the youngest of eight children, and moved to Arkansas January 1, 1851 and was married to Mitchel Edwards on February 14, 1875. She was converted in her 14th year and joined the Baptist Church and lived a consistent christian life.


Obit book of History of Benton Co
Benton Co Record & Democrat - Sunday - 28 Feb 1929
Edwards, John B - The country side was shocked to learn of the sudden death of John B Edwards which occurred early Wednesday morning while at work. Mr Edwards, who with Sam Russell, was cutting wood on the Chamberlain place south of town when he was struck with a stroke of apolexy and passed away before a physician arrived. John B Edwards had been a resident of this vicinity for over sixty years having been born here on the old Edwards homestead east of town in 1869 and was reared in this locality. Practically all of his entire life was spent in farming and fruit raising. He sold his farm east of town some years ago and bought a small place in the southeast part of town where he has resided with his family for the past ten years. He leaves to mourn his departure his widow, three sons, and four daughters, three of whom were at home when he passed away. Funeral services were conducted from the home Wednesday afternoon by the Rev T J Justice and burial was made in the IOOF cemetery following the services. His passing was indeed a shock to the entire community and his many friends unite in offering condolences to the bereaved ones.


I am particularly interested in locating children descendants of John Bryan Edwards and his wife , Safronia A Cash (dtr of Haywood Cash)
4 May
Arkansas > Benton > Wallace twp > District 33
Series: T624 -- Roll: 44 - Part: 2 - Page: 188A
line entry #
Edwards, John B - head - 44 - md1 - 15yrs- b AR - fb TN - mb - TN ??? - farmer
wife - Fronia A - 35 - md1 - 15 years - 7 chd born- 6 lvg- b AR -
son - Roy M? - 14 - b AR
son - Claud H - 12 - b AR
son - Don D - 10 - b AR
dtr - Marie - 8 - b AR - md Ralph Brown
dtr - Lourett - 6 - b AR
dtr - Josephine E - 4 - b AR
dtr - Lena - 11/12 - b AR

Contributed by Pam Long
Sacramento CA

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