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Obituary of Bettie (Robbins) BURNS
Bettie Robbins BURNS Mrs. Bettie Burns died at the home of her son J. A. burns April 29, 1921. She had been failing in health for several years. Her condition became serious two weeks ago when she was stricken with paralysis. All that loving hands and medical aid could do was rendered her, but of no avail.

Berttie [sic] Robins was born in Vinton Co., Ohio Jan. 12, 1846. At the age of 12 years she moved with her parents to Decatur Co., Iowa where she grew to woman-hood. She became the wife of John D. Burns Dec 3 1871. To this union six children were born J. A., James E., and Henniretta J. Burns, Florence J. Barger, Willard W. and John D. Burns, all living. She is also survived by eight grand-children and one brother of Antlers, Oklahoma.

Her husband preceeded her to eternal rest, on Jan. 22, 1912. She and her companion had for 30 years been members of the M. E. Church of Benton, Iowa. With her companion she moved from Decatur to Ringold County, Iowa, where a home was gained and a family reared. They later moved to Bates Co., Missouri where another home was made. From there they moved to Bailey County Texas. The poor health of her companion drew them to Siloam Springs, Ark. where he departed from her. She has of late made her home with her daughter living in Texas until she made this her final visit with her son and family. The body was taken Saturday evening to Siloam Spring, Arkansas where it was laid to rest in the Oak Hill cemetery, beside that of her husband and companion.

Contributed by Beverly

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